Improve the ability of agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief, firmly grasp the initiative of food security

2024-05-13 10:01 Source: Farmers Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)
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Improve the ability of agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief, firmly grasp the initiative of food security

10:01, May 13, 2024     Source: Farmers Daily    

Wang Tian, reporter of Farmer Daily and China Rural Network

May 12 is the 16th National Day for Disaster Prevention and Reduction, and May 11-17 is the Publicity Week for Disaster Prevention and Reduction. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to disaster prevention, reduction and relief. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important statements on strengthening the capacity of disaster prevention and reduction, emphasizing that we should pay close attention to the weaknesses and strengths, and further improve China's capacity of disaster prevention, reduction and relief. In the field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, it is of great significance to do a good job in disaster prevention and reduction. It is necessary to improve the awareness of disaster prevention and reduction in agriculture and firmly grasp the initiative of food security. What are the agricultural disasters in China? How about the current construction of agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief system? What challenges do you face? What are the weaknesses? What are the key measures to improve the ability of agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief? In this regard, the reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

   Q: What are the agricultural disasters in China and what are their hazards?

A: China has a vast territory and a continental monsoon climate. The complex geographical environment and climate conditions, coupled with the variety of planting and breeding types, have led to a wide range of agricultural disasters, high frequency of occurrence and wide range of impact. Basically, there are disasters every year and seasonal disasters are constant. Agricultural disasters in China include meteorological disasters and biological disasters. Meteorological disasters mainly refer to various weather processes that have a direct or indirect impact on crop growth and development and cause harm, including drought and waterlogging, wind and hail, high temperature and heat damage, low temperature and freezing damage, etc. In recent 10 years, meteorological disasters have caused an average annual disaster area of 310 million mu of crops and 58 billion jin of grain loss, of which drought is 130 million mu, accounting for 42%. Biological disasters are mainly crop diseases and insect pests. There are more than 1600 common crop diseases and insect pests in China, of which more than 100 occur throughout the year and cause harm. According to the Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Crop Diseases and Insect Pests, 20 kinds of crop diseases and insect pests are classified as Class I crop diseases and insect pests for management. In the past five years, the occurrence area of three major crop diseases and insect pests has accumulated more than 3 billion mu times, and the control area has exceeded 4 billion mu times. According to the estimation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the yield loss caused by crop diseases and insect pests in the world every year is up to 40%.

   Q: What is the current situation of China's agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief system?

A: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the agricultural and rural departments have changed their thinking, improved the mechanism and formed a set of effective practices based on disaster resistance. The first is to compact responsibilities, strengthen mobilization and administrative promotion. At key points, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly held a meeting with relevant departments to refine the arrangements for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, carry out contact and guidance for provinces and sectors in the front line of sinking, and coordinate and mobilize the Ministry system, the national three rural systems and social forces to focus on disaster prevention and mitigation. The second is to pay attention to prediction, strengthen the preparation of plans and early warning and forecasting. Improve the information sharing mechanism with meteorological, emergency management, water conservancy and other departments, and formulate plans in advance. Timely release early warning information, encrypt disaster scheduling, assess disaster impact, and timely launch emergency response. Third, consolidate the foundation and strengthen the construction of high standard farmland and the guarantee of facilities and machines. We will strengthen the ability of farmland to prevent, respond to and mitigate disasters. The regional agricultural machinery socialization service center and regional agricultural emergency disaster relief center should be built based on the "emergency and emergency", and the agricultural machinery emergency operation service team should be strengthened. Accelerate the construction of the national agricultural machinery operation command and dispatching platform, promote the establishment and improvement of the disaster prevention and mitigation agricultural machinery reserve and deployment system in all regions, increase the reserve of mobile dryers, crawler tractors, crawler combine harvesters and other emergency relief equipment, and strive to meet the needs of disaster relief. Fourth, science and technology support, strengthening variety breeding and technology promotion. Every year, we will select and release leading varieties of stress resistance, and integrate and promote disaster prevention and mitigation technologies such as "one spray, three prevention" for wheat and "one spray, multiple promotion" for autumn grain. At the critical time of disaster relief, the science and technology team shall be organized to go deep into the severely damaged area and pack films to guide the implementation of key technologies.

   Q: What challenges does agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation face? What are the weaknesses?

A: Agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief is related to ensuring the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products, and the overall situation of economic and social development. With the global climate change, the temporal and spatial uncertainty and complexity of disasters have increased, the chain effect of multiple disasters is obvious, the anomalies of drought and flood disasters in regions and periods have increased, the impact of hidden disasters such as light and temperature has increased, the abnormal extreme weather events with "low probability and high impact" have increased, and the situation of agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief is complex and severe, It also exposed the weaknesses of the agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief system. It is mainly reflected in the fact that the agricultural disaster prevention and reduction still focuses on the rescue after the disaster, has not fully established the comprehensive disaster reduction concept of disaster awareness and prevention first, the construction of a refined monitoring and early warning system and a unified command and dispatching system is lagging behind, and the farmland flood control and drought relief infrastructure and disaster relief materials and equipment support capacity is weak Inadequate support capacity of disaster law research and disaster prevention science and technology.

With the improvement of people's living standards and the growth of the economy, the consumption of grain and important agricultural products in China has increased rapidly. Under the increasingly tight constraints of cultivated land and water resources, the pressure to secure jobs is also increasing. Therefore, it is both a practical need and an inevitable choice to improve the ability of agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, effectively prevent and respond to disaster risks, and avoid major impacts of disasters on the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products in China.

   Q: What are the key measures to improve the ability of agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief?

A: First, we should improve the awareness of disaster prevention and reduction. We should firmly establish the concept of "two insistences and three transformations" in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, base ourselves on "disaster reduction is to increase production" and "prevention is better than rescue", be prepared for danger in times of peace, prepare for a rainy day, and be ready to deal with various disaster risks. We will increase training in agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief knowledge and technology, and strengthen disaster prevention awareness.

The second is to establish a command system for accurate and precise early warning and forecasting. We will develop and improve the disaster risk early warning indicator system and improve the accuracy of forecasting. We will establish a "call response" system for agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation, and do a good job in disaster early warning and accurate early warning. Build an "sky and earth" integrated intelligent monitoring network and a unified and coordinated command and scheduling platform.

Third, accelerate the construction of infrastructure and material reserve capacity. Accelerate the construction of high standard farmland and improve farmland irrigation and drainage facilities. Develop efficient water-saving irrigation as a whole, and improve the ability of emergency supplementary irrigation for agricultural drought resistance. We will accelerate the construction of water and fertilizer precision regulation projects, improve the reserve system of agricultural disaster relief materials, and improve emergency prevention and control capabilities.

Fourth, strengthen the capacity building of agricultural machinery for disaster prevention and relief. Gradually realize the full coverage of the regional agricultural machinery socialization service center and the regional agricultural emergency relief center in all villages and towns in the grain and important agricultural product production area. Build and improve the national agricultural machinery operation command and dispatching platform. Implement the reserve and deployment system of agricultural machinery for disaster prevention and mitigation, and accelerate the reserve of a batch of "emergency and emergency" emergency relief equipment.

The fifth is to enhance the scientific and technological support capacity for disaster prevention and mitigation. We will strengthen research on the impact of climate change on agricultural production and planting systems. Actively select and breed high resistance and multi resistance varieties, accelerate the selection and incubation of agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation technologies, and integrate and promote more new technologies and models for disaster prevention and disaster free production.

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)