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Half an Hour in the Economy 06/08/2017: Poverty Alleviation through Education in Action: "University Dream" from Bitter Rattan

Source: CCTV Network 00:13, August 7, 2017

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The university student funding hotline of the Ministry of Education is 010-66097980 and 010-66096590, which will be opened from 08:00-20:00 every day from July 21 to September 10.

Official website of National Student Financial Aid Management Center( )Query the national student aid policies and relevant regulations with the WeChat official account of Chinese student aid, and reflect relevant issues.

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13099339361 Cheng Liming 15249343018 Cheng Ximing 15809332939 Zhang Hongjin

Zhuanglang County is a state-level poverty-stricken county in Pingliang City, Gansu Province, where our reporter met a senior three graduate named Cheng Liming. This year, he and his sister Cheng Ximing were admitted to college at the same time. In their remote village, this was the first time that two college students came out of one home at a time, but

In the past few years, poverty and disease have been accompanied by their families. How hard did the two children go through on their way to school? Can they scrape together enough tuition and living expenses to enter the university smoothly?

Golden Phoenix Flying out of the Valley

Brothers and Sisters from Poor Families Entered College at the Same Time, Sad Mother

At a farm in Jinggou Village, Zhaodun Township, Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province, 19 year old Cheng Liming is busy cleaning up the pig house. There are thousands of pigs in the farm. It takes three hours to clean up pig dung once. It's a hot summer day and the pig house is smelling bad. But Cheng Liming has been working here for nearly two months since he took the college entrance examination.

In another dilapidated courtyard, Cheng Liming's sister Cheng Ximing is taking care of her sick grandmother in bed. In addition, Cheng Ximing has to bear all the housework at home and help his sister with her homework.

Cheng Ximing: We both went to college at the same time this time, and the tuition, transportation and living expenses may cost a lot of money, so my brother wants to work study. Many students in our class have gone to Zhejiang to work. I really want to go, but my grandma can't do it here, and my mother doesn't trust me.

This year, Cheng Liming and Cheng Ximing took the college entrance examination at the same time, and they both got a score and were admitted to Lanzhou Jiaotong University and Lanzhou University respectively. In this remote village, it was the first time that two college students had come out of one home at a time, but the family situation of brother and sister was also the most embarrassing in this ten miles and eight villages.

Their father passed away ten years ago. Over the years, their mother, Wang and Zhu, have worked hard to bring up their brother and sister, as well as their 82 year old grandmother.

In the orchard, Cheng Liming's mother, Wang Jizhu, is pressing and pruning the branches of the fruit trees in the heat of nearly 40 degrees. She can earn 60 yuan a day.

Wang Tanzhu is just in her early forties this year, but she looks older and haggard than her peers. She told us that since she was a child, because her family was poor, she did not suffer less. When she reached the age of marriage, because her brother could not marry a daughter-in-law, she changed her marriage. Fortunately, Wang Jizhu's husband is dutiful and hardworking. The couple went down to the ground and did odd jobs together. They watched the family life get better and better and built two brick houses.

Wang Jizhu: He (her husband) also has great hopes for her children. He told her that you must go to Tsinghua University and Beijing University. When she was in the third grade, she said that she would give you ten yuan for the first place, five yuan for the second place, and two slaps for the third place.

At the mention of her husband, Wang Jizhu burst into tears. More than ten years ago, her husband died of electric shock when he was working outside. Since then, the burden of the whole family fell on Wang Tanzhu alone.

Wang Jizhu: The sky has collapsed. I told the child that your father is like a purlin on the middle room. If he breaks, the rafters will collapse. I didn't think about anything. Living will bring up my three children. I can rest assured when I die.

Through just a few days of contact, we felt the tenacity and tenacity of Wang Jizhu's thin body. In order to provide for the three children to go to school and support their elderly mother-in-law, she never missed any opportunity to make money these years.

Wang Jizhu: As long as I can earn some money to buy a pen and a book for my children and make a living, I will not be afraid of wind or rain, as long as I can do something. I cut wheat and dug potatoes for others, and paid 80 yuan for one mu of potatoes, and 75 yuan a day for feeding in the prefabrication factory. I also worked in a steamed bread shop for a year. I got up at 3:30 and went to the steamed bread shop at 4:00. When I came back at 11:30, I could earn 40 yuan. If I worked overtime in the afternoon, I could earn 30 yuan, and 70 yuan a day. As long as there is work, I am willing to do it.

However, Wang Jiazhu can only barely support her family by working hard. The two children need to pay nearly 20000 yuan for tuition and living expenses when they go to college at the same time, which really baffles her. She secretly tears with her children on her back.

Wang Jizhu: I thought, what if my child saw me crying and said that my mother was so burdened that she would not study and would go out to work? I don't want my children to work. Anyway, I want them to study.

In fact, the children have long been aware of the mother's efforts. Over the years, the son has mentioned many times to his mother that he wants to give up school and go out to work to reduce the burden on his mother. The two girls never talk about food and clothing. The clothes they wear are given by others. They are dedicated to studying hard and repaying their mother. When applying for the exam, other students chose their favorite university to fill in the form. But in order to save travel expenses, they were also worried about their families. The two children applied for the local university in Gansu without an appointment.

Wang Jizhu told us that she had never read a book for a day, but she had heard a play. Her favorite play was Wang Baochuan.

Wang Jizhu: Wang Baochuan is waiting in the cold kiln. I'm looking forward to Xue Pinggui's return. My two children have been admitted to college. Wang Baochuan was also very strong. He had to wait for Xue Pinggui when he was digging and eating alfalfa. I said I had to work hard. As long as I gave up my children to go to college, it was also worth it. I did this when I was a mother.

Zhuanglang County is a state-level poverty-stricken county, which belongs to Pingliang City, Gansu Province. Most of the six counties and one district under the jurisdiction of Pingliang City belong to Liupanshan concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken areas. In order to make every poor student can afford to go to school, this year Pingliang Education Bureau printed and distributed the Summary of Education Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy, and formulated the Pingliang Education Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy Understanding Card for poor households who have filed cards one by one. Such children as Cheng Liming and Cheng Ximing, who are both excellent in education and poor in family circumstances, are the objects of these policy guarantees.

Dong Jiexu, director of Pingliang Student Financial Aid Management Center in Gansu Province, said: Last year, we raised a total of 336 million yuan and subsidized 280000 poor students. In the first half of this year, we raised 86 million yuan, and implemented free pre-school education fees, state grants and tuition free subsidies for ordinary high schools, and secondary vocational school grants and tuition free subsidies. At present, we are implementing welfare lottery public welfare funds, toll subsidies, and student origin loans. This year, student origin loans are required for poor households who file cards, Help these students suffering from poverty to successfully complete their studies and realize their life ideals. So that their life, like other children, has the opportunity to shine.

Death of relatives and collapse of houses

Orphaned brothers and sisters worked hard to study and were admitted to universities successively

"All loans should be made" means that all college students who apply and meet the financial difficulties of their families will be subsidized by the state to ensure that no student is allowed to drop out of school due to financial difficulties of their families. It is the national student aid policy that gives Cheng Liming and Cheng Ximing a new hope for their unfortunate family. In Jingning County, another state-level poverty-stricken county in Gansu Province, our reporter also got to know a pair of orphan brothers and sisters, who suffered more hardships than their peers.

In this restaurant in Jingning County, Gansu Province, we saw Zhang Hongjin who was busy. Serve tea, pour water, serve dishes, remove dishes and clean up. For nearly three hours, Zhang Hongjin had no time to rest. Most of the time was spent trotting all the way.

Zhang Hongjin looks presentable in her restaurant work clothes. Just over a month ago, she was a senior high school student sitting in the classroom. In June this year, Zhang Hong just finished the college entrance examination and was admitted by Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics with 480 points. As soon as the college entrance examination was over, she came to this restaurant to earn money.

Zhang Hongjin's home is in Dongzhang Village, Renda Township, 80 kilometers away from Jingning County. It has been more than a month since she went out to work. On this day, when she was not busy on Monday, she went home to see her brother who had just returned home from a holiday at Lanzhou Agricultural University. The original house of Zhang Hongjin's family is the most dilapidated adobe house in the village, which has been demolished because it is dangerous and cannot be occupied. Now they temporarily live in the abandoned adobe house of their neighbor's house.

His brother Zhang Peng is Zhang Hongjin's only relative now. When Zhang Hongjin was less than two years old, his mother died of illness. When he was six years old, his father went out to work and had a car accident, but he could not be rescued. She and her brother, who is one and a half years older than him, have been raised by their elderly grandparents ever since. Although Zhang Hongjin's family suffered from repeated misfortunes and became destitute, Zhang Hongjin's grandfather would let his brother and sister study even if he borrowed money.

Zhang Hongjin: My grandfather often said that our family has already been like this. As long as we read books, have good prospects, have good jobs, and go out of the mountains to become famous, we can have a good way out.

Unfortunately, Zhang Hongjin's grandmother who loved her died when she was ten years old. Grandpa's spirit was greatly affected and his health was not good. In order to reduce his grandfather's burden, Zhang Hongjin once had the idea of quitting school, but his grandfather firmly opposed it. In the end, the elder brother and sister did not drop out of school, and their achievements have always been among the best. But at the critical moment when Zhang Hongjin had to prepare for the middle school entrance exam in his third year of junior high school, his grandfather died because of perennial illness and hard work.

Zhang Peng, a sophomore at Gansu Agricultural University: There is no one to live by. There are only two brothers and sisters left. I secretly shed tears all night that night. Anyway, I can't help it. I was almost my third year of senior high school that year, so I studied hard for college entrance examination.

Zhang Hongjin and his brother Zhang Peng lived up to their grandpa's request. After their grandpa died, they did not give up school, and continued their studies with the income of rural subsistence allowance, orphan subsidies and holiday work. His brother Zhang Peng was admitted to Lanzhou Agricultural University, and Zhang Hongjin was admitted to the best high school in Jingning County. According to the relevant policies of targeted poverty alleviation in education, the school reduced the tuition fees of Zhang Hongjin, and also provided her with a financial aid of 1500 yuan per academic year. In this way, the living expenses and tuition will be settled. The opportunity to study was hard won, and Zhang Hongjin devoted himself to improving his achievements.

Zhang Hongjin: At night, everyone else goes to bed early. Sometimes I go to bed at more than 12 o'clock and more than 1 o'clock. In the morning, I get up for more than half an hour. There are street lights on the campus. I just read for a while.

Zhang Hongjin can survive the heavy pressure of study, but when she sees other students' parents visiting her, she always feels very lonely and sad. Zhang Hongjin's occasional depression was seen by careful teachers, who would always comfort and encourage her.

Zhang Hongjin: I remember our math teacher said a sentence. I remember it most deeply. Everyone has to experience the things we are going through now. It's just that we have different ages to undertake these things. We took these things prematurely. The teacher also said that only the college entrance examination is the most fair, regardless of your status or identity. It's just your performance. If you get good grades, you can get into a good university, Only when you learn well can you be successful.
After 12 years of schooling, Zhang Hongjin has been accompanied by thorns and tribulations along the way, but she has achieved countless good results. This year's college entrance examination, her score exceeded 20 points of a textbook. The village people are all sad. Hongjin is a golden phoenix flying out of the chicken coop, but she is not satisfied with her performance.

Zhang Hongjin.

Recently, Dongzhang Village of Renda Township is undergoing the reconstruction of dilapidated houses of the whole village. The adobe houses demolished by Zhang Hongjin's family are on the reconstruction list. But building a house requires a lot of money, and the money for brother and sister to go to college is not a small amount. Where should they go to raise money?

Zhang Peng, a sophomore of Gansu Agricultural University: I heard that one square meter is 1300 yuan, and we have 40 square meters, 52 thousand yuan. The bare house is up, and the doors and windows inside are not counted. It will cost seventy or eighty thousand yuan anyway. Our team said it was time to give subsidies, 8000 for one person, and 16000 for one person, and then build a 40 square house. The rest of the money will be loaned by us.

On the one hand, we need to borrow money to repair the house, and on the other hand, we need to raise tuition fees for two people to start school. The cousin of the brother and sister came here at the age of 70 this year. Although he watched the two children grow up and gave them some pocket money, he was also in a dilemma. He was totally unable to lend them money to build a house, but Zhang Peng and his sister had to find a village secretary to find a way.

Zhang Sanyou, secretary of Dongzhang Village Branch, Renda Township, Jingning County, Gansu Province: You should go to school. I will guarantee you the quality of the house. You can build it as I build it.

Zhang Peng: You are worried about the house loan.

Zhang Sanyou: This is my responsibility.

The village branch secretary said that once Zhang Hongjin's admission notice arrived, he could apply for the student origin credit loan according to the process, with the maximum amount of 8000 yuan per year. His brother, who was a sophomore at the beginning of school in the autumn, could also apply for the student loan again. The so-called student origin credit loan is a kind of student loan specially granted to college freshmen and current students whose families are in financial difficulties to help them pay the expenses needed during their study at school. There is no need for guarantee and mortgage. In principle, the loan term is determined according to the full-time undergraduate and junior college education plus 10 years, and the maximum is 14 years. The interest of students in school is fully subsidized by the government. The tuition and living expenses have been settled, but the brother and sister still have some doubts about whether to continue to borrow money to repair the house.

Zhang Peng. Two of us have already been admitted to college. Now that we have been admitted to college, we will study hard and be optimistic. We can solve everything in the future.

At the end of the interview, the brother and sister told us that they still decided to go to the countryside and the county to find ways. Even if they could work more jobs in their spare time in the future, the house at home would still be built, because even the smallest room would be their own home. No matter how far they go in the future, their home might be this remote small mountain village, So an inconspicuous house.

Half hour observation: to cure poverty, we need to cure the root cause and help the poor, and we need to help the intelligent first

During the interview, our reporter really felt how eager people in the arid and desolate northwest are to let their descendants out of the mountains and poverty through the springboard of college. It is the solemn commitment of the Party and the government not to let a child drop out of school because of poverty, and it is also the goal and task of targeted poverty alleviation through education.

At present, there are still more than 40 million poor people in the country, and the task of poverty alleviation is arduous. The higher the cost and difficulty of poverty alleviation, the more difficult it will be. Poverty alleviation through education is the fundamental way to block the intergenerational transmission of poverty. For this reason, the Ministry of Education has proposed the task and goal of "three no worries" for college student funding, which is that the existing student funding system can help students "not worry before entering school, not worry when entering school, and not worry after entering school".

If you are worried about tuition fees, please call the University Student Assistance Hotline of the Ministry of Education for more details. We also sincerely hope that these poor students' dream flowers, watered with sweat and tears, will eventually open in a colorful way.

  • Video Introduction
  • Column Introduction

Source: CCTV Network

Updated: 00:13, August 7, 2017

Video introduction: The main content of this program: there are 4 members of Cheng Liming's family in Jinggou Village, Zhaodun Township, Zhuanglang County. His brother and sister are both at school, and the family is only supported by his weak and sickly mother. Cheng Liming and his sister Cheng Ximing took the college entrance examination together, and they went to college with excellent results. Zhang Hongjin, Dongzhang Village, Renda Township, Jingning County, whose parents died one after another, has become an orphan since childhood. He lives on his own with his elder brother. His main source of livelihood is the help of low security funds and relatives, as well as the support of the state and the school. His elder brother Zhang Peng was admitted to Gansu Agricultural University last year, and this year Zhang Hongjin was admitted to Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics. (Economic Half Hour 06/08/2017: Poverty Alleviation through Education in Action: "University Dream" from Bitter Rattan)

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