"This little fish cares"

2024-05-08 09:37 Source: Xinhuanet
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"This little fish cares"

09:37, May 8, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet    

Xinhua News Agency, Xiamen, May 7: "This little fish cares"

Xinhua News Agency reporters Yan Zhihong and Ai Fumei

In early summer, when we walked into Minning Middle School located in Minning Town, Yongning County, Yinchuan City, Ningxia, a colorful display board was very conspicuous. "The snow in Ningxia is like an ice orchid" "It's getting dark, listening to the stir frying (sound) coming from the kitchen, bowing to read poetry, looking up at the moon, and grandma and grandpa are busy cooking"... Read carefully, and the children's poems with words cut from the newspaper are really "My heart has its own clouds, white mountains and green mountains".

"This is a demonstration of the results of a clip poetry class we gave to seventh graders. The children use pictures and words cut from newspapers to write poems with the theme of 'My hometown', to show their hometown in their minds." Liang Yiting, a volunteer from Xiamen University who is teaching here, said.

"They are very young, so it is easier to communicate with the dolls. With their help, the scientific and technological activities of the school have been carried out, and the characteristic culture of southern Fujian has also been introduced," said Yang Dong, the principal of Minning Middle School.

Minning Town, which has successively accepted tens of thousands of immigrants from the "Xihaigu" of Ningxia, is named after the abbreviation of Fujian and Ningxia, which is an important historical witness of the cooperation between Fujian and Ningxia for more than 20 years. The Ningxia Graduate Education Support Group of Fujian Ningxia University in collaboration with Xiamen University is one of the first groups to participate in the project of "China Youth Volunteer Poverty Alleviation Relay Program Graduate Education Support Group" in China. Since 1999, 312 volunteer members have assisted in relay education.

Liang Yiting, the 25th group of members of the branch, came to Minning Town in the summer of 2023. At that time, Mao Yanting, the head of the 24th batch of the Mission, had just finished supporting teaching in Guanqiao Middle School, Guanqiao Township, Haiyuan County. Today, Mao Yanting is continuing his postgraduate studies at Xiamen University.

Mao Yanting said, "I served as the seventh grade moral and rule of law teacher of Guanqiao Middle School after a year of volunteer teaching." In addition, he and his teammates also raised more than 2.2 million yuan for the volunteer teaching group's "This little fish cares" student aid activity for poor students in mountainous areas, laying the foundation for thousands of poor students to successfully complete their studies.

"This little fish cares" The student aid activity for poor students in mountainous areas has a unique name and will become popular on the social platform in the summer of 2023. This student aid activity has been established for more than 20 years. Its name comes from a moving fable. In the morning after the storm, there were many small fish trapped in shallow water on the beach. A little boy saw this and took the small fish in his hands and sent them back to the sea one by one. Someone persuaded him: "Boy, can you save so many fish? Who cares?" The little boy continued to pick up fish and replied: "This little fish cares! This one also cares!"

This story moved Mao Yanting, the "post-00s", and became an important reason for him to aspire to teaching. When Mao Yanting first arrived at Guanqiao Middle School, the eighth grader gave him a picture: "Teacher Mao, I hope you can teach us new knowledge like a robot cat!" This short "welcome ceremony" strengthened Mao Yanting's belief in "standing on this post".

"Mr. Mao, I will try my best to change my destiny." Ma Tianxue, a seventh grader of Guanqiao Middle School, told Mao Yanting quietly at a class meeting when he was about to leave after finishing his teaching task.

In his home visit, Mao Yanting learned that Ma Tianxue's family had undergone major changes, so he paid more attention to this strong child. With the joint efforts of teachers and students, Ma Tianxue's performance has been catching up from the middle of the grade to the top ten.

This year, the Ningxia Graduate Education Group of Xiamen University cooperated by Fujian and Ningxia won the title of the 28th "China Youth May 4th Medal Collective".

"'This little fish cares' has raised more than 13 million yuan since its inception, and has now helped more than 20000 children from poor families in Ningxia." Xu Jingong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xiamen University, said that over the years, the teaching support group has become a signboard for education and rural revitalization based on the principle of "not giving up any little fish, not giving up any student".

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)