Program Introduction

The large-scale TV poverty alleviation action "Never Leave Behind" is a large-scale special program created by the Central Radio and Television Station to learn from and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, implement the important decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee to resolutely fight and win the battle against poverty, serve the overall situation of the country, fulfill the media responsibility, and wholeheartedly. The program consciously practices Xi Jinping's thought of poverty alleviation, follows the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping in poverty alleviation, carefully selects poverty models, carefully tells poverty alleviation stories, and faithfully records the historical process of the great cause of poverty alleviation. Since its launch in October 2017, the program has won wide acclaim from all walks of life, fully recognized by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the United Front Work Department, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Audit Office, the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council and other departments, and is known as "a new benchmark for poverty alleviation propaganda". First broadcast time: 17:59 every Sunday from March 12; Replay time: 15:40 every Monday from March 13

Broadcasting channel: CCTV-12

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  • Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group Office
  • Office of the Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development under the State Council
  • Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
  • China Association for Poverty Alleviation and Development
  • China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation
  • China Next Generation Education Foundation