
    The traps of buying TV during the Spring Festival

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun

    The Spring Festival holiday has come, I believe you have prepared your pocket money. Many people choose to buy a new smart TV for their families during this period. However, in recent years, there are more and more popular concepts, leading to the rising price of TV. However, the truth is that most of our consumers do not need many of these functions in their daily life. According to the author's years of shopping experience, let's briefly talk about the mistakes and traps in the current TV market. It's not too late to avoid them.

     The traps of buying TV during the Spring Festival

    1. TV is not the thinner the better

    Nowadays, the thinner the TV is, the more high-end the concept of thinner is instilled by many TV manufacturers. But the only thing that is possible about ultra-thin TV is that it looks good. It's not a blade. Is it useful to make it so thin? (This refers to LCD TV , because OLED TV is very thin due to its own characteristics)

     The traps of buying TV during the Spring Festival

    Compared with its advantages, ultra-thin TV has many disadvantages. First, the sound performance is affected, because the sound needs a certain box space to support, and the sound box space directly affects the sound quality, which is why some high-end LCD TVs use a split structure. In addition, the backlight mode is limited. Because of the emphasis on "ultra-thin", many televisions use a more lightweight side entry backlight mode. However, the disadvantages of this backlight are also obvious: light leakage cannot be completely avoided, and the screen brightness is uneven.

    What makes people speechless is that many manufacturers believe that the thickness claimed by them is only XX mm, which is the thinnest place. There must be a big bulge behind the back plate. We'd better go to the store to check the real machine before buying.

    2. "Eight cores" and "Ten cores"=pure IQ tax

    Generally speaking, the chips used in our current TV products can be divided into two parts. One part is the CPU core, which is responsible for data processing and application operation, and the other part is the GPU core, which is mainly responsible for image processing, which is commonly referred to as the graphics processor.

     The traps of buying TV during the Spring Festival

    However, we can often see such words as "eight cores" and "ten cores" in TV publicity on the market now. Don't be fooled by these words. In the eyes of people outside the industry, "eight cores" and "ten cores" refer to the number of CPU cores. In fact, the number of cores here refers to the sum of the number of CPU and GPU cores. Some TVs also add VPU recharge. The final number of cores refers to CPU+GPU+VPU. When we are watching TV, we must clearly understand what the core quantity advertised by the manufacturer means. Don't be confused by the collected data.

    3. HDR does not wait for good picture quality

    In short, HDR is a high dynamic picture quality range enhancement technology. By adjusting the brightness of the screen, it can improve the contrast between the brightest and darkest pictures, making the picture brighter and more layered. At present, all mainstream TVs are equipped with HDR technology, but HDR technology is not as simple as everyone imagined, nor any TV can play the role of HDR. The ability depends on the ability of the manufacturer. As for those low-cost HDR TVs, it is only thankful that they can decode and broadcast without disturbing the picture quality.

     The traps of buying TV during the Spring Festival

    A little knowledge is that high brightness is conducive to HDR showing more details of bright parts, and many originally bright or dark details can also be shown well, so a qualified HDR TV must first have high brightness. When selecting HDR TVs, attention should be paid to the characteristics such as peak brightness and dynamic range. Qualified HDR TVs are those that can meet the standard.

    Conclusion: ① The thinner the TV is, the better it is. ② The more cores it has, the stronger the performance is. ③ Low end TVs should not think about significantly improving the picture quality with HDR technology. Don't blindly listen to the propaganda of merchants. You should have your own opinions. In the final analysis, it is "suitable". There is no best, only the most suitable.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The traps of buying TV during the Spring Festival true report two thousand two hundred and eighty-four The Spring Festival holiday has come, I believe you have prepared your pocket money. Many people choose to buy a new smart TV for their families during this period. However, in recent years, there are more and more popular concepts, leading to the rising price of TV. However, the truth is that most of our consumers do not need many of these functions in their daily life. According to the author's years of shopping experience
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