Report: Digital economy helps rural revitalization in various forms

2024-05-08 09:40 Source: Economic Information Daily
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Report: Digital economy helps rural revitalization in various forms

09:40, May 8, 2024     Source: Economic Information Daily    

Recently, the seminar of "Digital Economy Helps Rural Revitalization" and the press conference of "China Digital Economy High Quality Development Report (2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") hosted by the Institute of Finance and Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences were held in Beijing. The report points out that the digital economy is promoting rural revitalization with new technologies, new entities and new models as the internal driving factors.

The report believes that in terms of new technologies, emerging digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing and blockchain are effectively integrated with agriculture, rural areas and rural revitalization, and are changing and optimizing the traditional resource allocation model to provide new opportunities for agricultural modernization. In the process of digital technology application and digital economy development, digital economy has helped rural revitalization gradually improve the quality and efficiency of supply chain, industrial chain and value chain development, and promoted the digital, networked and intelligent development of agriculture, rural areas and rural markets.

In terms of new entities, the report shows that in the process of integration of the digital economy and the real economy, China has emerged a series of new entity enterprises represented by JD and China Unicom, which are new entities helping rural revitalization. New entity enterprises have special advantages in promoting technological innovation, actively contacting diversified business entities, supporting agricultural operators to enter the digital ecosystem, providing applied services, and cultivating digital talents.

In terms of new models, the report points out that from the perspective of digital development level, China has formed the information platform model, single product digital model, agricultural industrial park model and three industry integration development model of digital economy helping agricultural and rural development and rural revitalization, which has effectively improved the digital development level of "three agriculture" and effectively improved the quality and efficiency of rural revitalization and development.

Participants believed that in the new journey of Chinese modernization, we should make better use of digital technology and the digital economy to promote rural revitalization and achieve new results. In the future, in the process of digital economy helping rural revitalization, it is necessary to improve rural digital economic infrastructure, guide the overall development of rural revitalization with characteristic industries, improve the diversified input mechanism for rural revitalization, focus on building a new system of full chain modernization and digital services, improve the concept and policy logic of digital development, and improve the close sharing benefit connection mechanism, Both internal and external training promotes the revitalization of rural talents. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, give full play to the advantages of the multi-agent coordination mechanism, pay attention to the in-depth integration of new technologies, new entities and new models, and strive to improve the effectiveness of digital economy in rural revitalization. (Cai Jingyuan)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)