
    Domestic mobile smart screen market scale exceeds 300000: small increase of friend machine leads the trend

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

    Lotu Technology today released a research report on the mobile smart screen market from January to August 2023, which deeply analyzed the development of the mobile smart screen market and predicted its future market size. According to the definition of Lotu Technology, a mobile smart screen refers to a terminal device with a screen size of 18-32 inches, touch function and intelligent operating system support. Its biggest feature is the unique support design, providing more flexible mobility and adjustable angle. According to the data, from January to August 2023, the cumulative sales volume of the domestic mobile smart screen online monitoring market (excluding content e-commerce such as dithering and fast hand) will reach 66000 units, the sales volume will exceed 280 million yuan, and the average price will be 4242 yuan. E-commerce channel has become the main sales channel of mobile smart screen, accounting for more than 60%. Some transactions also occur in operators and commercial channels. In the mobile smart screen market“ Add friends machine ”Since its launch in March, the product has maintained a high degree of popularity. Since the promotion of e-commerce from May to June, the market began to grow rapidly. In August, the monthly sales volume of online monitoring market reached 22000 units, with a sales volume of 100 million yuan. From May to August, the cumulative online sales of mobile smart screens accounted for 80% of the total sales in the first eight months. At present, TV manufacturers such as LG, Hisense, Changhong and Konka, display manufacturers such as KTC and sculptors, advertising machine manufacturers such as ELC, as well as Internet and emerging Internet of Things companies such as Xiaodu are all laying out in the field of mobile smart screens. Xiaodu "Tiantian Best Friend Machine" accounted for 65% of the cumulative market share of mobile smart screens in the first eight months, and the products of Ellook and Sculptor ranked second and third respectively. With the intensification of market competition, the hardware products of mobile smart screen will be further improved. Various factors, such as 4K ultra HD, panoramic sound, long endurance, rotating PTZ/camera, storage space and interactive experience, will drive the differentiation of various brands and products. In addition, Lotu Technology also pointed out that because the definition of mobile smart screen in the market and consumers' minds is not clear, there are different categories of names, such as "friend machine", "self screen", "free screen", "heart to heart screen" and "mobile screen", but they have not yet left a deep understanding in the minds of users. Therefore, China Electronic Video Industry Association recently launched the standard project of Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Mobile Smart Screen (tentative name).

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Domestic mobile smart screen market scale exceeds 300000: small increase of friend machine leads the trend true report one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven Lotu Technology today released a research report on the mobile smart screen market from January to August 2023, which deeply analyzed the development of the mobile smart screen market and predicted its future market size. According to the definition of Lotu Technology, a mobile smart screen refers to a terminal device with a screen size of 18-32 inches, touch function and intelligent operating system support. Its biggest feature is the adoption of
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