
    High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: field

    LCD TV So far, we are not only satisfied with the resolution and size when shopping. How to improve the subjective experience when watching movies has become the goal of everyone in the context of consumption upgrading. For LCD TV, the image quality is always the core indicator. This article reviews the technologies that can effectively improve the image quality of LCD TV for you. Don't waste money on high-end TV!

    Partition independent light control: realize fine image adjustment

    We often see similar words on e-commerce pages, and many consumers are confused by various concepts of manufacturers. Today, we will explain to you what zoning light control is.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    First of all, we should understand that LCD TV is different from self luminous OLED, and the reason why it can present the picture is mainly the LED lamp beads behind the screen, which is what businesses call "backlight". On the basis of backlight, combined with the cooperation of multi-layer optical transmission film and LCD screen, we can see the image on LCD TV.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    LCD TV imaging principle

    At present, the mainstream backlight mode of LCD TV is divided into two types: straight down backlight and side entry backlight. The former places LED beads evenly at the bottom of the screen, and the latter places LED beads at the four borders of the TV. The two backlight modes have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they will not be expanded too much here. How to realize the fine adjustment of the brightness and brightness of the picture through the independent control of backlight in different partitions is the focus of our discussion today.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    For a simple example, the following picture has both bright scenes and dark details. To perfectly present the picture details, it is necessary to use the partition independent light control technology. By independently controlling the backlight switches of different partitions, the picture is purer and has higher contrast, while reducing color difference and light leakage, bringing a better look.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    In short, Zoning light control is to control the switch of each lamp bead independently , sounds like no difficulty. In theory, in order to achieve more accurate light control effect, we can increase the number of partitions to make the area controlled by each lamp bead smaller. However, in practical application, the most difficult link is not here, but how to accurately judge whether a certain partition should "turn off". In order to achieve more accurate judgment, all major TV brands need to use their best skill: algorithm. The processor is equivalent to the brain of TV, which judges how to allocate lamp beads in each area of a frame through algorithms at all times.

    It is no exaggeration to say that the independent lighting control in different zones has become the standard configuration of high-end TVs, but the actual experience effect varies from brand to brand. The most important thing is the "brain" behind it. Therefore, the product perception of different brands is different. Of course, if conditions permit, it is still necessary to experience the understanding and presentation effect of different brands on zoning light control in the offline market.

    MEMC: It is better to use it with 120Hz high screen

    MEMC, Also known as "motion compensation", it is also the most common term in e-commerce pages and the technology promoted by many manufacturers. However, MEMC is not a black technology. In short, it uses algorithms to predict objects to achieve a smoother picture effect.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    Although the refresh rate of TV has reached 120Hz or even higher today, the frame rate of most digital movie shooting is still 24Hz from the film age to now. As we know, the moving pictures in the video are actually composed of a series of static images, which form dynamic images in the brain based on the principle of human visual persistence. As long as there are more than 24 static images per second, the human eye will see it as a smooth and dynamic picture without jamming, which is also the main basis for the current 24Hz frame rate of film and television series.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    However, when 24Hz movies are played on mainstream 60Hz or 120Hz screens, various unexpected situations will occur. The refresh rate of the screen means that it can present the number of static images per second. A 60Hz screen can present 60 static images per second. However, the digital movie we see can only output 24 images per second. Forcibly raising it to 60Hz will cause problems such as image dragging and tearing.

     High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them

    The emergence of MEMC technology is precisely to solve this problem. Through strong computing power and algorithm support, it can estimate the motion track of objects in high-speed moving pictures. Generally, it will insert repeated frames or black frames to compensate for the pictures not in the source video, so as to achieve a smoother picture effect.

    MEMC motion compensation is also a standard configuration technology for medium and high-end TVs. Nowadays, 4K/120Hz has become the main concept of TV manufacturers. Similarly, MEMC is even more critical on screens with high refresh rates. Without MEMC technology, the actual viewing experience of 120Hz high refresh rate screen will be greatly reduced.

    Write at the end:

    In fact, these two technologies are already standard configurations of medium and high-end TVs, and are also the most basic technologies supporting TV image quality. However, the product performance of different brands is uneven. The reason is still the gap in chip computing power, algorithm and technology accumulation behind it. As consumers, we should first choose the right brand when shopping. The most intuitive embodiment of display technology is the picture quality of TV. After all, technology can't fool people; Secondly, we also need to increase our knowledge reserves and distinguish the exaggerated slogans of businesses, so that we can effectively avoid pitfalls and select truly excellent TV products.

    Of course, if you are too lazy to understand technology, you can also "copy homework" directly. These high-end TVs can really be bought with your eyes closed:

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: High end TV does not have these two technologies. I advise you not to buy them true report three thousand five hundred and thirty-six Since the development of LCD TV, we have not only been satisfied with the resolution and size when shopping. How to improve the subjective experience when watching movies has become the goal of everyone in the context of consumption upgrading. For LCD TV, the image quality is always the core indicator. This article reviews the technologies that can effectively improve the image quality of LCD TV for you. Don't waste money on high-end TV! Partition Unique
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