"Xiaomei" courtyard beautifies "Damei" countryside

2024-05-10 14:56 Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
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"Xiaomei" courtyard beautifies "Damei" countryside

14:56, May 10, 2024     Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition    

The lake bank is winding, the road is flat, and the flowers, plants and trees are scattered... In Dongjiaomiao Natural Village, Liaotian Village, Yangjiang Town, Gaochun District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, there is a beautiful scene of rippling green waves. In the courtyard, roses, peonies, camellias, etc. are competing for beauty and vitality in front of and behind the house.

In the villages of Gaochun District, beautiful courtyards like Dongjiaomiao Village can be seen everywhere. In recent years, Gaochun District has promoted the construction of beautiful courtyards, optimized the rural living environment, explored the "beautiful courtyards+" model, and helped rural tourism development and overall rural revitalization.

Dongjiao Temple has a typical water town style in polder area, and the water system texture is rich and diverse. In 2020, the village will carry out overall planning and building in combination with characteristic rural construction. In the process of creating beautiful villages at the municipal level and characteristic pastoral villages at the provincial level, Laotian Village has incorporated the construction of beautiful courtyards into its planning, creating 200 four-star beautiful courtyards to beautify the "big beautiful" villages with "small beautiful" courtyards.

In Youshanpu Natural Village, there are various bonsais in front of and behind every family's door, some are healthy and handsome, some are exquisite and natural. At noon, the villagers who have finished picking tea in their own yard, together with the flourishing flowers and plants behind them and the swallows with mud under the eaves, form a fresh pastoral picture.

Xingjia Natural Village takes the construction of beautiful courtyards and the development of "courtyard economy" as an important starting point to promote the overall revitalization of the countryside and increase agricultural income. By repairing the idle rural houses into homestays, it turns the rural "sleeping assets" into "income increasing living water". These rural homestays not only retain the original historical memory of ancient trees and villages, but also build a simple modern space through white walls and logs, which is particularly beautiful against the backdrop of green mountains.

Push the window to see green, open the door to see flowers. Since 2019, Gaochun District Women's Federation has built more than 50000 beautiful courtyards, promoting the improvement of beautiful courtyards from "one beauty" to "one beauty". In the future, Gaochun District will continue to explore the "beautiful courtyard+" model, develop courtyard economy, drive industrial development, and make beautiful courtyard both promising and profitable.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)