
    Huawei smart screen V3 generation: high-quality audio and video, smart Internet, and home entertainment all in one high-energy machine

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: field

      How to choose a large screen TV in the living room? Look at the picture quality? Look at the sound quality? Or strictly select computing power, algorithm, interface, refresh rate, IoT smart interconnection? In the current market environment, our opinion is: "All of these!"

     Huawei smart screen V3 generation: high-quality audio and video, smart Internet, and home entertainment all in one high-energy machine

    Huawei launched the V3 generation of Huawei smart screen in 2022. With Honghu's computing image quality, computing sound quality, super computing power level support, HDMI interface+120Hz high brush+8K decoding and other hard power guarantees, it focuses on the strongest theater level flagship smart TV, and at the same time, it also has smart home ecological C-bit people, which is simply the most suitable choice for the evaluation of "global high energy performance".

    As a large screen product in the living room, the V3 generation of Huawei smart screen not only explains the basic value of sound and picture quality, but also realizes the innovative experience of the family IoT system through multi device linkage. Today, we have limited number of products, but has revealed an interesting picture of future family smart life. I believe that with the continuous evolution of Huawei smart screen products, As well as the continuous upgrade of HarmonyOS, we will feel more and more convenient and wonderful at home.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei smart screen V3 generation: high-quality audio and video, smart Internet, and home entertainment all in one high-energy machine true report six hundred and fifty-nine How to choose a large screen TV in the living room? Look at the picture quality? Look at the sound quality? Or strictly select computing power, algorithm, interface, refresh rate, IoT smart interconnection? In the current market environment, our opinion is: "All these are needed!" Huawei will launch the V3 generation of Huawei smart screen in 2022. It is supported by Honghu's computing image quality, computing sound quality, super computing power, HDMI interface+120Hz high brush+8K solution
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