Build a solid base for digital rural development

2024-05-21 09:30 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)
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Build a solid base for digital rural development

09:30, May 21, 2024     Source: Economic Daily     Qiao Jinliang

Digital village is not only the requirement of economic development, but also the common demand of "three rural" development. We should focus on production and take smart agriculture as the main target. The innovation that can form a new agricultural productivity may not always be big, but the key is to work, combine it with the actual needs of rural revitalization, and let farmers share digital dividends.

The future of the countryside can be defined by "numbers". Recently, six departments including the Central Cyber Information Office jointly issued the Guidelines for the Construction of Digital Villages 2.0, and four departments including the Central Cyber Information Office jointly issued the Key Points for the Development of Digital Villages in 2024. The above document proposes that by the end of 2024, the number of rural broadband access users will exceed 200 million, and the online retail sales of agricultural products will exceed 630 billion yuan. To develop new quality productivity in line with local conditions, the digital countryside is worth looking forward to.

Digital village is the strategic direction of rural revitalization and the only way to build a powerful agricultural country. The Outline of Digital Rural Development Strategy issued in 2019 makes systematic arrangements for digital rural construction. At present, the digital village is still in the initial stage of construction, the development mode still needs to be explored, and the endogenous power still needs to be strengthened. Compared with urban and industrial fields, digital village started late and faced many difficulties, such as insufficient resource planning, weak infrastructure, and obvious regional differences. As a result, digital technology is difficult to be deeply integrated into rural industries, and agricultural and rural data integration and sharing are insufficient.

There is no lack of reports on digital villages in the media, such as cutting-edge unmanned farms, algorithm planting, insect face recognition, etc. However, do not mistake this as the whole picture of the countryside. In reality, we can not only see the scene of sensor automatic control and robot automatic harvesting, but also see that some areas still use traditional production methods, and fruit and vegetable planting is still largely dependent on manual work. It takes a process for mobile phones to become new agricultural tools and data to become new agricultural materials. In the face of international agricultural competition and higher requirements of consumers, we should further tap the informatization potential of rural revitalization.

To build a digital China, digital countryside is indispensable and cannot be a weak link. According to the traditional view, agriculture is a low growth industry. With the economic development, its proportion in the national economy will decline year by year. The reality is that, on the one hand, the digital gap between urban and rural areas still exists, and the situation that agriculture is at the low end of the value chain has not fundamentally changed. On the other hand, the inclusive effect of digital technology and the diffusion effect of technological innovation are unprecedented, and agricultural and rural development has entered a new node driven by digital.

Digital village is not only a requirement for economic development, but also a common demand for the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". It is necessary to handle the relationship between the whole and the focus. The digital village covers a wide range of aspects, including information infrastructure, the whole agricultural industry chain, rural construction and governance. The focus is on industry. We should focus on production, take smart agriculture as the main direction, and promote the digitization of all aspects of agriculture. We should grasp the relationship between the government and the market in different scenarios, so as to make industrial development more intelligent and construction governance more effective. For industrial development, new types of subjects should be able to participate, ordinary farmers can benefit, and digital input should be affordable and usable; To build governance, we should rely more on the government to better sink digital resources and make up for the shortcomings of rural public services and people's livelihood.

Digital village is a rich mine. It is necessary to deal with the relationship between fast and slow. The countryside itself is a slow variable, but digital technology is a fast variable. To build a digital village, we should not only comply with the requirements of the information age, but also overcome the idea of being eager to achieve. In the era of mobile Internet, digital technology has a rapid impact on rural consumption, a slow impact on industry, and a moderate impact on governance. Zhejiang will build the country's first digital rural leading area, and strive to build 1000 digital agricultural factories and 100 future farms by 2027. There are many villages in China, with obvious differences in economic levels and resource endowments. All regions should explore appropriate models and reasonably grasp the rhythm according to the development foundation and regional conditions.

The digital village is not a copy of the smart city. It needs to handle the relationship between general and special. Industrial civilization and agricultural civilization collide with each other and have a profound impact on the countryside. At present, the digital divide between different villages and farmers is no less than that between urban and rural areas. To build a digital village, we should not only follow the general law of digitalization, but also connect with the local atmosphere of agriculture and rural areas. The participating enterprises should put their minds right, not only selling consumer goods to farmers, but also helping farmers produce intelligently and sell agricultural products. The innovation that can form a new agricultural productivity may not always be big. The key is to work. It should be combined with the actual needs of rural revitalization, so that farmers can share the digital dividend.

Only change comes out, and never change. Digital technology is imperceptibly changing farmers' production and life style, outlining the future of agriculture and rural areas.

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)