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Asian Art Museum in San Francisco: Japanese Art History
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Lecturer: Mary Ann Milford, Lewis Lancaster

College introduction: The Asian Art Museum in San Francisco was built in 1966. It is a museum that mainly collects Asian cultural relics, especially Chinese cultural relics. There are more than 15000 pieces of art treasures from Asian countries and regions such as China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and so on. As the key collection, there are more than 2000 pieces of Chinese porcelain, more than 1200 pieces of jade, and more than 800 pieces of bronze. The collection of Chinese cultural relics began in the Neolithic Age and ended in the Qing Dynasty. It is the world's richest museum for collecting Chinese jade. In general, this is a museum that mainly collects Asian cultural relics, especially Chinese cultural relics, and has the largest collection of Asian art in the United States.

Course introduction: From the autumn of 1999 to the spring of 2000, Mary Ann Milford, professor of art history of East Asian Studies Department of Mills College in the United States, and Lewis Lancaster, a Buddhist expert at the University of California, Berkeley, gave a series of lectures on "Japanese art history" at the Jinshan Asian Art Museum, introducing the artistic characteristics and achievements of Japan from prehistory to modern times through a large number of precious pictures.

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Course list
【 Episode 11 】 The Formation of National Style (I) translate
【 Episode 13 】 Paintings during the reign of Baoyuan and Pingzhi. Part I translate
【 Episode 14 】 Paintings during the reign of Baoyuan and Pingzhi. Part II translate
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