China Weather Typhoon Network

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Typhoon defense

Residents' typhoon prevention: what to do when typhoon comes

Understand the key points of preparation before typhoon and personal risk avoidance measures after typhoon to protect people's lives and property.


Typhoon prevention at sea: how to avoid navigation when encountering typhoon

When a ship sailing at sea encounters a typhoon, in order to avoid being involved in the typhoon center or the storm area around the center, the method of avoiding navigation is generally adopted.


How to prevent typhoon before and after encountering typhoon

When a fishing vessel is in distress, it shall immediately send out a distress signal and take all effective measures to organize self rescue.


Agricultural Remedial Measures after Typhoon Transit

After the typhoon news is released, we should make early preparations and take timely defensive measures for places that may suffer from typhoon attacks and floods.


Zero distance of typhoon

 Sleepless nights before super typhoon landing
Sleepless nights before super typhoon landing

At the last moment before the landing of super typhoon "Lichma", the meteorologist stood ready to do a good job in analysis, research and prediction services.