Shanxi: "Homesickness" agricultural products unlock the password of holiday economic flow

2024-05-06 11:24 Source: Farmers Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Shanxi: "Homesickness" agricultural products unlock the password of holiday economic flow

11:24, May 6, 2024     Source: Farmers Daily     Wu Jinbin, reporter of Farmer Daily and China Rural Network

A few days ago, Yu County, Yangquan City, Shanxi Province held a promotion conference on the routes of leisure agricultural boutique scenic spots of "enjoying the countryside and the beautiful countryside", launched 19 routes and 90 boutique scenic spots, tried to unlock the holiday economic flow password with "nostalgia" agricultural products, and created a new "poem and distance" for consumers.

Shanxi has a profound history and culture, distinctive agriculture, rich leisure agriculture and rural tourism resources, and unique advantages. There are 111 national historical and cultural towns and villages and 619 traditional Chinese villages in the province. Jishan Banzao, Yangcheng Sericulture, Hengshan Astragalus, Changzhi Dangshen are listed as important agricultural cultural heritage in China.

In recent years, Shanxi has organically combined the establishment of key counties of national leisure agriculture and China's beautiful leisure villages with the construction of three No.1 tourist roads of the Yellow River, Taihang and Great Wall in the province. With farmers as the main body, agriculture as the foundation, and culture as the root vein, Shanxi has implemented the high-quality project of leisure agriculture in the way of integrating production and life with ecology, creating the Yellow River family, Taihang family The leisure industry with rich types of business such as "farmhouse", picking garden and home stay in the Great Wall family and the suburbs of the city constantly improves the supply of leisure agriculture products and provides new places for urban consumers to spend their holidays.

According to reports, six counties including Yu County and Anze County in Shanxi Province were selected as key counties of leisure agriculture in China. 64 villages, including Liujiabao Village in Xiaodian District and Shuiyukou Village in Yongji City, were selected as China's beautiful leisure villages. For five consecutive years, the province has held the promotion of leisure agriculture boutique scenic spots routes of "enjoying the countryside and beautiful villages", successively launched 93 boutique routes and 452 boutique scenic spots, becoming a new brand product of Shanxi's characteristic agricultural industry, and matrix publicity and promotion of pastoral scenery, local culture, folk customs, and characteristic food. Among them, 28 routes such as Jixian Flower Sea and Datong Deshengbao Group sightseeing tour were selected as national leisure agriculture and rural tourism boutique routes.

In 2023, there will be 8913 leisure agriculture and rural tourism operators in Shanxi Province, with an increase of 15%; Driving 390000 farmers to benefit, up 14.7%; 79.11 million person times were received, an increase of nearly 40%; The business income of leisure agriculture was 10.8 billion yuan, up 38%; The local sales revenue of agricultural and sideline products was 4.27 billion yuan, up 22.7%. "Nostalgia" has become a new growth pole of Shanxi's agricultural industry.

Next, Shanxi Province will learn from the experience of the "Ten Million Project", improve the interest linkage mechanism in the process of building a harmonious countryside suitable for living, working and traveling, and let farmers achieve local employment and income increase through cooperation and equity participation.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)