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The "first quarter report" of agriculture is stable and good. Spring ploughing and summer harvest are stable and orderly

Food security is "the biggest one in the country". This year, the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee clearly defined the main direction of stabilizing the area and increasing the per unit area yield. Agricultural and rural departments at all levels and at all levels insist on both stabilizing the area and increasing the per unit area yield to vigorously and orderly promote spring plowing production.

China's grain supply capacity continues to increase

Ensuring national food security is an important basis for achieving economic development, social stability and national security. Last year, China's grain output hit a record high again, the supply of important agricultural products was strongly guaranteed, scientific and technological support capacity was steadily improved, and agriculture was high


Spring sowing progressed smoothly, and high standard farmland increased production capacity

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Agricultural machinery trade in to promote consumption


Spring Farming in Gangzhongping Village

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Hunan Xiangxi Ecological Tea Garden Produces Good Tea

At the time of spring plowing, tea farmers are in the Golden Village, Ludongshan Town, Baojing County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province [Detailed]

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"Potatoes" in Qingdao, Shandong Province Illuminates the Road of Increasing Production

In Laixi City, Qingdao, Shandong Province, farmers scrambled for moisture, sowed potatoes in an all-round way, prepared land, fertilized, ridges, and covered with film [Detailed]

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Anhui Wangjiang Agricultural Technology Nursery Busy

At present, rape flowers in Leijiang Village, Leichi Town, Wangjiang County, Anhui Province are in full bloom, and plant protection drones are flying back and forth over the sea of flowers [Detailed]

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Shijiazhuang Unmanned Farm Implements Accurate and Efficient Plant Protection

At present, agricultural production is in a busy season in spring. In Yaojiazhuang Village, Zhao County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the wheat seedlings are green [Detailed]

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Zhejiang Jinhua Smart Seedling Raising Cost Reduction and Benefit Increase

During the spring ploughing season, the "Haolegeng" agricultural service center in Jiangtang Town, Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province is very busy. In the workshop [Detailed]

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Jiangxi Nanchang big data enters the field

Spring returns to the earth, and farming is gradually rising. Liu Xianfeng, a village cadre of the Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau of Anyi County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, recently drove with a full load of [Detailed]

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Qiandongnan Prefecture Seedling Management and Protection

With the warming of temperature, the spring pipe, spring ploughing and spring harvest in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province have been carried out in succession. The counties and districts around [Detailed]

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Chemical fertilizer machines and tools in Zhijiang City, Hubei Province should be fully inspected

Since March, Zhijiang City, Hubei Province has carried out two consecutive training courses for grain and oil industry leaders, and held more than 10 high-quality rice courses in different regions [Detailed]


"Spring plowing police" field protection

In order to effectively ensure the safety and smooth progress of spring plowing production, Ezhou Public Security Bureau closely follows the characteristics of spring plowing production, and is protecting farmers and farmers [Detailed]


Agricultural machinery is busy with spring ploughing, and the wind is good

The spring breeze is mighty, and farming is urgent. From the tractor road of Swan Dam, the wind blows rape flowers and waves, yellow land and [Detailed]


"Granary outside the Great Wall" busy planting wheat

At present, affected by many favorable factors such as more grain subsidies and stable income, farmers in Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia, are in a tight situation [Detailed]

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Fight the initiative of spring ploughing

Spring is just in time, and the land of Sanxiang is busy with spring ploughing. Hunan, a major grain producing province, should deploy and act early to fight the initiative of spring ploughing and preparing for ploughing [Detailed]


People are diligent and play the "first hand chess" of good harvest early in spring

Recently, the reporter saw in the grain and oil modern agricultural park of Anzhou District that villagers were busy with spring pipe and spring ploughing in the field. Wisdom [Detailed]


Smart "show your skill" spring ploughing "acceleration"

Spring returns to the earth, and everything revives. Yanzhao earth machine sound is booming, farmers grab agricultural time, or winter wheat management, or into [Detailed]


Farming "warming up" early black soil waiting for spring plowing

In the middle of March, we can see the busy spring planting map on the thousands of miles of black soil in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province [Detailed]

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New machine for "breeding" in seedling factory

Seedling raising is the first link of early rice production, which is related to the subsequent planting operations and the final grain yield. And early rice set [Detailed]


"Wake up" the winter fallow land and manage the spring farmland well

After a long winter's sleep, it's time for the winter leisure land to be "awakened". At present, it is time for spring ploughing and spring sowing, farmland management and protection [Detailed]

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High standard fertile fields paint "abundant" scenery

With the in-depth implementation of the strategy of "storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology" in China, a boom of high standard farmland construction has been set off everywhere. Tian [Detailed]
