
    618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: field

    618 Shopping Carnival has begun. I believe you are ready to hold your money. Nowadays, online shopping has saved us a lot of time, but at the same time, it also gives us a feeling of "opening the blind box". Once we don't know enough about the product or the preparatory work is not in place, the surprise of opening the blind box is likely to become a shock This article will summarize for you the key information that needs to be focused on when buying TV online in 618. It is recommended to collect it and avoid trampling on it!

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    1. Image quality technology

    Open the e-commerce page, almost all TV detail pages will advertise various image quality technologies, but to sum up, at present, middle and high-end LCD TV The most widely used image quality processing and improvement technologies on the Internet mainly include motion compensation, zoning light control, wide color gamut, etc., which can greatly improve the image quality level and avoid dragging, jamming, tearing, etc.

    When selecting products on e-commerce platforms, targeted screening can also be carried out according to their own needs. For example, friends who like watching football games need to choose a TV equipped with MEMC motion compensation function, which can minimize the tearing and stuttering of high-speed motion pictures and create a smoother viewing experience.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    If you are a high-definition film and television enthusiast, the image quality technologies such as zone light control and wide color gamut can greatly improve our viewing experience. Zone light control is to achieve independent control of the light beads on the back of the screen through independent light control chips, which can significantly improve the contrast and create a more layered picture performance; The wide gamut technology is to enable TV to display more gamut space, make TV pictures more pure and beautiful, and bring more real pictures.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    In addition to these image quality technologies, high-end TVs will also be equipped with special image quality chips, such as Sony TV's XR cognitive chip Hisense TV's self-developed signal chip directly optimizes video images through independent chips, and its image quality improvement level is far more than Software Algorithm adjustment. At present, there are not many manufacturers that can independently research and develop picture quality chips, and most of them are on high-end models.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    To judge the "grade" of a TV, the picture quality technology is relatively basic and key. Medium and high-end TVs generally carry one or more of the above picture quality improvement technologies, so as to present better pictures for users. When shopping, just focus on these image quality technologies.

    2. Screen and refresh rate

    The 4K 120Hz high refresh rate is a popular concept in recent years. We know that the "moving picture" seen by the human eye is actually formed by high-speed switching of dozens of static pictures, and the so-called refresh rate refers to the number of static pictures that can be presented by the TV per second. In theory, the higher the refresh rate, the more static pictures the TV presents every second, and thus the picture is smoother.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    At present, the mainstream LCD TV refresh rate is still mainly 60Hz, which is enough for ordinary users to provide a smooth and clear picture. Some medium and high-end TV screens can achieve a high refresh rate of native 120Hz. With the motion compensation function, video images less than 120 frames can also be compensated to 120 frames by inserting frames, and the smoothness will be significantly improved.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    At the same time, we should also pay attention to the original 4K 120Hz refresh rate. If the refresh rate is improved by reducing the definition, the appearance will be greatly reduced. We should be alert to the text traps of some manufacturers.

    4K 120Hz TV recommendation:

    3. Memory and storage

    We often see words such as 3+16GB on e-commerce pages, which are the running memory and internal storage space of TV. Among them, 3GB refers to the operating memory of TV, and the operation of smart TV system depends on it. The larger the operating memory, the smoother the TV system experience; 16GB is the internal storage space, which is mainly used to install third-party software. A larger internal storage space means that more applications can be installed on the TV, but it will also bring more pressure to the running memory.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    In terms of purchasing, I recommend you choose models with more than 3GB of running memory and more than 16GB of storage space. The system will not get stuck in later use, and you can also install more third-party applications according to your own needs.

    4. Startup advertisement

    The issue of smart TV startup advertising is also a clich é. Today, most TVs have more or less some advertising, especially low-cost Internet brands. The price of these televisions is often very cheap, and the extra cost will naturally be borne by the users in the later period. After all, the wool comes from the sheep, and the business will not suffer. However, it is now mandatory to give users the option to turn off the power on advertisement with one click, which can be skipped in a few seconds.

     618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered

    If you don't want to start up advertising, many models on the market now also explicitly state that they don't include any type of startup advertising, such as Huawei's smart screen Glory Smart Screen As well as OPPO smart TV, the medium and high-end TV of Sony, Samsung and other imported brands also does not contain any boot advertising.

    TV recommendation without power on advertising:

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 618 Buy TV=Open Blind Box? These key information must be mastered true report three thousand six hundred and thirty-six 618 Shopping Carnival has begun. I believe you are ready to hold your money. Nowadays, online shopping has saved us a lot of time, but at the same time, it also gives us a feeling of "opening the blind box". Once we don't know enough about the product or the preparatory work is not in place, the surprise of opening the blind box is likely to become a shock This article will summarize for you the key information that needs to be focused on when buying TV online in 618
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