
    The second rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala will be held today. The four venues have their own customs

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     The second rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala will be held today. The four venues have their own customs

    The second rehearsal of the Dragon Year Gala on CCTV Spring Festival Gala was held today. One of the highlights of this rehearsal was that the four sub venues in Shenyang, Liaoning, Changsha, Hunan, Xi'an, Shaanxi and Kashgar, Xinjiang had the first overall joint practice with the main venue in Beijing. This overall training not only shows the unique stage design and program creation of each branch venue, but also highlights the local customs and new look of the Spring Festival.

    In the process of rehearsal, the main venue and the branch venues are smoothly connected, making the Spring Festival Gala more festive and auspicious. This atmosphere shows the new atmosphere of continuous progress of China in the Year of the Dragon.

    It is worth mentioning that this rehearsal also shows the attention of the production team of the Spring Festival Gala to details. They try to ensure that every link is perfect and integrate the content most expected by the audience into the program. At the same time, they arranged many meaningful elements on the stage to increase the audience's recognition of the program.

    In a word, in the second rehearsal of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala's Dragon Year Gala, each branch venue showed its own characteristics and style, and the whole party was full of warm atmosphere, bringing the audience a sense of expectation. We believe that in this new year full of hope and joy, the Spring Festival Gala will bring more wonderful programs.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The second rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala will be held today. The four venues have their own customs true report seven hundred and eighty-two The second rehearsal of the Dragon Year Gala on CCTV Spring Festival Gala was held today. One of the highlights of this rehearsal was that the four sub venues in Shenyang, Liaoning, Changsha, Hunan, Xi'an, Shaanxi and Kashgar, Xinjiang had the first overall joint practice with the main venue in Beijing. This overall training not only shows the unique stage design and program creation of each branch venue, but also highlights the local customs and new look of the Spring Festival. During rehearsal
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