Zhejiang Yunhe: "Huacun" Economy Promotes Income Increase

2024-05-06 11:23 Source: Xinhuanet
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Zhejiang Yunhe: "Huacun" Economy Promotes Income Increase

11:23, May 6, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet    

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, May 5, Title: Zhejiang Yunhe: "Flower Village" Economy Promotes Income Increase

Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Ping and Yue Deliang

"Come on, stand there and take a picture. The flowers match the people, and the people are more beautiful." During the May Day holiday, when you walked into Chishi Village, Chishi Township, Yunhe County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, you saw beautiful roses growing wantonly. Some were competing for beauty, and some were in bud. Tourists could not help but take photos of them in the fragrance of flowers.

Chishi Village is a reservoir resettlement village, adjacent to Yunhe Lake. At the beginning of the 20th century, due to the lack of wealth making industries, a large number of people moved out and once became a "hollow village". Thanks to the tough action of "eliminating the weak village of collective economy" of the village's collective economy, this quiet village has undergone great changes in 2015.

"At that time, our collective economy was so poor that village cadres were in arrears of more than 100000 yuan for their lost time." Zhou Yongwen, secretary of the General Party Branch of Chishi Village, recalled that in 2015, 14 administrative villages in Chishi Township launched the collective economic project of Lianjian Village and invested 10 million yuan to build 18 wooden houses in Chishi Village. Since then, try to plant roses around the wooden house. The quiet village suddenly became lively.

According to Zhou Yongwen, in order to attract more tourists, in recent years, Chishi Village has planted tens of thousands of roses, roses, roses and other flowers in the whole village through the income of tourism "blood making". In April and May every year, these flowers bloom in various colors, and the village is also called "Flower Village" by tourists.

In 2018, Yunhe Youth Dong Yijie, who opened a home stay in Chishi Village, told reporters that there should be corresponding "tipping points" for rural tourism development, and the "password" for the tourism boom in Chishi Village is the blooming flowers.

It is understood that in order to increase the tourists' sense of experience, Chishi Village has also vigorously implemented the construction of the park and countryside in recent years, and developed the "Hi Weekend" characteristic street, Nanshan Lake rice+base and other tourism projects. In 2023, the collective economic income of the whole village will reach 1.929 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income of the villagers will nearly double that of 2015.

"After the growth of the collective economy, from 2019 onwards, the village will distribute about 200000 yuan of dividends to the villagers every year. For the elderly over 70 years old, each person will give an extra 200 yuan of red envelopes every year." Zhou Yongwen said.

Near noon, the Happy Island Fish Head Hall in Chishi Village was full. "The peasant club is like a rose at the gate. The more it opens, the happier our life will become." Wang Miaoying, the boss who is busy serving vegetables and tea to tourists, said.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)