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Half an Hour in the Economy 03/08/2017: Poverty Alleviation through Education in Action: Happy to Realize the Dream of University in a Poor Valley

Source: CCTV Network 23:51, August 3, 2017

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The hotline of the Ministry of Education for college student assistance is 010-66097980 and 010-66096590, which will be opened from 08:00-20:00 every day from July 21 to September 10.

Official website of National Student Financial Aid Management Center( )Query the national student aid policies and relevant regulations with the WeChat official account of Chinese student aid, and reflect relevant issues.

Contact information of love assistance: He Qian: 18398223766, Wang Rui: 15328275587, offer a love to help poor college students realize their college dream!

(CCTV Finance News) More than a month has passed since the college entrance examination, and now it is time to release the admission results one after another. It is believed that getting the college admission notice is a great joy for every family, but it is a sad topic with great pressure for many poor families. The tuition and living expenses required for admission have become the biggest burden for families who are already in financial difficulties. Today we are going to meet these two college entrance examinees from mountainous areas in Sichuan.

In order to earn tuition, he missed the opportunity to enter key universities again

Wang Rui, a native of Anjiaba Village, Siling Township, Bazhou District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, entered the university with a score of 497 this year. However, due to his grandfather's serious illness and his father's frequent car accidents, his family has become heavily indebted. Five days after the college entrance examination, Wang Rui, who studied in the High School Attached to Xihua Normal University in Sichuan Province, applied to a furniture company and became a summer worker. This morning's work is "sweeping the building", that is, to go to the community under renovation and sell furniture door to door, so as to ensure that there are not only one floor, but also many households.
Just when Wang Rui and other students were working on the elevator, they called to say that today is the day for the national special plan to solicit volunteers. The so-called national special plan is a plan for key universities to recruit students from a series of counties with special difficulties, national key counties for poverty alleviation and development, and four prefectures in southern Xinjiang.

Wang Rui scored 497 points in the college entrance examination this year, only 14 points lower than the first line However, as a registered poverty-stricken household, if the application for the national special plan is successful, he will have the opportunity to enter the key universities. However, Wang Rui said that he should work first during working hours and then apply at noon break.
After walking for 4 hours in the morning to sell furniture, Wang Rui can finally take a break. He immediately took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet and was ready to sign up for the national special plan. However, it was frustrating. The time for the third collection of the national special plan had just ended at 10 o'clock this morning, missing half an hour. In fact, this is the second time that Wang Rui missed the time to apply for a key university. The last time he missed was when his father had a car accident two days ago. Wang Rui sat on the steps of the community, very sad, but did not complain.

Now, Wang Rui's salary is 50 yuan for one day's work, and there will be a bonus of 100 yuan if the accumulated sales of furniture exceeds 15000 yuan. For Wang Rui, this money is more practical than applying for the first volunteer. Because you need money wherever you go to college.
Wang Rui sold more than 70000 pieces of furniture in his first week of work. One person's sales volume is more than that of the other two groups, which is also the weekly champion of the company's sales promotion this year. However, despite his hard work, Wang Rui only glanced at the steamed stuffed bun shop at noon. Following him, we came to a temporary mobile plank house on the construction site and walked through the trembling stairs, which is now Wang Rui's "home".       

Before the accident, Wang Rui's father worked at the construction site, which was a dormitory provided by the construction site for free. To save money, Wang Rui also lives here now. Wang Rui said that noodles are the most popular food here, which is not only convenient but also cheap. A bowl of white noodles, with the seasoning left by instant noodles and a little spicy oil, is the most important lunch of this 19-year-old boy's day.
Wang Rui: I'm full. I'm really full. I can't eat much.

With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, Wang Rui ran all morning, but his lunch was a bowl of white noodles, without any oil stars. Wang Rui has always said enough, but he can't eat too much.

Wang Rui: The conditions at home are not good. Now it's time to spend money, so we can save a little. There is no extra spending.

Five years ago, Wang Rui's grandfather had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. In order to cure the disease, this already poor family owed more than 50000 foreign debts. Wang Rui's parents went out to work together to pay their debts. Life is hard. Soon after, my mother left them and started another family. Just last year, when my father went out to work, he had a car accident, which made this impoverished family even worse.

Wang Rui: At that time, my father's head was covered with blood, and it seemed that many mouths were cracked, even the lower part of his teeth were misplaced, and there were many injuries on his body. I didn't dare to look at him when I came to the hospital.

Unfortunately, Wang Rui's family seems to be haunted all the time. This year, his father just got well and worked for less than two months. When he went to the village to go through the formalities, he collided with the cart again, and his shin bone was broken. Two sick relatives in bed, a family heavily in debt, young Wang Rui became the backbone of the family.

Wang Rui: In fact, everyone has pressure, including me. Although my family is really serious, it will be better in the future.

While Wang Rui was working, his sister Wang Yan was taking care of her father in hospital. During the lunch break that day, Wang Rui rushed to the hospital to see his father and sister. Since her father's accident, Wang Yan has been in the hospital, taking care of her disabled father 24 hours a day. Talking about the changes at home in recent years, Wang Yan couldn't help shedding tears.

Wang Rui's sister Wang Yan: When my father had an operation last year, he didn't have enough money the night before. He was still short of 5000 yuan. At that time, he called his aunts to borrow money from them. My father still hadn't paid his salary when he worked on the construction site. He begged for a long time at that time, and they raised 5000 yuan the next day.

When my father was seriously ill, my younger brother was about to take the college entrance exam. Wang Yan, who was a sophomore, decided to give up her studies and work for my younger brother. But my father refused, so he wanted to let Wang Yan go to school to borrow money.

Wang Kaiming, a junior high school student, has always been convinced of the meaning of the saying that knowledge changes destiny. No matter how hard the day was, he never let his children give up their belief in studying. In his heart, the hope of the family was that the children would go to college and go out of the mountains.

Wang Rui's father, Wang Kaiming: We also hope to do our best to fulfill her greatest wish. It is impossible for her to give up studying, because studying is her future.

When he came to the hospital to see his father, Wang Rui hurried back to the furniture company. If someone only does one job a day, he will do three. Not only "sweep the floor", but also "sweep the street", distributing leaflets to every shop owner, stall owner and even passers-by on the street.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is at its fiercest, the whole city is like a steamer, emitting hot air constantly. Wang Rui did not rest for a minute. When the leaflets were sent out, the whole back was wet with sweat.

In order to save more tuition fees, Wang Rui, a thin faced man, almost broke a penny into two. However, he still gave his love to the donation activity organized by the company for girls with rare diseases. In the company, he almost never mentioned his family situation to outsiders. A few days ago, because his father was late for a car accident, he also paid a fine of 5 yuan to the company.

Taking advantage of the fact that Monday was not busy and Wang Rui had not returned to his hometown for half a month, he took a day off and went home to bathe his 80 year old grandfather. In the process of bathing, Wang Rui has to repeat every detail.

Wang Rui: Keep your eyes closed and don't open them. Straighten your back and lift your head. Just bear it a little and wipe it for you. Clean your hair before wiping your face.

After dinner, Wang Rui didn't take a break. He shaved, drugged and washed his grandfather's clothes. When washing clothes, the reporter of CCTV Finance's Economic Half Hour found that Wang Rui's shorts had a big hole, but he didn't care. Wang Rui never spends more money than he should. In order to save money, when he filled in his application this year, he chose schools with tuition fees below 5000. He said that because he grew up in the countryside, he especially liked agriculture and biology. He applied for relevant majors, and the tuition was relatively cheap.

The day of leaving school is getting closer, and Wang Ruicai has earned more than 1000 yuan. This is not a small gap from the cost of the first semester. In order to know about the national student loan, he went to the Youth League Committee of Bazhou District for consultation. Dong Yan, the deputy secretary of the District Youth League Committee, told Wang Rui that there are now student origin credit loans and national student loans, which are granted by financial institutions such as the National Development Bank to eligible college freshmen and current students with financial difficulties from families, to help them pay the fees needed during their study at school.

There is no need for guarantee and mortgage. In principle, the loan term is determined according to the full-time undergraduate and junior college education plus 10 years, and the maximum is 14 years. The interest of students in school is fully subsidized by the government. In addition to the national student loan, the Sichuan Provincial Government will also provide 4000 yuan of tuition and living allowance annually for college students who have filed their cards.

In addition, the Communist Youth League Sichuan Provincial Party Committee sponsors the "I want to go to university" project, which will provide subsidies ranging from 2000 to 5000 for poor students of different levels. It is to let every child not drop out of school because of poverty.

Wang Rui thought in his heart that he would not have to worry about tuition and living expenses any more. He hurried to the hospital to tell his father and sister the good news.

Wang Rui: Our student loans also have subsidies. Basically, our family can't use much money, so it doesn't matter whether you work or not. Just raise your legs. We will pay back the debts later.

Hearing the good news, my father's face was obviously relaxed. However, Wang Rui will continue to work this summer because he wants to pay off his family's debts as soon as possible so that his father and grandparents can live better.

Around us, many college entrance examination students will reward themselves with various pleasant ways such as travel and relaxation after receiving the admission notice. But the sensible Wang Rui began to work in the county as soon as the college entrance examination ended. In order to save more tuition fees, this big boy, who is a bowl of boiled noodles every noon, is reluctant to spend an extra penny, Supporting him is the dream of realizing dream university.

Now, with the support of national student loans, dreams are about to come true. But Wang Rui said that as the only man in his family, he will continue to work hard to help his relatives get rid of poverty.

The sudden change of the poor family is a debt ridden 18-year-old girl

At Changcheng Village, Yuanshan Town, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, just after six o'clock in the morning, He Qian and her mother were busy in the kitchen. The 18-year-old girl scored 486 points in the college entrance examination this year, 50 points more than the second tier. However, after a short period of joy, He Qian stayed up almost all night.

He Qian's father, He Yunping, used to be engaged in decoration in Beijing. Although his family was not rich, he didn't have to worry about food and clothing. In 2014, his father suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, which suddenly made this peaceful family lose its only source of income. In order to operate on his father, the family spent all their savings and owed a large amount of foreign debt. After the operation, He Yunping was paralyzed in the right half of his body and suffered from epilepsy. He could only rely on his wife, who was in good spirits and bad spirits, and his daughter, who was about to go to college. Today's breakfast was very heavy for three people in the family.

He Qian's father He Yunping: How much does it cost to go to college?

He Qian: The tuition is four or five thousand a semester. I will try my best not to worry about it.

He Yunping: How about dinner?

He Qian: For dinner, the living expenses will not be much, four or five hundred.

He Yunping: Others say the cost of living is twelve thousand, and you say four or five hundred.

He Qian: Save money. What are you afraid of? Others eat well. I can find some work. Don't worry.

The daughter spoke calmly, while the father was already in tears. The cruel reality beats his father He Yunping's heart again and again. Sick, he can't talk and walk like ordinary people now. But he hopes to return to Beijing to earn money as soon as possible in order to provide for his children to go to school.

Although her mother Gou Qiong is in good spirits and bad spirits, she firmly believes that there is no way out without learning. Their generation has suffered from not studying. Therefore, as soon as she has time, she will learn Chinese and English with her daughter He Qian. She hopes to find a job in the town when her husband gets better.

After breakfast, He Qian practices walking and jumping with her father in front of the adobe house. Three times a day, 20 laps each time, the average person can walk in 5 minutes, but He Yunping needs at least an hour.

After practicing walking with her father, He Qian followed her mother Gou Qiong to pack up and prepare to move. It turned out that the adobe room where the three members of the family now live was lent to them by Uncle He Qian. Although the wall is cracked, it is much better than our own. The house with civil structure next door is He Qian's home. The whole wall inclines outward and may collapse at any time.
Because it is a dangerous house, according to the national housing security policy of relocation for poverty alleviation, the government built a new house for He Qian's family not far away. Today is the deadline for the village to move into a new house.
There is a small book on the table of He Qian's family, which clearly records the debt situation of He Qian's family in the past three years. Relatives and friends owe a total of 141000 yuan. The second uncle also listed his father's every expenditure in the hospital, as well as He Qian's expenditure on boarding at school. After the college entrance examination, He Qian signed her name on the second uncle's IOU, which means that the 18-year-old girl had a heavy debt before she entered the university.

He Qian: If you feel that so much money is pressed on you, you will feel very flustered. So you should comfort yourself and think that difficulties are temporary, but you can't be so pessimistic. It's useless to be pessimistic. Let's face it firmly.

Cooking corn is the first meal for the He Qian family to move into their new house. The fire stove is a simple small coal stove, which is placed outside the house. In fact, for the poor households with registered cards, the government will connect the electricity to their homes, but they need to find their own workers to connect the wires. As for He Qian's family, they can't afford it, so they have to make do for the time being.
I don't know when the new home can be electrified, or when I can cook with the stove. The three members of He Qian's family ate the simplest dinner in the candlelight.

The next morning He Qian came to the county seat, hoping to earn some money by doing odd jobs. But at the end of the day, whether it was restaurants, mobile phone promotions or tea houses, I got the reply that I didn't need a summer job. When He Qian was very depressed, the head teacher called me.

As the head teacher of He Qian, Tan Changping learned about her family and called her today to tell her that her college tuition has been settled.

He Qian, head teacher, Tan Changping: From August 4 to 30, you can directly apply for student loans at the Youth League Committee of the school, that is, on the second floor. When you go to school, all the car and boat expenses can be reimbursed, so you have 8000 interest free loans every year.

With the national discount loan policy, He Qian no longer has to worry about tuition fees. This makes He Qian relaxed a lot. It was late at night when I got home. There was no electricity in the house. It was dark around the house. My parents had an early rest. After a hard day, He Qian lit a candle and learned her favorite English by the faint light of the candle.

He Qian: My favorite sentence is: Be like flower, Spread beauty and happiness wherever you stay, independent of your surroundings. I think this sentence is just like saying I am. No matter what the current environment is, I will face it firmly and try my best to live a wonderful life.

Half hour observation: student aid changes fate

After returning to Beijing, the reporter of Economic Half an Hour from CCTV Finance received a message from He Qian that the village would connect water and electricity to her home within a week and build a kitchen for free. Now He Qian can go to school at ease. The two college entrance examinees in our program were born in poverty, but they chose to face poverty bravely and try to change their own and even the whole family's fate through their own efforts. In fact, in order not to let a child drop out of school because of poverty, after ten years of efforts, the country has established a student subsidy policy system covering pre-school education to graduate education, and local governments and other departments have also introduced a variety of subsidy measures, which has really solved the worries of those students with financial difficulties. We sincerely hope that these comprehensive funding policies can really benefit every student in need, so that they can share educational fairness under the same blue sky.

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Source: CCTV Network

Updated: 23:51, August 3, 2017

Video introduction: The main content of this program: In order to prevent children from dropping out of school because of poverty, after ten years of efforts, the country has established a student subsidy policy system covering pre-school education to graduate education, and local governments and other departments have also introduced a variety of subsidy measures to solve the worries of students with financial difficulties. This program tells the story of two poor students, Wang Rui and Gou Qiong. (Half an Hour in Economy 03/08/2017: Poverty Alleviation through Education in Action: Happy to Realize the Dream of University in a Poor Valley)

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