Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" of the Great Food Concept

2024-05-14 09:16 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph
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Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" of the Great Food Concept

09:16, May 14, 2024     Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph    

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the people's food needs have become more diversified, which requires us to change our ideas and establish the concept of big agriculture and big food". In order to better meet the people's needs for a better life, we should make full use of the scientific thinking of the big agricultural concept and the big food concept, and read the "classics of mountains and seas" that constantly meet the diverse needs of people's food - "eat mountains and sing folk songs, eat sea and read sea classics".

The concept of "big food" has grasped the new requirements of the people's demand side for "food" on the supply side of "big agriculture", which requires both quantity, diversity and quality.

"Eating" is not only about food consumption, but also includes a variety of nutritious and healthy food needs, such as meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, fish, mushrooms and bamboo shoots. The concept of "big food" conforms to the historical change of residents' food consumption structure from "eating well" to "eating well". China has a population of 1.4 billion, and every day a mouth will consume 1.92 million tons of vegetables; Milk consumption groups have expanded from the elderly and children to all ages, and have also been processed into cheese and butter with higher nutritional content

The demand for food depends on the agricultural supply.

The "guaranteed supply" of thousands of dining tables should include millet in Luliang, Shanxi, potatoes in Dingxi, Gansu, navel oranges in Gannan, Jiangxi... Chilean cherries, Thai durian, Vietnamese pitaya, Mexican avocado... Not only the supply type, output and quality should be improved, but also e-commerce logistics, transportation, cold chain fresh-keeping, etc.

Under the guidance of the concept of "big agriculture" and "big food" advocated by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the theoretical connotation and practical significance of "relying on the mountain to eat the mountain and the sea to eat the sea" have been constantly expanded, and the food resources have been developed in an all-round way by asking for heat and protein from cultivated land, grasslands, forests, oceans, plants, animals and microorganisms.

The development of agricultural science and natural protection complement each other. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fishery are born according to nature, and are formed in four seasons, depending on the environment. We should take good care of the life community of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grass, follow the growth law of all things, protect biodiversity resources, pay attention to the season, take it in a proper way, adjust measures to local conditions, follow the natural endowment of water and soil resources and the characteristics of the ecological environment, and integrate the concept of big agriculture, big food with the concept of big ecology. On the premise of adhering to the red line of arable land and ecological red line, grain is suitable for grain, economy is suitable for economy, grazing is suitable for animal husbandry, fishing is suitable for fishing, and forest is suitable for forestry, so as to continuously extend the connotation and extension of the concept of "big agriculture" and "big food", and constantly meet the people's more diversified, nutritious and healthy food needs.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 13, by wire (reporter Wang Libin and Tu Hongchang)

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)