
    The top 10 most watched stars in 2023 have been announced! The first one is him

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     The top 10 most watched stars in 2023 have been announced! The first one is him

    According to the data of IMDb website, the top 10 stars to be followed in 2023 have been announced. At the top of the list is Pedro Pascal, who plays the role of Joel in the Last Survivor series.

    In this list, we can see many familiar faces. They include actors Mary Elizabeth Winsted, Anna de Amas and Jenna Ortega. At the same time, there are Bella Ramsay, who is famous as a singer, as well as movie stars Margaret Robbie and Rebecca Ferguson.

    In addition, actors Katy Sakhoff, Carla Guccino and Kirian Murphy also made the list. In addition to their outstanding performance, these stars may also have something to do with their social media activities and public image.

    In short, we can see many popular names on the IMDb star list in 2023. These stars not only have excellent performance strength, but also have a wide range of influence in the hearts of the audience. I believe that in the coming year, they will continue to attract our attention with more wonderful performances.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The top 10 most watched stars in 2023 have been announced! The first one is him true report six hundred and ninety-six According to the data of IMDb website, the top 10 stars to be followed in 2023 have been announced. At the top of the list is Pedro Pascal, who plays the role of Joel in the Last Survivor series. In this list, we can see many familiar faces. They include actors Mary Elizabeth Winsted, Anna de Amas and Jenna Ortega. At the same time
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