
    Three technologies in one direction! Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Follow the tide   |   Editor in charge: Pan Binqiang

    We are always used to measuring or guessing the future from the perspective of existing technology. As far as the television industry is concerned, the emerging display technology in recent years has outlined the rudiments of future television technology development for us, and 2018 will be a connecting year. In today's article, let's start from the technology itself and analyze the direction of future TV technology development.

     Three technologies and one direction! Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018
    Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018

    ·Plasma is the rudiment of TV self illumination

    Plasma and liquid crystal can be regarded as the products of the same era. At that time, plasma televisions used a large number of plasma tubes arranged together to form a screen. Its working principle was to inject into the plasma tube Neon, xenon gas, gas The red, green and blue phosphors on the display are activated by voltage, The final picture is formed after emitting visible light. It is not difficult to see from its working principle that plasma technology is the earliest rudiment of TV self illumination.

     Three technologies and one direction! Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018
    Plasma technology is the earliest rudiment of TV self illumination

    Unfortunately, due to Panasonic's closed technology and market strategy failure, plasma technology has faded out of the mainstream market since 2013. With the last plasma TV manufacturer in 2014 Changhong After giving up this technology, the plasma TV disappeared completely, and finally declared the complete victory of LCD. This failure has also directly led to the long-term depression of Panasonic TV business, which has still not fully emerged from the shadow until today.

    ·Why should TV get rid of backlight?

       After plasma, OLED is the most mature and reliable self luminous technology at present, which is different from Panasonic's "selfishness". LG Display shows an attitude of "openness" and promotes the development of this technology together with many TV manufacturers. Now? The yield of 55 inch and 65 inch OLED panels has reached more than 90% (It has taken 10 years for LCD technology to reach 80% yield. At present, the yield of LCD is about 92%.).

     Three technologies and one direction! Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018
    Thanks to the advantages of self illumination, OLED TV has a very simple structure

    The significance of TV self illumination is not only the change of backlight mode, we all know that Liquid crystal itself does not emit light It needs the support of backlight module, so light leakage is inevitable, and it can't show the real black, which will bring natural hard injuries such as screen smear, poor color performance, etc. At the same time, since there is no need for backlight system support, the structure of self luminous TV is very simple, and it can also achieve extreme thinness in the form of the body.

     Three technologies and one direction! Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018
    Self illumination is of great significance for TV picture performance

    The existence of backlight not only affects the black field (dark details) performance of the TV, but also has a negative impact on the picture from beginning to end. It can be said that the backlight system of LCD TV is the real culprit to destroy the image quality performance.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Three technologies in one direction! Interpretation of TV Industry Trends in 2018 // true // report one thousand six hundred and fifty-five We are always used to measuring or guessing the future from the perspective of existing technology. As far as the television industry is concerned, the emerging display technology in recent years has outlined the rudiments of future television technology development for us, and 2018 will be a connecting year. In today's article, let's start from the technology itself and analyze the direction of future TV technology development. 2018 TV Industry Trends
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