
    Smart travel creates Nantong rail transit OLED smart special train

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    Line 1 + OLED

    Nantong Rail Transit Line 1 is equipped with six OLED smart special trains, and each train is equipped with one set of OLED smart magic window, a total of 36 sets. It is the first subway line in China to apply on-board OLED smart magic window in batch and conduct commercial operation.

     Smart travel creates Nantong rail transit OLED smart special train

    The OLED smart magic window is independently developed by Hai'an Private Enterprise Iron Anchor Company. It is based on the 5G communication technology with high bandwidth and low delay and the wide color gamut, full HD large size transparent OLED display technology. With the side window glass of rail transit vehicle passenger compartment as the carrier, combined with the vehicle passenger information system, the intelligent human-computer interaction system developed can provide passengers with urban information, surrounding food Business information services such as tourism accommodation, and functions such as 3D intelligent station announcement, route information query, vehicle information query, and intelligent travel services. The car window, which was originally only used as safety glass, will be upgraded to an innovative and integrated smart product with transparency, safety, intelligence and other attributes.

    On site experience

    During the trial ride experience, the staff demonstrated the operation of the OLED smart magic window and explained how to use the OLED smart magic window. Passengers can interact with OLED intelligent magic window through touch screen to experience various intelligent services on site.

     Smart travel creates Nantong rail transit OLED smart special train

    OLED Smart Magic Window, as an important window to display the image of Nantong city, will provide passengers with a more modern, scientific and humanized ride experience, greatly improve citizens' travel happiness and satisfaction, and lead rail transit smart travel.

     Smart travel creates Nantong rail transit OLED smart special train

    In the future, the rail transit company will continue to respond to the call of the municipal party committee and government, further support local enterprises to participate in the innovative development of rail transit, promote the scientific and technological transformation of local enterprises, cultivate a number of key enterprises supporting rail transit, boost the transformation of Nantong rail transit industry chain, and make greater contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of the city. true report one thousand and seventy-eight Line 1+OLED Nantong Rail Transit Line 1 is equipped with six OLED smart special trains, each vehicle is equipped with one set of OLED smart magic window, a total of 36 sets, which is the first subway line in China to apply on-board OLED smart magic window in batch and conduct commercial operation. OLED Smart Magic Window is independently developed by Hai'an Private Enterprise Iron Anchor Company. It is based on 5G communication technology with high bandwidth and low latency, wide color gamut, full HD and large size
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