Practise the concept of big food based on four dimensions (from the perspective of experts)

2024-05-15 09:29 Source: Guangming Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)
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Practise the concept of big food based on four dimensions (from the perspective of experts)

09:29, May 15, 2024     Source: Guangming Daily    

In 2024, the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee emphasized that "we should establish a big agricultural concept and a big food concept, and expand food sources through multiple channels". Fujian has always kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, strived to practice the concept of "big agriculture" and "big food", steadily developed grain production, and continued to promote the development of industries with distinctive advantages. The food supply has become more diversified, and the development pattern of modern agriculture with distinctive features has basically taken shape. From the "weak bird" with weak agricultural foundation to the "mountain and sea granary" with big food concept, Fujian's experience in implementing the big food concept can be summarized into four dimensions: adjusting measures to local conditions, scientific and technological innovation, market leadership, and green development.

Develop featured agriculture according to local conditions. First of all, the foundation of the big food concept lies in the cultivated land. Strengthening the protection of cultivated land and improving the quality of cultivated land is the first important thing. We will implement the strategy of "storing grain in the land" and "storing grain in technology", resolutely curb the "non agriculturalization" of cultivated land, prevent the "non agriculturalization" of cultivated land, use agricultural machinery, agronomy, biology and other measures to effectively protect the land capacity of cultivated land, promote grain production to increase production and efficiency under the condition of limited cultivated land, and firmly hold the lifeline of national food security. Secondly, give play to the advantages of both mountains and seas, and ask for food from forests and oceans. From the perspective of the traditional food concept, Fujian's "eight mountains, one water and one farmland" terrain feature is the disadvantage of agricultural production, but from the perspective of the big food concept, it is the unique advantage of developing food sources. Yilin Zelin: Fujian focuses on developing a series of forest foods such as tea oil, chestnut, bamboo shoots, etc., extends the industrial chain of "Fu Jiuwei" medicinal and food homologous products such as Anoectochilus roxburghii, Dendrobium officinale, Coix lachryma jobi, Morinda officinalis, Ganoderma lucidum, Rhizoma polygonatum, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Jianlianzi, Pseudostellaria heterophylla, etc., and plans to develop green economic businesses such as undergrowth planting, undergrowth breeding, and undergrowth product collection and processing, so as to create a "green grain depot" It is better to fish than to fish. Fujian has opened up a special "marine ranch" to develop mariculture and near inland fishing. It has formed the "local products" brand of fishery, such as Ningde large yellow croaker, Lianjiang abalone, Zhangzhou oyster, Xiapu kelp, Jinjiang laver, Xiapu sea cucumber, Fuqing shrimp, Fuzhou roasted eel, and created a "blue granary". Finally, promote new ecological agriculture of fungus and grass, and ask for heat and protein from plants, animals and microorganisms. Fujian gives full play to the unique resource advantages of fungus and grass technology, cultivates edible fungi and medicinal fungi "with grass instead of wood", develops livestock and poultry industry "with grass instead of grain", creates fungus and grass microbial agricultural production system, improves the food supply chain with the recycling production of plants, animals and fungi, and promotes the sustainable development of modern agriculture.

Promote the construction of a diversified food supply system with scientific and technological innovation. Today, science and technology to promote agriculture and help agriculture have become the main theme of high-quality development of modern agriculture. Applying scientific and technological innovation achievements to optimize and upgrade the entire agricultural industry chain has become an important part of forming new agricultural productivity. First of all, in the pre production link of agriculture, promote the wide application of cutting-edge technologies such as bioengineering and gene editing in crop breeding, research and develop intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment to help farmers efficiently achieve farming, planting, management and harvest, while ensuring that talents sink into villages, towns and farmland, and serve agricultural skills training and cultivate new farmers with the system of science and technology envoys and the "science and technology courtyard" model. Secondly, in the agricultural production link, develop facility agriculture and smart agriculture. Use the four wastelands, saline alkali land and other non arable land to build facilities and greenhouses, promote the application of modern factory seedling raising technology, greenhouse intelligent control technology, soilless cultivation technology, carbon dioxide gas fertilizer intelligent control technology, and improve land utilization and yield; Develop intensive and intelligent livestock and poultry breeding, expand the spatial and temporal distribution of agricultural production, and enrich the "rice bags", "vegetable baskets", "fruit plates" and "meat cases" of urban and rural residents. Finally, in the post agricultural link, we should break through the boundaries between the first, second and third industries, develop intensive processing of agricultural products, extend the agricultural industry chain, and improve the added value of agricultural products; Using digital technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc., build smart logistics, expand digital marketing channels such as live broadcast with goods, shorten the circulation chain, and improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural products.

We should take the market as the leading force to better meet people's food consumption needs. First, give play to the government's guiding role, follow the new changes in the food consumption structure with the market as the guide, coordinate all kinds of food resources, and coordinate all links of production, circulation and consumption, so that people can not only "eat well", but also "eat well and eat healthily". The second is to give play to the advantages of market participants, promote the appropriate scale operation of agriculture, cultivate new agricultural operators such as farmers' professional cooperatives, family farms, agricultural enterprises, and develop various forms of socialized service organizations such as agricultural productive services, production trusteeship, so that different entities can give full play to the advantages of comparative management and organization combination, and apply new technologies Promote new varieties, open up new markets and other aspects to play the role of linking agriculture with agriculture, realize the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development, improve farmers' income, and achieve common prosperity.

Consolidate and establish the concept of big food with green development. Taking "green water and green mountains" as the development premise, adhere to the principles of ecological priority, resource conservation and environmental friendliness, and practice the concept of big food. First, adhere to green development and attach importance to ecological environment protection. Implement the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains". While developing the potential of forest and marine food resources and digging biological germplasm resources such as animals, plants and microorganisms, we must fully assess the carrying capacity of resources and environment, handle the relationship between agricultural development and ecological environment protection, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of agriculture. Second, encourage agricultural enterprises to participate in green certification and promote brand building of green agricultural products. Encourage agricultural enterprises to create green brands with their own characteristics in strict accordance with the requirements of green food quality management standards. Third, strengthen the traceability management of food safety and create a "food safety project". Carry out the construction of the whole process traceability system of "one product, one code" for food safety, establish a complete set of local regulations and technical standards, as well as a whole link and cross departmental traceability platform, so as to realize the whole link traceability of food from the "farm to the table" source, destination, risk control and public participation, so as to promote the information construction of food safety traceability management, Constantly improve the ability and level of food safety governance.

(Author: Wang Jiannan, Zhang Ruichen, both special researcher of Fujian Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era and professor of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University)

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)