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Half an Hour in the Economy 04/08/2017: Poverty Alleviation through Education in Action: "Catastrophe" Can Not Kill the University Dream

Source: CCTV Network 22:53, August 4, 2017

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The hotline of the Ministry of Education for college student assistance is 010-66097980 and 010-66096590, which will be opened from 08:00-20:00 every day from July 21 to September 10.

Official website of National Student Financial Aid Management Center( )Query the national student aid policies and relevant regulations with the WeChat official account of Chinese student aid, and reflect relevant issues.

Luo Congying 155-7310-1356

Wu Yongzhen 135-7430-4627

(CCTV Finance News) After the tense and fierce college entrance examination war, many new graduates of senior high school ushered in a happy holiday of nearly three months. However, in Ningxiang, Hunan Province, there was a boy who had no time to relax and enjoy himself. While busy cleaning up his flooded home, he was still thinking about where his college tuition should come from?

Wu Yongzhen, 19, is a recent graduate of Fenghuang County High School in Hunan Province, and is also facing the same problem

Two elderly people earn 280 yuan a month for living expenses, and hard save more than 10000 yuan for their grandchildren to go to college

On June 22, 2017, there was a heavy rainstorm in Hunan Province. On July 2, the water level at Changsha Station on the Xiangjiang River reached 39.49m. Ningxiang County, Changsha City, near the Xiangjiang River, suffered the most serious natural disaster in the 60 years since there were hydrological and meteorological records.

After the flood, the town finally regained its former tranquility, but the traces of the flood were still clearly left on the collapsed houses and fallen power poles. The boy who is cleaning up the sand is Luo Congying. He is 18 years old and is a graduate of the Fourth Senior High School in Ningxiang County, Changsha City, Hunan Province. This year, he scored 530 points in the college entrance examination, 25 points higher than the first science book, and was admitted to Nanhua University. After ten years of hard work, he finally got a good harvest. This should be something to celebrate, but the sudden flood washed away all his joy.

Luo Congying's home is located in Liushahe Town, one of the hardest hit areas of the flood. The mud brick houses in his home for more than 30 years were scarred in the flood, and the walls were all bent and deformed.

Looking at this precarious home, Luo Congying has mixed feelings. When he was eight months old, his parents divorced, his mother remarried, and his father did not go home. From then on, he and his grandparents lived together. This earth house, which may collapse at any time, has been lived by three grandparents and grandchildren for 18 years. Here is Luo Congying's most familiar and happiest time, which he will never forget no matter how far he goes.

Luo Congying: The golden nest and silver nest are not as good as their own kennel. This is my kennel. Really, I really hate it.

The relentless flood not only destroyed Luo Congying's home, but also his plan to go to university. Now, the dilapidated house is no longer habitable. Luo Congying and her grandparents temporarily live in their uncle's house. He wanted to take advantage of the holiday to repair the house quickly, so that he could go to school in peace of mind. Luo Congying's house did not collapse completely. According to the local policy, he could not get a subsidy of 80000 yuan for all households to rebuild their houses. However, the current subsidy policy for geological disasters has not come down, so the relevant housing subsidies could not be obtained.

Now Luo Congying and her colleagues are staying at their uncle's house, but this is not a long-term plan. However, it is not easy to rebuild the house without building subsidies. Luo Congying's grandfather, Luo Guxiang, is 67 years old this year, and his grandmother, He Fuxiu, is 64 years old. The total income of the family is the pension of 280 yuan per month for the two elderly people. Luo Congying was able to successfully finish high school and participate in the college entrance examination, but also fully benefited from the financial aid on this account book.

Luo Congying: He Guxiu 200 yuan, He Meili 100 yuan, Liu Chaoyang 300 yuan.

This account book records the donations made by relatives, friends and love organizations to Luo Congying over the past three years, ranging from thousands of yuan to tens of yuan, each of which can be recorded exactly. Grandpa has been keeping this account book very carefully. Even when there was a flood, the old people took the account book with them.

Luo Guxiang and Luo Congying's grandpa: You should remember everything. If you find a job after graduation, you should pay back the money you have. You should not get others' money for nothing. You should study hard, and others' money is also painstakingly saved.

Luo Guxiang, a grandfather who has faced the loess and turned his back to the sky all his life, has never gone out of the mountains, but he has always believed that only knowledge can change the fate. These years, the two old people tried to save every penny so that Luo Congying could finish high school and go to college. Luo Congying saw all the contributions of his grandparents. As a freshman, he set a goal for himself. On the one hand, he should study hard, and on the other hand, he should save future tuition fees.

Over the past three years, Luo Congying has saved 6000 yuan from 6500 yuan of annual financial aid provided by the charity student aid organization and the school. The 6000 yuan may be just the cost of buying a mobile phone for people living in cities, but for Luo Congying, a poor child, it is a huge sum of money.

Luo Congying: Every time you withdraw money yourself, you will calculate how much you withdraw each time and how many times you withdraw each month.

The monthly living expenses of the students in the class are about 600 yuan to 800 yuan. But Luo Congying only spends 450 yuan at most every month. Hungry stomach is a common thing for the young and old man who is growing up. In order not to make himself too uncomfortable, he also came up with a good way.

Luo Congying: The food is free, so sometimes if I'm too hungry, I can buy a bottle of old mummy by myself, so I can eat several meals, or buy some pickles and other things.

Luo Congying's grandparents saved more than 10000 yuan from their monthly pension of 280 yuan to help Luo Congying go to college. In order to save this money, they usually hesitate to spend an extra penny. Years of hard work made Grandma He Fuxiu become ill from overwork. Her rheumatic knee had deformed. The doctor suggested that she should operate as soon as possible, but the 60000 yuan operation fee made her give up treatment completely, because the money could not be divided into two halves and could only be used in the most important place in their hearts.

Luo Congying, who had been studying hard for ten years after the summer vacation, was finally able to walk into the university with all her savings of more than 16000 yuan, but the flood disrupted all plans. Now Luo Congying thinks that building a warm home for her grandparents is more important than going to college.

At present, the government subsidy for housing construction is not yet available. Luo Congying plans that even if the compensation is calculated as 9000 yuan for severe damage, it will be a drop in the bucket for rebuilding the house. So he secretly made a decision: he used the 16000 yuan he saved to go to college to build a house for his grandparents. Today, he specially found his uncle who is a clay mason, I want to know the actual cost of building a house. What Luo Congying did not expect was that after his uncle came to see it on the spot, he gave a suggestion that it was dangerous and had to build a house in another place, but the cost was at least more than 100000 yuan.

Luo Congying was silent when listening to the expenses reported by her uncle. He even began to resent himself for not insisting on going out to work after the high school entrance exam. Going out to work early would make money one day earlier, so maybe he could build a house for his grandparents now.

Luo Congying: I sometimes feel that I am their drag.

But as soon as he heard that Sun Tzu was going to give 16000 yuan to build his own house, his grandpa was worried on the spot and insisted on giving all the money to Congying for school. The always obedient Cong Ying stopped talking, but his intention was unshakable. Sixteen thousand yuan must be left to the old man. At least the foundation can be built first, and his tuition and living expenses can be thought of other ways.

Luo Congying: I can say that I am not their grandson. Just like their son, my son is their dearest.

Congying, determined to raise tuition again, came to the village committee again and asked about the student loan. Here, Luo Congying learned that the student aid activities launched by the Ningxiang Charity Association will provide about 3000 to 5000 yuan of subsidies for students from poor families; Not only that, the country also has student origin credit student loans, which are specially granted to college freshmen and students with financial difficulties, to help them pay for the expenses during their study at school. There is no need for guarantee and mortgage. In principle, the loan term is determined according to the full-time undergraduate and junior college education plus 10 years, and the maximum is 14 years. The interest of students in school is fully subsidized by the government.

When these two expenses were added together, his tuition and living expenses were solved, and his heart was finally put down. However, this summer vacation, he can't rest. There is still a big gap to be filled in building a house for his grandparents. Luo Congying heard that a child from a relative's family needed to make up his homework, so he rushed to Changsha immediately and started tutoring at home.

In order to help the sensible Luo Congying, his aunt Luo Sulian, who is not rich in her family, will give him a red envelope every year. This summer, the tuition fee for remedial courses has also been set at 100 yuan a day. By the beginning of school, he will earn about 2000 yuan. Luo Congying did not stop after making up lessons. Every night, he would go to the nearby square to sell mineral water to make money.

Luo Congying: Does my uncle buy water? Two dollars and fifty one bottles. There are challenges. For me, this is my first time and I'm shy.

For this shy boy who lives in the countryside as a child, selling is really embarrassing. However, the thought that every time a bottle of mineral water is sold, a dollar can be earned, and Luo Congying instantly has infinite power.

Like most boys, Luo Congying also likes the superhero, Altman. The theme song "Miracle Reappearance" is his favorite song, which accompanied him through the college entrance examination. He firmly believes that as long as there is a dream, hope will always come true. My grandparents' house will be built as soon as possible, and I can walk into the university campus smoothly.

In order to save the college tuition, he goes to the construction site every day to move bricks. A stone weighing more than 40 kilograms is dozens of pieces at a time

Zhushan Village, Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province. Wu Yongzhen, who has just finished the college entrance examination, will make up lessons for her younger brother Wu Yongqun every day in the summer vacation. Wu Yongzhen, 19, is a recent graduate of Fenghuang High School in Hunan Province. In this year's college entrance examination, he was admitted to Hunan Normal University with a score of 576. His younger brother, Wu Yongqun, 15 years old this year, also successfully entered his brother's alma mater, the best local high school.

Wu Yongzhen's family has never been rich, but when her father was alive, the family of four was very happy. However, a sudden illness broke the family's peaceful life. In 2013, Wu Yongzhen's father suddenly got systemic rheumatoid arthritis, which became more and more serious, and finally became bedridden. In order to cure his father, the family not only spent 60000 yuan of savings, but also borrowed 70000 yuan of foreign debt. In March this year, 80 days before the college entrance examination, their long sick father left them. In the face of cruel reality, Wu Yongzhen can only hide her grief in the deepest heart.

The father's departure not only took away the warmth of the family, but also left behind a heavy debt, which made the already poor family into a deep predicament.

Wu Yongzhen's father was only in the third grade of primary school. Because he had no education, he had to do odd jobs to support his family. Therefore, his greatest hope was that his two children could enter the university and get out of the mountain. The pillar of the family died, and the burden of life for the whole tribe was on Ma Qiuxiang, a 46 year old mother. In order to support this precarious family and fulfill her husband's will, Ma Qiuxiang, who never left the mountain, began to find work and make money in the county seat, shouldering the burden of the family.

However, Ma Qiuxiang did not go to school and could not understand Mandarin. It was conceivable that it was difficult for her to find a job. It took her great efforts to find a job of 50 yuan a day in a small restaurant in the county. She has to do almost all the work in the small shop, such as cooking, washing dishes, washing dishes, serving dishes, and cleaning the table. When she is nearly half a century tired, she often can't straighten up, but Ma Qiuxiang never complains to others.

Ma Qiuxiang: I want to insist. I want to fight for breath. I want to help children find money and let them read books.

Ma Qiuxiang is most satisfied with the job, so that she can save all her monthly salary of less than 2000 yuan for her children to go to school. It is a rule set by the husband when he is alive to let his children study wholeheartedly. Now, although her husband is gone, Ma Qiuxiang still requires herself to do the same, and never mentions any difficulties to her children.

Ma Qiuxiang: Just don't tell them, just protect them. No matter what happens, I won't tell them.

In order to cure her husband, she owed 70000 yuan of foreign debt. In addition, although the government subsidized 40000 yuan to renovate the dilapidated old house, it still borrowed 30000 yuan from relatives and friends. So far, the house has not been renovated because of lack of money. With a foreign debt of 100000 yuan and two students to bear, Ma Qiuxiang was forced into a desperate situation. Although the mother never mentioned the difficulties at home, the two brothers felt very distressed at the sight of the mother's efforts for their own hardships. Faced with the cruel reality, they even had their own plans to drop out of school and let each other go to school.

But reading and studying well was my father's last wish before he died, and it was also the common dream of the two brothers. In order to win the chance for himself and his brother to go to school, Wu Yongzhen started a small job in the village 9 days ago, specifically responsible for moving bricks and live cement. From 8 a.m. to sunset, she can earn 70 yuan a day.

Wu Yongzhen: They only pay more than 100 yuan a day. Those who move fast, they pay 200 yuan a day.

Wu Yongzhen's words were full of envy. In fact, his work is not easy. These stone bricks look small, but each one weighs nearly 40 kg. At a temperature of nearly 40 degrees Celsius, he has to move dozens of bricks a day. Every night when he comes home, his arm will be too painful to lift. But Wu Yongzhen cherishes this job opportunity very much, because every time he moves one more brick, he and his brother are closer to the school.

While Wu Yongzhen was struggling for tuition fees, in order to ensure that more poor students like him can dream of a successful university, Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Aid Work for College Freshmen from Poor Families in 2017. On that day, Wu Yongzhen took a half day leave to learn about student loans at the school. Here, he was pleased to learn that the college freshmen from poor families who have filed their cards will be rewarded with 3000 yuan for college entrance examination and 5000 yuan for undergraduate education; On this basis, the Fenghuang County where Wu Yongzhen is located has increased the subsidy amount, which is 4000 yuan for junior college students and 6000 yuan for undergraduate students.

Wu Yongzhen thought in her heart that if she got a subsidy of 6000 yuan from the county and a credit loan of 8000 yuan from the country, her tuition and living expenses would be basically settled. This holiday, Wu Yongzhen could do at least another 20 days of work, that is, 1400 yuan. In addition to the 4000 yuan saved by his mother during this period of time, so that his younger brother could also go to school. Wu Yongzhen finally breathed a sigh of relief and took advantage of his mother's rest to go home that day. He quickly told everyone the good news.

Wu Yongzhen: I may borrow from the government for the 6000 yuan reward. Only in this way can we go to school together.

Wu Yongzhen said that one of his favorite words is that everyone who wants to follow the past, lives like an adversity, and sails like a reed. That is to say, wherever you want to go, even if you wear straw sandals. Life is like a retrograde journey. Even a boat has to sail forward. He believes that he and his brother can enter the campus smoothly, complete their studies and realize their dreams.

Half an hour observation: the darkness before dawn cannot stop the poor students

Luo Congying and Wu Yongzhen, two of them, have been admitted to a university this year after many years of hard work. While they have successfully completed their studies, they also try to shoulder the responsibility of their families. However, it is gratifying that the national student loans, local education poverty alleviation measures, and charity organizations have helped them successfully enter the university gate, which has provided strong support for them to change their family destiny and their own destiny. We believe that the low starting line does not mean that there is no possibility of competing on the same stage, because they have dreams and responsibilities, and we believe that they will make their own way in the near future!

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Source: CCTV Network

Updated: 22:53, August 4, 2017

Video introduction: The main content of this program: This program tells the story of two poor students, Luo Congying and Wu Yongzhen. With the help of national student loans, local education poverty alleviation measures and charity organizations, they have successfully entered the university gate, which provides strong support for them to change their family destiny and their own destiny. (Economic Half Hour 04/08/2017: Poverty Alleviation through Education in Action: "Catastrophe" Can Never Overcome the Dream of University)

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