
    Are there any games on TV? 27 "2K days are really enough

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Tian Tuo   |   Editor in charge: Du Gang

    The market potential of game TV is bigger than we think.

    If you are a player of competitive sports games like me, you probably complain about the unpleasant game experience of too small a display. Although the screen size was changed from 23 inches to 27 inches, and the resolution was upgraded from 1080P to 2K, it cost a lot of money, but there was always a little less pleasure in the game.

    It was not until I came into contact with console games that I realized that the large size TV Immersion and presence It is incomparable to any small size display. Recently, a game experience among my colleagues gave me some ideas about the concept of game TV:

    But at present, there is still a certain distance for TV to replace the monitor. Compared with monitors, TV has three major weaknesses in game display:

    ·Screen response time is too long

    ·Input delay too high

    ·Insufficient refresh rate

    If we want to play games well, we will certainly not be satisfied with simple large screen display. Screen, response time, input delay All of them have a considerable impact on the game experience of players.

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    Take the input delay as an example. If the input delay is too high, when we are playing the game, the operation will appear to be delayed. After the player gives the command, the role in the game will reflect for a period of time, which is fatal for the fighting and racing games.

    Response time is very important whether you play games or watch TV everyday. If you think the picture looks blurry or unclear, and there are drag images in the game, it means that the response time of TV is too long, and such problems often exist in mainstream LCD products in the TV market.

    For gamers, screen refresh rate is also critical. At present, most e-sports displays support a maximum 144HZ refresh rate, which is to provide a better gaming experience. If the refresh rate is too low, the picture will get stuck and appear to shake and flicker, which will not only affect the experience, but also easily cause visual fatigue. To build a game TV, the first thing to overcome is these three problems.

    Then the problem comes, how to solve it?

    ·Input delay

    The key to this factor is the computing power of TV chips. After the image signal is transmitted to the TV terminal, the chip will perform a series of processing before it can be presented to the user, such as adjusting the color, brightness, resolution, MEMC dynamic pin, etc. If you want to reduce the input delay, you need to improve the processing power of the chip. Usually 50 milliseconds is the watershed of the game picture delay. If it exceeds 50 milliseconds, the player will feel a more obvious picture delay.

    ·Response time

    It is not difficult to simply improve the screen response time. LCD TV The methods of motion evaluation and frame interpolation compensation are common designs to improve response time, but the result is The work load of the chip becomes larger, resulting in higher screen input delay.

    At this time, the self luminous OLED material highlights its advantages. Theoretically, OLED material does not have the problem of response time, and it will also perform slightly better than LCD TV in game experience.

     Are there any games on TV? 27 "2K days are really enough

    ·Refresh rate

    For game manufacturers, it is not difficult to increase the number of frames of the game. Small monitors can easily achieve a 144Hz refresh rate, but it is not so easy for TV panels to increase the refresh rate.

    Although most TVs have 60Hz refresh rate at present, they are not compatible with games. Most games can only run at 30Hz refresh rate, which seriously affects the game experience. As early as 2018, BOE has successfully developed a TV panel with 8K resolution and 120Hz refresh rate, but in terms of game support, the TV panel still needs to be improved.

    Therefore, in order to become a qualified game TV, the first thing to solve is the above three problems. Now Sony and Microsoft, the two giants in the game console industry, have begun to work together to develop cloud games. Google's Stadia cloud game platform is also grasping the deployment, and TV will play a more important role in the future game world.

     Are there any games on TV? 27 "2K days are really enough

    Since the concept of game TV came out last year, major TV manufacturers have also targeted this blue ocean market. But at present, there are few products that can really be called "game TV". Whoever can launch products that meet the requirements of players will take the lead in the future market.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Are there any games on TV? 27 "2K days are really enough // true // report two thousand six hundred and fifty-eight The market potential of game TV is bigger than we think. If you are a player of competitive sports games like me, you probably complain about the unpleasant game experience of too small a display. Although the screen size was changed from 23 inches to 27 inches, and the resolution was upgraded from 1080P to 2K, it cost a lot of money, but there was always a little less pleasure in the game. It was not until I came into contact with the host game that I realized that large size
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