"World Swimwear Town": integration of culture, sports, tourism, industry and rural revitalization

2024-05-07 09:15 Source: Economic Information Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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"World Swimwear Town": integration of culture, sports, tourism, industry and rural revitalization

09:15, May 7, 2024     Source: Economic Information Daily     □ Reporter Wu Jianfeng reports from Fuzhou

In the factory, colorful fabrics have been carefully cut and sewn into swimsuits with novel design. Soon, they will cross the mountains and seas and become a bright color of beaches around the world... Entering the Horner Clothing Co., Ltd. located in Jinjiang, Fujian, the roar of machines and the busy figure of workers interweave into a vibrant industrial picture.

Yinglin Town, where the bugler company is located, is known as the "world swimwear town", with more than 200 swimwear enterprises and an annual output value of more than 20 billion yuan. In the industry, there is a saying that "for every 100 swimsuits in the world, 30 are from Jinjiang, and more than 2/3 of them are from Yinglin".

In recent years, influenced by the fluctuation of the global economic situation, the demand of traditional export markets in Europe and the United States is weak, and the Yinglin swimwear industry, which is mainly for export, is facing challenges. Under the guidance of the local government, some enterprises began to try to walk on "two legs", looking from the other side of the ocean to the domestic market.

"In the past few years, the proportion of our domestic and foreign trade orders has changed from 3:7 to 7:3, and last year's domestic orders still maintained a 10% growth." Hong Jingxin, general manager of Horner Clothing Co., Ltd., said that in recent years, fitness for all has become a common practice. In order to meet the consumer demand of Chinese people, the Horner has expanded the track from swimwear to yoga clothes, fitness clothes and other personal sports clothing, These products are similar to swimwear in materials, so the company can use existing resources to extend its product line.

It takes time to cultivate domestic brands, and how to pass the "pain period" of transformation is no small test. "Under the guidance of the government, we cooperated with Hongxingerke, B. Duck and other enterprises. They provided brand authorization, and we were responsible for design, research, development, production and sales." Hong Jingxin said that this not only makes up for the brand weakness of Yinglin swimwear industry, but also opens the segment market for other enterprises to achieve a win-win situation.

For a long time, Yinglin swimwear industry has been "blooming on the wall and fragrant on the wall". How can it help more enterprises to become famous in China? In December 2023, the town officially launched the regional public brand of "Yinglin Shangpin" at the "Yinglin Shangpin" International Sportswear Design Competition held in Jinjiang.

"We know that traditional manufacturing and processing is far from enough to make Jinjiang's personal sports products go to the center of the world stage. We must innovate, design, and have our own brand and intellectual property rights." Li Deming, secretary of the Yinglin Town Party Committee, said that the emergence of regional public brands will change the ignition of Yinglin swimwear industry In the situation of fighting on their own, everyone worked together to develop, which not only opened up the domestic market, but also promoted the overall transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Along with the landing of public brands, there are also a number of cultural and sports events. Since last year, Yinglin Town has held activities such as the Gucuo swimsuit show and the "Village BA" competition. Careful viewers have found that swimsuits that once only appeared in factories are gradually taking to the streets, becoming a beautiful scenery of the "swimsuit town".

"Yinglin is a swimwear fashion town. We embedded swimwear, a sports product, into the whole event, and demonstrated the local swimwear brand by taking the basketball court as the runway." Wang Shijin, director of Yinglin Town Comprehensive Convenience Service Center, said that sports events can drive a large number of people and further promote the integrated development of sports and sports tourism. In Dongpu Village, Yinglin Town, the basketball court alone can accommodate more than 7000 people. Around the basketball court, the market has spontaneously formed a basketball night market, which not only drives the income of villagers, but also promotes the income of the collective economy.

Now, when we enter the "swimwear town", there are not only numerous factories, but also crowded venues and shows. Li Deming said that this year, Yinglin Town will also hold a national yoga contest, and carry out activities such as catching up with the small sea and grassroots basketball games. At the same time, it will promote the construction of joint projects at the village level, such as Yinglin coastal tourism area, pastoral scenery demonstration line, Yingshan outdoor sports and leisure park, so as to revitalize the countryside with the integration of cultural, sports and tourism industries.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)