
    A Dismantling Exposes the Big Screen of Industry Cost, Who Can Restore Consumer Confidence

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Dugang   |   Editor in charge: Du Gang

    In the eyes of most ordinary consumers, the standard for measuring the quality of a TV product is always based on such intuitive factors as size, shape, picture quality, and sound quality. From the CRT era to the LCD era, this standard has also been used. In 2019, new species will be found in the big screen—— Glory Smart Screen The release of, triggered a new evolution of the television product evaluation system, judging good and bad standards appear processing chips, operating systems, cross screen mode, intelligent level and other new elements, so that the entire system from outside to inside become complete.

    The appearance of the Glory Smart Screen has made consumers begin to pay attention to the internal quality of TV products, but who dares to spend the risk of possible damage to explore the various components inside the products? In the face of the growing curiosity of consumers, some people put the new product, the Glory Smart Screen X1, together with the popular models in the same price range for a disassembly comparison without leaving a dead corner.

    The products participating in this dismantling test are Glory Smart Screen X1 (1699 yuan -- top right), Xiaomi TV 4A (1599 yuan -- top left), Xiaomi TV 4C (1699 yuan -- bottom left), and Xiaomi TV 4X (1699 yuan -- bottom right).

    In the whole process of test and comparison, from color performance to backlight control, from audio texture to boot speed, the Glory Smart Screen X1 almost surpassed the full range of Xiaomi TV and won a comprehensive victory.

    What are the internal differences of these products behind the success? Next, we entered the core link of this comparison - disassembly.

    From here, you can directly feel the biggest difference between the four products. The internal structure of the Glory Smart Screen X1 in the upper right is designed as a separate circuit device. The three Xiaomi TVs all adopt the high integration common mode circuit scheme. First of all, the two have opened a gap in the degree of care in product polishing. The three in one integrated motherboard design means that Xiaomi TV will face higher failure rate and higher maintenance costs, while the glory smart screen X1 separate design should be more safe and reliable, and the quality of which is higher and which is lower should be clear at a glance.

    In the next in-depth disassembly of materials, details, and even safety tests, the differences between them gradually shocked my chin

    Comparison of audio units of Glory Smart Screen X1 (right) and Xiaomi TV 4A (left)

    Comparison of power supply modules of Glory Smart Screen X1 (top) and Xiaomi TV 4A (bottom)

    Comparison of control modules of Glory Smart Screen X1 (top) and Xiaomi TV 4A (bottom)

    Comparison of backlight beads between Glory Smart Screen X1 (right, 50) and Xiaomi TV 4A (left, 36)

    It is self-evident that there are so many differences between TV sets that ordinary consumers cannot see in their daily life. This is not just to prove how excellent the quality of Glory Smart Screen X1 is, but to make everyone pay attention to some exaggerated quality differences in the economic product camp. Even the difference in use experience at the surface level requires users to experience it intuitively through the comparison of real machines, not to mention the components contained inside the machine body. Users may pay more to identify the difference in product quality.

    It can provide high-end configuration, customized workmanship, and optimized components at mainstream prices. The Glory Smart Screen X1 can be regarded as a model of high quality price ratio. If you accidentally go astray and get caught in the wrong path, it will not only be an embarrassment of incompetence in the use process, but also a potential safety hazard!

    At the end of the dismantling site, combustion tests were carried out on the backplates of several TV sets to verify the flame retardancy of the materials, but the backplates of Xiaomi TV sets were ignited... In addition to the low quality and low price, this has to worry about the potential safety hazards in daily use.

    Under the condition of unequal information, many manufacturers choose to cut corners on their products to expand their sales space by lowering prices. Product price reduction is a good thing for consumers, but it does not mean that manufacturers can use this as an excuse to reduce product quality, or even leave security risks. The current consumption upgrade trend is obvious, and users have put forward higher demands for product quality. Only by focusing on the quality of workmanship and creating good products, can manufacturers forge ahead in the big screen wave, otherwise they will only be able to get high-quality products compress Survival space, eventually eliminated. Through this dismantling, we hope TV manufacturers will give up their dependence on the curse of low quality and low price in time, regain their original intention to bring consumers a better and safer experience, and polish products that truly deserve users' trust.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: A Dismantling Exposes the Big Screen of Industry Cost, Who Can Restore Consumer Confidence // true // report two thousand seven hundred and fifty-six In the eyes of most ordinary consumers, the standard to measure the quality of a TV product is always based on such intuitive factors as size, shape, picture quality, and sound quality. From the CRT era to the LCD era, this standard has also been used. In 2019, the release of a new species of large screen, the Glory Smart Screen, triggered a new evolution of the TV product evaluation system, and processing chips appeared in the criteria of good and bad judgment
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