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Lecture of Metropolitan Museum of Art: Art and Love in Italian Renaissance
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Lecturer: Linda Wolk Simon

College introduction: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, built in 1880, is the largest art museum in the United States. There are five exhibition halls: European painting, American painting, primitive art, medieval painting and Egyptian antiques.

Course introduction: This exhibition explores various special works created during the Italian Renaissance to celebrate the beauty of love and marriage. About 150 works from 1400 AD to the middle of the 16th century were exhibited, ranging from exquisite pottery and jewelry received by newlyweds to portraits and portraits of couples to celebrate the love and fertility of the senses, such as the Venetian painter Lorenzo Lotto's famous painting "Venus and Cupid" in the museum. The exhibition also includes some of the most important Renaissance works, such as glassware trays, cassoney long boxes, birth trays, and paintings and prints on love.

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