China forms a new pattern of diversified utilization of straw

2024-05-14 09:47 Source: Farmers Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)
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China forms a new pattern of diversified utilization of straw

09:47, May 14, 2024     Source: Farmers Daily    

A few days ago, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that in recent years, the agricultural and rural departments attach great importance to the comprehensive utilization of straw, adhere to the agricultural priority, take multiple measures, and industry orientation, deeply implement the comprehensive utilization of straw, continue to improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of straw across the country, and promote the formation of fertilizer Feed oriented, taking into account the diversified utilization pattern of energy, base material and raw material. The straw production of corn, rice, wheat, rape, soybean, cotton and other major crops in China is 865 million tons, and the collectable amount is 731 million tons, with a comprehensive utilization rate of 88.1%. The utilization rates of fertilizer, feed, energy, base material and raw material are 57.6%, 20.7%, 8.3%, 0.7% and 0.8% respectively.

Straw returning is more scientific and standardized. Demonstration and promotion of straw returning technology models such as burying, crushing, composting and composting by regions and crops will form technical regulations for straw returning that adapt to mechanized production and help subsequent crops produce stable and high-quality crops. During the key farming seasons such as spring ploughing, "three summers" and autumn harvest, we issued guidance on scientific straw returning, organized experts to sink to the front line to carry out technical guidance, and improved the coverage and availability of scientific and standardized straw returning technology. By returning straw to the field, the quality of cultivated soil can be effectively improved, and the capacity of soil water storage and preservation can be enhanced, providing strong support for consolidating and improving grain production capacity.

Straw leaves the field with higher quality and efficiency. Promote the industrialization of straw yellowing, granulation, expansion and other technologies, and expand the straw livestock industry. We will develop biomass energy such as straw briquetting fuel, bale direct combustion, and biogas engineering to increase the proportion of clean energy in rural areas. Promote the industrialization of straw based edible fungus matrix, ecological plate and other materials. Support social service organizations to set up professional straw collection and storage teams and build standardized collection and storage stations. Build a national industrialization exchange platform, support Anhui, Jiangxi and other provinces to hold straw comprehensive utilization industry docking activities, more than 30000 straw utilization enterprises, and more than 1700 enterprises with an annual utilization of more than 10000 tons.

The long-term mechanism is more perfect. Take scientific and technological innovation as an important breakthrough to promote the comprehensive utilization of straw, optimize the allocation of scientific and technological resources, increase support, and organize superior forces to carry out scientific and technological breakthroughs in the weak links of straw returning and off farm utilization. Give play to the role of experts such as straw utilization posts in the national modern agricultural industrial technology system, and strengthen technical guidance services. Promote the construction of straw resource account, carry out data collection and reporting based on counties, and comprehensively find out the basis of straw production and utilization. 42 long-term positioning monitoring points were set up in the main grain producing areas, and the monitoring work of straw returning was carried out in 300 key counties with a high proportion of returning farmland, so as to promote the monitoring and evaluation of ecological effects of straw returning.

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)