
    The Chinese dubbing of "Spy Family Code: White" announced that Karina, the leading actress, confirmed her presence

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     The Chinese dubbing of "Spy Family Code: White" announced that Karina, the leading actress, confirmed her presence

    The premiere ceremony of the film "Spy Family Code: White" will be held on April 15, and Karina, the leading actress, confirmed to attend. The film will be shown in major cinemas in China on April 30, and its premiere will be held in 66 branch venues simultaneously. In addition, the game also launched a wealth of game activities.

    It is worth mentioning that the dubbing lineup of the Chinese version of "Spy Family Code: White" has also been officially announced, including Bian Jiang, Ji Guanlin and Shan Xin. Among them, Bian Jiang is famous for his unique "familiar male Su Gan" voice line. He once acted as the voice of many super hot dramas; Ji Guanlin has voiced Huan Huan and the cute rabbit police officers in the Crazy Animal City, and their voices are soft and beautiful; Shanxin is famous for its cute girl voice in ancient Greece.

    For fans of this film, they can no doubt look forward to the Chinese version of the dubbing lineup. The three announced this time have good reputation and reputation in the industry, and I believe their participation will make the film more exciting.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The Chinese dubbing of "Spy Family Code: White" announced that Karina, the leading actress, confirmed her presence true report five hundred and ninety-four The premiere ceremony of the film "Spy Family Code: White" will be held on April 15, and Karina, the leading actress, confirmed to attend. The film will be shown in major cinemas in China on April 30, and its premiere will be held in 66 branch venues simultaneously. In addition, the game also launched a wealth of game activities. It is worth mentioning that the dubbing lineup of the Chinese version of "Spy Family Code: White" has also been officially announced, including Bian
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