Innovative agricultural insurance services to increase grain production and income

2024-05-10 09:39 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Innovative agricultural insurance services to increase grain production and income

09:39, May 10, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that we should improve the agricultural support and protection system and the rural financial service system. As an important means of dispersing the risks of agricultural production and operation, agricultural insurance is providing a strong guarantee for China to accelerate the construction of a powerful agricultural country in rich forms and levels, and has become the "heart of good" of more and more farmers.

In recent years, what service innovation does agricultural insurance have? What role has it played in ensuring agricultural production and increasing farmers' income? With these questions in mind, the reporter conducted an investigation and interview.

Improve risk assurance capability

"Loading, taking off, spraying..." Recently, the reporter walked into the field in Motou Town, Boai County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, to observe closely the plant protection drone's "one spray and three prevention" operation on the wheat field. At the scene, facing the green wheat waves blowing in the breeze, the relevant technicians of Jiaozuo Central Branch of the Henan Branch of the General Insurance Company are instructing the UAV drivers to operate the plant protection UAV loaded with mixed agents, and implement the "one spray and three prevention" operation on the 120 mu wheat field in Jixi Village, Motou Town, Boai County, spraying agents accurately and evenly in this promising field.

"One blowout and three prevention" is a way for the insurance industry to infiltrate agricultural insurance into the whole process of agricultural production, shift from focusing on post disaster compensation to focusing on pre disaster defense, and move the risk threshold forward. "At this stage, insurance companies such as all property insurance companies have successively provided farmers with" one spray and three prevention "operations for their wheat fields, which can effectively prevent diseases and pests, dry hot wind, and lodging, and provide strong support for helping farmers increase production and income." Ma Xinming, doctoral supervisor of Henan Agricultural University, introduced that wheat growth mainly goes through three stages: long seedling stage, long spike stage, and long grain stage. At present, wheat is heading, At this time, wheat is particularly sensitive to diseases and pests, and improper treatment will seriously affect the summer yield and farmers' income.

Henan is a major grain producing province, and one quarter of the wheat planting in China is in Henan. Liu Hao, the general manager of Jiaozuo Central Branch of Dajia Property Insurance Henan Branch, said that in order to fight the "first battle" of spring ploughing, Dajia Property Insurance extensively carried out "one spray and three prevention" disaster prevention and loss reduction services. The beneficiaries covered five prefectures, cities and counties in Henan Province, covering more than 200000 mu of farmland in total, benefiting 31000 households, and dispatching about 2000 drones.

The reporter learned that this is not the first time that all property insurance companies have donated spring plowing materials to farmers. A few years ago, every key period of spring plowing, all property insurance companies will donate agricultural materials to farmers in need. However, the similar work of providing farmers with agricultural materials and agricultural technology is not only done by everyone's property insurance, many insurance companies, such as PICC Property Insurance, National Life Insurance and other insurance companies, have carried out the work of donating agricultural materials and providing agricultural technology for farmers in need. On the road of helping and protecting farmers, the insurance industry has always been in the forefront.

"One spray and three precautions" for wheat fields in Motou Town is a microcosm of the insurance industry to escort agricultural development. The insurance industry actively integrates into the rural revitalization strategy, and strives to write a big article on inclusive finance. In recent years, the state has continuously improved the agricultural insurance system and mechanism, and increased the subsidy for wheat insurance in accordance with the policy idea of "the central government develops large quantities and local development features". Farmers only need to pay less premiums to enjoy insurance protection.

With the continuous and in-depth implementation of the overall rural revitalization strategy, agricultural insurance plays an irreplaceable role in protecting "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Chen Shan, General Manager of Agricultural Insurance Business Department of Dajia General Insurance Company, said, "In the future, all property and casualty insurance companies will closely focus on the rural revitalization strategy, based on deepening the agricultural supply side structural reform, protect the interests of farmers, continue to implement the requirements of agricultural insurance 'expansion, standard raising, and product addition', comprehensively implement the action requirements of 'insurance increment, risk reduction', better meet the growing demand for risk protection in the field of 'agriculture, rural areas, and farmers', and promote high-quality agricultural insurance Quantitative development to promote the revitalization of rural industries ".

Risk reduction of scientific and technological empowerment

In recent years, China's agricultural insurance premium income, the amount of compensation and the number of farmers served have all achieved rapid growth, and the role of agricultural insurance in supporting, benefiting, enriching and strengthening farmers has also been further played. According to the data of the State Administration of Financial Supervision, from 2021 to 2023, agricultural insurance will provide 4.3 trillion yuan of risk guarantee funds for poverty alleviation areas, with an average annual growth of 7%. In 2023, China's agricultural insurance premium income will reach 143 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 17.31%. China has become one of the largest agricultural insurance countries in the world in terms of premium scale, agricultural products coverage and business models.

In recent years, the insurance industry has been making efforts to use scientific and technological means to help reduce risk. Industry experts said that in order to better serve the construction of an agricultural power, it is necessary to strengthen industrial resilience and improve the anti risk ability of the entire agricultural industry chain. Agricultural insurance should change its working idea from a single link to the whole process, and the most important one is to strengthen risk reduction services.

Taking Sunshine Property&Casualty Insurance as an example, the company has been focusing on rural revitalization, applying new scientific and technological means to constantly improve the level of agricultural insurance services. From the summer to the autumn harvest in 2022, many agricultural areas in Heilongjiang Province were severely affected by hail, flood and frost disasters. Due to the wide disaster area, it is difficult to determine the loss. Through the application of satellite remote sensing, UAV aerial photography and other technologies, Sunshine Property Insurance quickly and accurately surveyed the disaster area to determine the disaster area in time. More than 62.5 million yuan of compensation was paid to 23089 households each time, which improved the ability of local farmers to withstand natural disasters and provided support for affected farmers to resume agricultural production in a timely manner.

Wang Hongjun, head of the Agricultural Insurance Department of Sunshine Property Insurance, said that the wide application of satellite remote sensing technology has played a role in promoting the high-quality development of agricultural insurance. Agricultural insurance can provide a basis for crop seedling, growth, disaster progress and loss determination through satellite remote sensing technology. Insurance technology can provide effective risk reduction management and high-quality loss compensation for traditional agriculture. In the future, Sunshine Property Insurance will deeply integrate the new generation of information technology and the whole industrial chain of modern agriculture, apply digital technology and artificial intelligence to rural financial services, focus on solving agricultural insurance financing problems, and improve farmers' ability to expand reproduction.

Experts in the industry said that at present, agricultural insurance still focuses on early insurance and late compensation, and light disaster prevention and process management. Agricultural insurance needs to strengthen risk reduction services on the basis of ensuring accurate settlement of claims and full compensation payable, shift the agricultural insurance work idea from "post disaster compensation" to "pre disaster prevention", "disaster intervention" and "post disaster compensation", which is the same frequency as agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief work, so as to reduce the probability of agricultural risks and reduce agricultural disaster losses.

Last summer, many parts of the country frequently suffered extreme heavy rainfall, frequent floods, and waterlogging of farmland and crop lodging in some areas. In order to cope with the flood situation, while making every effort to do a good job in claims settlement services, everyone's property insurance company, on the one hand, scientifically formulated and sent rainstorm risk tips, disaster prevention and loss prevention tips and response measures letters to guide farmers to do a good job in disaster prevention; On the other hand, we will further upgrade and improve the "agricultural insurance information management platform", use satellite remote sensing RS, geographic information system GIS and other scientific and technological means to identify disaster prone areas and visit and survey on the spot, carry out dam building and desilting work on drainage rivers at the first time, and raise the standards of typhoon prevention, flood prevention and waterlogging drainage in the protected area to once every 20 years, It has ensured the agricultural production safety of 135200 mu farmland of nearly 2000 households.

"Insurance companies should further increase investment in agricultural science and technology, actively use big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other technologies, and enable high-quality development of agricultural insurance with science and technology." Chen Shan said that all along, everyone in property insurance has continued to strengthen pre risk management, focusing on pre disaster forecasting, early warning, and disaster rescue and loss reduction, and promoting agricultural insurance from "post disaster compensation" Transform to "loss reduction in disaster" and "pre disaster prevention", and constantly extend the security chain. In the future, the company will continue to accelerate the construction and improvement of agricultural whole industry chain insurance, develop from "disaster and cost protection" to "price, income and production chain protection", and further improve the supply guarantee ability of agricultural products.

Improve risk diversification mechanism

This year, the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee proposed to improve the catastrophe insurance system. This is the first time that catastrophe insurance has been mentioned in the No.1 Central Document.

In recent years, global climate change has led to an increase in extreme weather events, which has had a serious impact on agricultural production. For example, a few days ago, severe convective weather and continuous heavy rainfall occurred in central and northern Guangdong, which had a great impact on local agricultural production. Shaoguan, Qingyuan, Zhaoqing and other places suffered damage to agricultural houses and crops. According to the data of the Guangdong Regulatory Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, from April 19 to 12:00 on April 28, the insurance institutions within the jurisdiction received 34700 cases in total, with a reported loss amount of 699 million yuan, including 157 million yuan for agricultural insurance.

How to calmly deal with frequent natural disasters and establish and improve the agricultural catastrophe insurance system? Experts in the industry suggest that we should improve the risk dispersion mechanism of agricultural insurance, strengthen the design of agricultural reinsurance system, and establish an agricultural reinsurance system that conforms to the current situation of China's agricultural production and operation development. On the one hand, we should improve and implement the reserve system for agricultural insurance catastrophe risk, and achieve the continuous expansion, enhancement and standard raising of rural insurance through a stable and reliable reinsurance system; On the other hand, we will build diversified risk diversification tools and portfolio tools such as "agricultural reinsurance fund", "reinsurance+catastrophe fund+catastrophe bond", "reinsurance+catastrophe bond" to hedge agricultural disasters in the risk diversification system.

Reinsurance, as an important part of the catastrophe risk diversification mechanism, plays an important role in responding to major disasters and helping build a resilient society. For example, through the technology and experience accumulated in the field of commercial catastrophe risk, China Re Property&Casualty Insurance continued to carry out the innovation and implementation of catastrophe insurance, and promoted the establishment and improvement of China's catastrophe insurance system. Among the policy based catastrophe insurance and commercial insurance, China Re Property Insurance has an average annual coverage of more than 9 trillion yuan for typhoon risk and nearly 5 trillion yuan for earthquake risk. "China Re Property&Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. fully participated in the innovation of agricultural catastrophe and weather index insurance business in Jiangxi, Sichuan, Fujian, Qinghai and other places, providing more than 400 million yuan of risk protection for agriculture, fishery, forestry, etc." Wang Zhongyao, the proposed general manager of China Property&Casualty Reinsurance Co., Ltd., introduced that China Re Property&Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. actively promoted the innovation of seed insurance products, and established seed companies, direct insurance companies The reinsurance company has an integrated cooperation mechanism to jointly carry out insurance product research and development covering breeding research and development, seed production and breeding, promotion and sales and other full industrial chain guarantees.

Wang Zhongyao said that in the future, China Reinsurance will give full play to its unique reinsurance advantages, focus on basic research in key core areas such as seed industry and machinery, research and develop exclusive insurance protection products, and consolidate the foundation of agricultural production quality, efficiency and competitiveness; Provide diversified and customized insurance for local agricultural characteristic industries, and provide effective risk management solutions for characteristic planting, breeding and fishery. (Economic Daily reporter Wu Yadong)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)