
    What is the right size for a TV?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun

    In theory, large-scale TV can really bring us a more shocking visual experience. But not all families are suitable for putting large TVs. Faced with many size choices on the market, have you ever felt confused and wondered how to make decisions?

    The space of modern families varies from 40 square meters to 400 square meters. The location of TV is no longer limited to the living room, but in China, the living room is still the first choice for most families. The width of the living room ranges from 1.5 meters to 8 meters for luxury villas. Therefore, when choosing a TV, we need to consider the distance from the TV to the human eye.

    Although small size TVs are gradually decreasing in the market, there are still some demands of small space users. The best viewing distance for a 40 inch TV is about 1 meter. Even though these TVs are small in size, most of them have a resolution of 1080P, and they are still clear when viewed at close range.

     What is the right size for a TV?

    Many people are worried about hurting their eyes when they buy large size televisions. But in fact, what really hurts is the blue light emission, too close viewing distance and blurred image quality. Therefore, we should consider other factors in addition to the size when choosing a TV.

    Regardless of size, each TV has an optimal viewing distance. If the TV size is too large and the viewing distance is too close, the picture may be distorted, and even the eyes may be hurt. Therefore, it is very important to choose the appropriate TV size.

    Here is a simple formula to help you calculate the best TV size:

    Maximum TV size (inches)=viewing distance (cm) ÷ 3.736
    Minimum TV size (inches)=viewing distance (cm) ÷ 6.227

    How is this set of formulas derived?

    First, the size of a TV refers to the length of the diagonal of the screen, usually in inches. At present, most LCD TV The aspect ratio of is 16:9. According to this ratio and Pythagorean theorem, we can get the length of the diagonal.

    In the industry, it is generally believed that the best viewing distance is about twice the screen width. In this way, when the distance is 3 times the width of the screen, the sense of presence is the best; If the distance is less than the screen width, you may feel tired when watching; When the distance is more than 5 times, the shock force will be weakened.

    Assume that the minimum size is A inch, the maximum size is B inch, and the viewing distance is L cm. Based on this information, we can establish the following equation:


    By solving these two equations, we can get:

    A = L ÷ 6.226
    B = L ÷ 3.736

    Taking the mainstream family living room sofa as an example, according to the above formula, the optimal size range of TV is 48-85 inches. This range is based on the best distance for the human eye to view the screen, and 75 inches is the largest size currently sold, because it is suitable for most mainstream living rooms.

    Therefore, before purchasing a TV, first consider the placement position of the TV, and then select the most suitable size in combination with the space size of the house.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: What is the right size for a TV? true report one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine In theory, large-scale TV can really bring us a more shocking visual experience. But not all families are suitable for putting large TVs. Faced with many size choices on the market, have you ever felt confused and wondered how to make decisions? The space of modern families varies from 40 square meters to 400 square meters. The location of TV is no longer limited to the living room, but in China
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