34400 graduates will be recruited in the "three supports and one support" plan in 2024

2024-05-14 09:24 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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34400 graduates will be recruited in the "three supports and one support" plan in 2024

09:24, May 14, 2024     Source: Xinhua News Agency    

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 13 (Reporter Jiang Lin) The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released the "three supports and one support" plan for 2024 on the 13th, specifying that this year the central government will support the recruitment of 34400 college graduates to the grass-roots level to support education, agriculture, medicine and rural revitalization, with a service period of two years.

Zhang Wenmiao, Director of the Department of Human Resources Mobility Management of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that this year's recruitment plan is inclined to poverty alleviation areas, northeast areas, border areas, ethnic minority areas, old revolutionary base areas, etc. All localities should focus on the need to promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, focus on the development of urgently needed posts for the development of grass-roots undertakings, ensure that the recruitment and selection work is completed by the end of August, and the new recruits are employed in early September.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance recently issued a notice requiring all regions to do a good job in fund security, ensure that the working and living subsidies of "three supports and one support" personnel meet the policy standards and are paid in full on a monthly basis, implement a one-time settlement fee, pay social insurance premiums as required, and pay subsidies for difficult and remote areas. Where conditions permit, supplementary medical and commercial insurance can be handled within the policy framework in combination with the actual payment of housing provident fund.

The notice also proposed to vigorously strengthen the education and training of "three supports and one support" personnel, implement special plans for capacity improvement, and encourage training and growth in promoting grass-roots development; We will do our best to provide employment services for those who have completed their service, broaden the channels for retaining at the grassroots level, and take multiple measures to promote the "three supports and one support" personnel to take root at the grassroots level and grow into talents.

It is understood that since the implementation of the fourth round of "three supports and one support" plan in 2021, 121700 graduates have been selected to serve at the grass-roots level, which has played a positive role in guiding and encouraging young people to work at the grass-roots level, strengthening the construction of grass-roots talent teams, and helping to comprehensively revitalize the countryside.

(Editor in charge: Plateau)