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Annie Spratt
Hobbyist photographer from England, sharing my digital, film + vintage slide scans. Shooting a roll of film every day in 2024. See my collections for film stock examples 🎞️ anniespratt.com ✌️
 a field full of yellow flowers next to the ocean
 a life preserver on a wooden post near the ocean
 a dirt road surrounded by trees and bushes
 a view of a body of water from a beach
 a field of grass with a body of water in the distance
 a man standing on top of a sandy beach next to the ocean
 a view of the ocean from a grassy area
 a field of yellow flowers next to a body of water
 a body of water filled with lots of boats
 a field of yellow flowers with a blue sky in the background
 a wooden fence in a field of flowers
 a view of a field with trees and hills in the distance
 a cow standing in a field next to a fence
 a view of a body of water from a beach
 a bunch of rocks on a beach with boats in the water
 a red fire hydrant sitting on top of a lush green field
 a view of a field with mountains in the distance
 a couple of boats are out on the water
 a view of the ocean from a grassy area
 an elephant standing on top of a grass covered field
 a field full of yellow flowers next to the ocean
 a dirt road surrounded by trees and bushes
 a field of grass with a body of water in the distance
 a view of the ocean from a grassy area
 a body of water filled with lots of boats
 a field of yellow flowers with a blue sky in the background
 a view of a field with trees and hills in the distance
 a cow standing in a field next to a fence
 a red fire hydrant sitting on top of a lush green field
 an elephant standing on top of a grass covered field
 a life preserver on a wooden post near the ocean
 a view of a body of water from a beach
 a man standing on top of a sandy beach next to the ocean
 a field of yellow flowers next to a body of water
 a wooden fence in a field of flowers
 a view of a body of water from a beach
 a bunch of rocks on a beach with boats in the water
 a view of a field with mountains in the distance
 a couple of boats are out on the water
 a view of the ocean from a grassy area
 a field full of yellow flowers next to the ocean
 a view of a body of water from a beach
 a view of the ocean from a grassy area
 a field of yellow flowers next to a body of water
 a cow standing in a field next to a fence
 a couple of boats are out on the water
 an elephant standing on top of a grass covered field
 a life preserver on a wooden post near the ocean
 a man standing on top of a sandy beach next to the ocean
 a body of water filled with lots of boats
 a view of a field with trees and hills in the distance
 a view of a body of water from a beach
 a bunch of rocks on a beach with boats in the water
 a view of a field with mountains in the distance
 a view of the ocean from a grassy area
 a dirt road surrounded by trees and bushes
 a field of grass with a body of water in the distance
 a field of yellow flowers with a blue sky in the background
 a wooden fence in a field of flowers
 a red fire hydrant sitting on top of a lush green field
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