
    [Slow hand without] LG C3 OLED game TV starts at 6989 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xing Lian Ying Sui

    LG C3 OLED game TV is a 42 inch smart TV, which uses advanced OLED display technology to bring clearer and more realistic picture effects. It supports 4K resolution and 120Hz refresh rate, allowing you to enjoy a smoother visual experience when playing games or watching high-definition videos. In addition, this TV is also equipped with a low latency function, so that you can feel less latency and lag in the game.

    Now purchase LG C3 OLED game TV and enjoy a great price reduction! The original price is 6999 yuan, but now it only costs 6989 yuan. If you are a game enthusiast or a friend who likes high-definition video entertainment, this TV is definitely your best choice. Take this opportunity to make LG C3 OLED game TV a part of your family!


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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] LG C3 OLED game TV starts at 6989 yuan true report eight hundred and fifty-two LG C3 OLED game TV is a 42 inch smart TV, which uses advanced OLED display technology to bring clearer and more realistic picture effects. It supports 4K resolution and 120Hz refresh rate, allowing you to enjoy a smoother visual experience when playing games or watching high-definition videos. In addition, this TV is also equipped with a low latency function, so that you can feel less latency and lag in the game. Now
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