The total amount and intensity of China's agricultural carbon emissions have decreased

2024-05-13 09:47 Source: Guangming Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)
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The total amount and intensity of China's agricultural carbon emissions have decreased

09:47, May 13, 2024     Source: Guangming Daily    

Beijing, May 12 (Reporter Yang Shu) The China Agricultural and Rural Low Carbon Development Report Conference and the 17th Agricultural Environment Academic Seminar hosted by the Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences were held on the 11th. The 2024 China Agriculture and Rural Low Carbon Development Report released at the meeting shows that, according to the latest national greenhouse gas inventory data, China's agricultural carbon emissions have achieved both total and intensity reduction, making an important contribution to the national greenhouse gas emission reduction.

It is reported that since 1994, the Chinese government has submitted 7 national greenhouse gas emission changes to the Council of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Due to the lag of greenhouse gas emission measurement, the latest data year of the national greenhouse gas inventory is 2018.

According to the report, the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities in China are methane emissions from paddy fields, nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural land, methane emissions from intestinal fermentation of breeding animals, and greenhouse gas emissions from livestock and poultry manure management. Data shows that in 2018, China's total agricultural greenhouse gas emissions were 793 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, down 4.34% from 2014, and the total carbon emissions from agricultural activities steadily decreased. At the same time, from 1994 to 2018, China's agricultural GDP increased from 0.96 trillion yuan to 6.47 trillion yuan, and the carbon emission intensity of agricultural activities corresponding to ten thousand yuan of agricultural GDP also decreased from 6.32 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to 1.17 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This latest data has been lower than that of the United States and Germany, indicating that China's carbon emission intensity of agricultural activities has continued to decline.

According to the analysis of the report, the reduction of total agricultural carbon emissions and intensity in China is mainly due to the high-quality development of a series of agricultural industries and the implementation of low-carbon policies and measures. In terms of scientific and technological innovation, China has established a climate smart technology system for emission reduction and carbon increase in response to methane emissions from paddy fields, focusing on rapid straw decay, microbial agents, high-yield and low emission varieties screening and water-saving irrigation; Emission reduction and carbon reduction in the breeding industry mainly focus on scientific research and development of methane emission reduction in animal intestines and greenhouse gas emission reduction in feces management. 96 counties and counties nationwide promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, effectively reducing methane and nitrogen dioxide emissions in the process of feces treatment; In terms of agricultural land soil carbon sequestration and sink enhancement, carbon sequestration and sink enhancement technologies have been effectively promoted, especially the carbon sink effect of organic material addition technology, including straw returning, livestock manure returning and green manure returning. In addition, in terms of rural biomass energy, the industrial system has been gradually established, and biomass power generation has maintained a sustained growth. The number of large-scale biogas projects in China has reached 7395, with an annual gas production of 1.4 billion cubic meters. Biomass briquette has built several 10000 ton production demonstration bases, 2664 processing stations, with a capacity of more than 12.6 million tons, and the level of agricultural biomass technology and equipment has been significantly improved, The effect of pollution control, emission reduction and carbon reduction is obvious.

(Editor in charge: Liang Mu)