Improving Good Governance in Rural Areas through Governance Innovation (People's Current Review)

2024-05-21 09:39 Source: People's Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)
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Improving Good Governance in Rural Areas through Governance Innovation (People's Current Review)

09:39, May 21, 2024     Source: People's Daily    

Gao Bing

   Only by innovating the way of rural governance, communicating with each other by autonomy, resolving disputes by ruling by law, and governing by virtue, can the level of good governance in rural areas be improved continuously

Small integral, great civilization.

In Dongshan Village, Wuning County, Jiangxi Province, through good deeds, good deeds and civilized behaviors, villagers can accumulate "social morality points" in their production and life. These points can be used to exchange physical goods and help villagers obtain credit lines. Villager Bi Yanyi was worried about the funds to expand the area of citrus and waxberry orchards. Thanks to this "micro innovation", the problem was solved - his 90 points can loan 200000 yuan.

Sanyuan Village, Hanyin County, Shaanxi Province, adheres to the principle of rewarding good deeds and setting a benchmark. Combining the content of filial piety and respect for relatives, courage to do good deeds, becoming rich through hard work, neighborhood harmony, voluntary service, etc., it quantifies the moral behavior of villagers, so that "morality can be scored, civilization can be scored, and good deeds can be scored", and corresponding points can be exchanged for daily necessities.

Quantify the moral behavior of the villagers, so that those who have virtue can gain, and release the vitality of good governance of villages. The function of such mechanisms as "public morality integral" is to form a carrier for civilization construction, to make the "soft" constraints of morality "real", and to better realize the goal of moralizing people and embodying the local style with virtue. This practice has aroused the enthusiasm of the villagers to abide by morality, stress civilization and establish new trends, and also promoted the standardized governance of the countryside. It is a useful exploration of "innovating rural governance methods".

Only by strengthening the moral construction in the countryside and cultivating people with virtue, can we cultivate the positive energy of rural progress. "Red and Black List", "Red and Yellow Banner" and "Moral List"... All localities have innovated the moral incentive and constraint mechanism in combination with the actual situation, selected one, influenced a group, and driven a whole, nourished the rule of law by virtue, empowered autonomy, and promoted the continuous improvement of rural governance. In daily life, we created new forms, strengthened the role of moral education, and thoroughly explored the moral norms contained in rural acquaintance society, effectively solving the problem of "too soft persuasion education and too hard legal means".

The focus of social governance is at the grass-roots level, and the difficulties are also at the grass-roots level. It is not only necessary to develop rural industries and improve the living environment, but also to ensure the improvement of people's livelihood and cultivate civilized rural customs. It is also necessary to take into account the needs of different groups. Therefore, it is more necessary to innovate governance means and methods to improve rural governance. Attempts such as "public morality integral" are exactly the governance innovations explored in practice by various regions, which are both targeted and operable.

It should also be noted that rural governance is a systematic project. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "improving the rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue is an effective way to achieve good governance in rural areas." Only by innovating rural governance methods, communicating with each other through autonomy, resolving disputes through rule of law, and resolving conflicts through rule of virtue, can the level of good governance in rural areas be constantly improved by realizing the organic combination of autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue. The establishment of the villagers' meeting system, the formulation of village rules and regulations, and the carrying out of activities such as villagers' talking about things and people's feelings have built a platform and provided a carrier for overall autonomy, rule of law, and rule of virtue, which helps to stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the masses to participate in grass-roots social governance.

Rural governance, people's peace. To promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, effective governance is the foundation. Adapting measures to local conditions, innovating the key carrier of rural governance, promoting the combination of autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue, increasing vitality through autonomy, strengthening security through rule of law, and promoting integrity through rule of virtue, will be able to continuously activate the new momentum of rural governance.

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)