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"Wenbia" attacks Hainan, Guangdong
"Wenbia" will become the second typhoon to land in China this year. Compared with the same period of the year, there are more typhoons landing in China at present.

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"Wenbia" landed in Zhanjiang and suffered from urban facilities
The strong tropical storm "Wenbia" landed in Zhanjiang in the early morning of the 2nd, with heavy rain and wind, and some urban facilities were damaged.
  • The whole line of Qiongzhou Strait was suspended from "Wenbia"
  • Tropical Storm "Wenbia" Closes to China
  • Typhoon animation Full screen display

     Early warning publicity products

    Typhoon defense

    Residents' typhoon prevention: what to do when typhoon comes

    Understand the key points of preparation before typhoon and personal risk avoidance measures after typhoon to protect people's lives and property.


    Typhoon prevention at sea: how to avoid navigation when encountering typhoon

    When a ship sailing at sea encounters a typhoon, in order to avoid being involved in the typhoon center or the storm area around the center, the method of avoiding navigation is generally adopted.


    How to prevent typhoon before and after encountering typhoon

    When a fishing vessel is in distress, it shall immediately send out a distress signal and take all effective measures to organize self rescue.


    Agricultural Remedial Measures after Typhoon Transit

    After the typhoon news is released, we should make early preparations and take timely defensive measures for places that may suffer from typhoon attacks and floods.


    Typhoon naming

      The 6th tropical storm "Umbia", whose English name is RUMBIA, originates from Malaysia and means palm tree. More>>

    popular science knowledge more

    • Nomenclature of tropical cyclones in the northwest Pacific and South China Sea
    • The naming table of tropical cyclones was discussed and adopted by the Typhoon Committee of the World Meteorological Organization at its 31st session.

    • Classification of tropical cyclones
    • According to the maximum wind speed on the ground near the center, it is divided into six levels, the highest level is super typhoon, and the wind force is above 16.
    • benefit
    • Everything has duality. Typhoon brings disasters to mankind, but if there is no typhoon, mankind will suffer even more.
    • Folk prediction
    • With thousands of years of experience in dealing with "God", our working people have accumulated some experience in forecasting typhoons, which can be used as a supplement to the typhoon forecast of the meteorological observatory.
    • typhoon eye
    • There is no wind within tens of kilometers of the typhoon center, and because of the phenomenon of air sinking and warming, the clouds dissipate and the rain dissipates, becoming the eye of the typhoon.
    • El Nino and La Nina
    • There is a vast cold water ocean in the eastern equatorial Pacific, where the cold water ocean is warming up, which is called "El Nino"; When the water surface temperature is lower than normal, and the water temperature in the west is higher than normal, "La Nina" is formed.
    • Typhoons removed from the list in history
    • When a typhoon commits a heinous crime, the members concerned can apply for a change of name, thus nailing the devil to the shame frame of disaster history forever.

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