
    The more you use the TV, the more stuck the solution is coming

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun

    New TVs tend to run smoothly at the initial stage of the system, but after several years of use, their performance gradually declines, which is manifested by slow startup Software Carton even crashed. There are many reasons behind this, including insufficient hardware configuration and memory, network problems, and poor heat dissipation of TV.

    One of the challenges of smart TV is that too much software is installed, which takes up a lot of hardware resources, thus affecting the system performance. In addition, the software will produce and accumulate a large number of system garbage and cache in the use process, which further aggravates the TV's stuck phenomenon.

     The more you use the TV, the more stuck the solution is coming

    In order to alleviate this problem, it is recommended to regularly uninstall software that is not commonly used to free memory resources. At the same time, regularly Clean up system garbage And cache, and even consider restoring the factory settings to ensure the stability and smoothness of the smart TV. When choosing a TV, you should also try to choose a product with high memory to extend its service life.

    Some smart TVs will be upgraded automatically, and the software will be updated constantly, which may accelerate memory consumption and cause a jam. Therefore, it is recommended that users turn off the automatic upgrade function of TV to extend the service life of hardware.

    When the performance of the TV declines and cannot be solved, a cost-effective method is to connect a TV box. TV box can not only solve the problem of "stuck", but also make old TV more intelligent. In theory, the combination of non intelligent TV and intelligent HD set-top box is equivalent to intelligent TV. HD set-top box is like an intelligent module of intelligent TV, only one is built-in and the other is external, with similar effect.

    Although the content of TV boxes is under the management of SARFT, and the number of TV boxes cannot be completely compared with that of the Internet, consumers can still freely choose HD boxes from different operators. At present, there are many Internet TV operators with different characteristics. Many manufacturers of high-definition boxes will also develop unique ecosystems, which can basically realize free viewing of film and television content throughout the network.

    In addition, mobile phone projection to TV is also a way to make TV more intelligent. As long as the TV or set-top box has the image (projection) function, you can project the content on the phone or tablet to the large screen for viewing. In this way, the TV screen becomes a display, and users can choose their favorite content freely. There are two types of projection. One is that the mobile phone and TV images are synchronized, and the TV cannot be displayed after the mobile phone turns off the screen; The other is that mobile phones are only responsible for pushing, and TV is broadcast through the network. These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and users can choose according to their own needs.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The more you use the TV, the more stuck the solution is coming true report one thousand five hundred and twelve Newly acquired TVs tend to run smoothly at the initial stage of the system, but after several years of use, their performance gradually declines, which is manifested by slow startup, software stuttering and even crashes. There are many reasons behind this, including insufficient hardware configuration and memory, network problems, and poor heat dissipation of TV. One of the challenges of smart TV is that too much software is installed, which takes up a lot of hardware resources, and then affects the system
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