
    Huawei Vision Smart Screen 3 goes out with "vision"! AI super sensitive camera is too smart

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Dugang

    A colleague once commented that the TV was equipped with a camera: While you watch TV, TV is watching you. Huawei's smart screen is not the first brand to do this, but the first brand to seriously explore the value of this thing. Later, Huawei's smart screen proposed to "play a TV", AI fitness, family karaoke AI Only when the whole industry realized the entertainment application scenarios, such as somatosensory games, would it become a big trend to equip TV with cameras.

    Huawei entered the TV industry very late, but the main reason why it has repeatedly provided impetus in terms of function and experience innovation is undoubtedly that it has cultivated a strong belief in human-computer interaction in the TV industry, which has caused a huge impact on the positioning of the value of traditional TV functions. It is probably that after the emergence of Huawei's smart screen, the inherent display equipment of TV began to collapse.  

     Huawei Vision Smart Screen 3 goes out with "vision"! AI super sensitive camera is too smart

    In 2023, Huawei's smart screen will continue to be configured with cameras Comprehensive popularization stay The latest Huawei Vision smart screen   three The product is equipped with AI super sensitive camera to further improve the "vision" of the smart screen And "intelligence" Today, let's take a look at the performance of Huawei Vision Smart Screen 3?

      Comprehensive evaluation of Huawei Vision smart screen   3. This is a new smart screen product with high-quality audio and painting experience and unique innovative value, AI super sensitive camera+ four K The super projection function perfectly meets the practical application and entertainment needs of young people and multi family nowadays. It is not only novel and interesting in concept, but also truly implements the reliability of multi scene experience. When you return home after a tiring day, the smart screen provides you with a "peach blossom garden" in your home. meanwhile Huawei Vision Smart Screen  3 It also continues in price V The advantage of high product price ratio of the ision series. And with the continuous growth of Harmony OS application ecology, Believe there is More ways to play take Will continue to provide users with new fun.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei Vision Smart Screen 3 goes out with "vision"! AI super sensitive camera is too smart true report one thousand one hundred and thirty-nine A colleague once commented that the TV is equipped with a camera: while you watch TV, the TV is watching you. Huawei's smart screen is not the first brand to do this, but the first brand to seriously explore the value of this thing. Later, Huawei's smart screen proposed "playing a TV", entertainment application scenarios such as AI fitness, family karaoke, AI physical games, and the whole industry really realized
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