"Reverse" going back to the village to hold weddings has become a new trend

2024-04-30 09:30 Source: Farmers Daily
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"Reverse" going back to the village to hold weddings has become a new trend

09:30, April 30, 2024     Source: Farmers Daily     Yang Yuying, Hao Lingfeng, reporter of Farmer Daily, China Rural Network

Recently, Luna, a villager in Shahe Village, Puji Town, Jiaozhou City, Qingdao, Shandong Province, is busy preparing for her wedding with her mother. Luna, the post-90s generation, worked in the urban area of Jiaozhou. She initially chose the wedding banquet in the countryside rather than the city, which once surprised the surrounding people. In fact, young people like Luna who make such a choice are not few in Jiaozhou. How did this new trend of "reverse" village wedding come into being? Through this window, what new ideas have emerged in Jiaozhou to change customs? Recently, reporters walked into Jiaozhou to feel the new trend of civilized marriage customs.

The wedding hall became the first choice for villagers to hold a banquet

Although the village "banquet hall" is not comparable to the city in terms of hardware, it can actually save a lot of money for the village private banquet. Gao Lingling, a member of the publicity committee of the Puji Town Party Committee, calculated the account for the reporter: "The average price of a wedding banquet in the city is more than 2000 yuan, plus the expenses of wedding cars, cameras, master of ceremonies, and so on, the wedding ceremony will cost at least 70000 yuan or 80000 yuan. But if it is held in the village wedding hall, the meal alone can save 20000 yuan or 30000 yuan for the mass festival."

On the one hand, saving money is another advantage. "The villagers can go to the wedding hall from home in about 15 minutes." Gao Lingling said that this would save the trouble of picking up and seeing off the villagers, and the guests were happy.

In Songyuan Village, 5 kilometers away from Shahe Village, the wedding hall located in the village committee is warm and exquisite, which is the first choice for the village private thank-you banquet. Since 2017, Songyuan Village has responded to the call of Puji Town and carried out the reform of changing customs, transforming the north side of the first floor of the village committee building into a wedding hall, equipped with a special kitchen. This is also the first rural happy event hall in Qingdao.

"At the wedding banquet, there is also a Yangko volunteer service team in the village to dance Yangko and send blessings for the new couple, adding to the excitement." Liu Yanfang, secretary of the party branch of Songyuan Village, said that the villagers are also willing to hold a hundred year old banquet, birthday celebration banquet, etc. in the village wedding hall, and only need to pay 50 yuan per person for meals. The chefs and dining cars are arranged by the village Red and White Council.

"When we first carried out the reform of changing customs and marriage customs, the villagers were also unwilling and had a mentality of comparison. Later, I joined the Red and White Council members to do villagers' ideological work, and the villagers gradually realized that the wedding hall was not only convenient, but also provided a place for villagers to get together and chat, which is now very popular," said Liu Yanfang.

At present, Puji Town has completed the reform of changing customs, the wedding hall has been fully covered in 69 villages, and the "banquet hall" at the entrance of the village has made the villagers "simplify" the cost and "enrich" the civilization.

Group Wedding Play New Styles of Marriage Customs

Bus wedding cars come from afar, and the youthful "dopamine" color matching on the body is eye-catching; At the wedding scene, the romantic lawn was elaborately arranged with many punch points, integrating various elements such as Yanghe characteristic culture, scenic spots, agricultural products, etc; The newlyweds started the show with a harvest wheat bouquet, which symbolizes happiness and happiness. Rituals such as three bowing and three giving, and exchanging keepsakes added to the traditional sense of Chinese wedding ceremony.

This is the scene of the collective wedding held at Xingguang Square, Yanghe Town, Jiaozhou City during the National Day holiday last year. The eight couples held a simple, civilized and meaningful collective wedding in the presence of relatives and friends, and in the blessing of Liu Yi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Yanghe Town.

As the second municipal wedding hall in Jiaozhou City, the Starlight Park Wedding Hall relies on the two natural scenery of Yanghe Town, "Dongshi" and "Chenghai", in order to convey the meaning of "the sea withers and the rocks crumble". At the same time, relying on the headquarters of the National Meteor Monitoring Network of Qingdao Aishan Observatory, the park has built the Meteor Museum, Biodiversity Museum and other popular science venues. "One game for multiple purposes", Starlight Park not only enables newcomers to gain romance, but also can drive the surrounding cultural tourism, attract research teams and attract tourists in a continuous stream.

The idea of combining wedding and cultural tourism has long been practiced in Jiaozhou. In 2019, Jiaozhou's first wedding hall for the practice of civilization in the new era was opened in Dagu River Tourist Resort. As soon as it was established, 70 couples were attracted to participate in the collective wedding activities. In 2021, another 137 couples will gather on the Dagu River and make a vow to join hands with their loved ones in the beautiful scenery of their hometown.

According to the staff of Jiaozhou Civilization Office, in the New Era Civilization Practice Wedding Hall, the whole process of collective wedding is free, and the venue for individual wedding is also free. The purpose is to encourage young people to stop holding big ceremonies, hold weddings in a more civilized and simple way, and promote the change of customs. The "Marriage Registration Tour Point" is set up in the wedding hall of Dagu River Provincial Ecotourism Resort, which circularly plays the propaganda film of civilized marriage customs, advocating the good fashion of simple handling and civilized observation. Since the construction of the New Era Civilized Practice Wedding Auditorium in 2019, Jiaozhou has held 94 large-scale weddings, serving 265 couples in total.

Volunteer team goes to the countryside to advocate civilization

Zang Yihao and Yuan Linchun, who are over 70 years old, have just finished a "cultural tour" performance in Hujia New Village, Puji Town.

Zang Yihao and Yuan Linchun, the "literary couple", have been engaged in the promotion and inheritance of Jiaozhou Maoqiang Opera and Jiaozhou Yangko for a long time. They have created many folk art works, such as "Four Old Men Praise Virtue and Filial Piety", "Always Follow the Party and Welcome the 20th National Congress", and actively signed up as volunteers to change customs and participated in more than 100 public benefit performances; In the activity of "people talking about things around us" held in Puji Town, Zang Yihao and his wife attended almost every activity and sent "literary feast" and laughter to the villagers.

In order to promote the change of customs, the old couple specially created the Shandong Express Book "Change of customs is good". The catchy melody echoed in 69 rural stages in Puji Town, and sang in the wedding hall and wedding reception road in Songyuan Village, Pushang Four Community and other places. In addition, Zang Yihao and his wife are often invited by the village to meet their relatives and perform free programs for the newlyweds. They are the oldest "atmosphere group".

Wang Deqing, a retired teacher in Jiaozhou, is also an active volunteer of changing customs around the masses. He is enthusiastic about preaching the cause, and often shuttles in Jiaozhou's large and small lecture halls to preach red culture stories, family customs and family education. Seeing that the habit of new happy events and simple white events has become a common practice in Puji Town of his hometown, Wang Deqing consciously became a propagandist and went to the villages, communities, schools, enterprises and other relevant units to preach under the title of "Changing Customs to Build a New Style". He is good at interpreting "big policy" with "family talk" and "big truth" with "small stories", which are popular with local people.

As one of the first pilot cities of the new era civilization practice center in the country and the province, Jiaozhou has specially established a volunteer service team to attract enthusiastic volunteers from the society and provide wedding volunteer services for new people since the new era civilization practice activities were carried out in 2018. Up to now, Jiaozhou City has 68 volunteer service teams to change customs, and 239 volunteers to change customs, so that the masses can subtly change the old conventions and bad habits such as large-scale exercises and "high price betrothal gifts", and the new marriage is becoming a new trend.

A series of simple wedding ceremonies and new civilized events are emerging all over Jiaozhou. Analysis of the reasons for the formation of the new style: First, the local party and government strongly advocated, such as the "Opinions on the Implementation of the City's Promotion of Rural Revitalization Strategy and Deepening the Work of Changing Customs" issued in May 2018, and the "Implementation Plan on Advocating the" Anti waste, Civilized Handling "Action of Changing Customs" again issued in May 2022, aiming at simply handling weddings and funerals Make clear provisions on boycotting high price bride price; The second is to provide convenient places, facilities, services, etc. with a full sense of atmosphere, so that people can find more and better options after "shopping around"; The third is to launch new ideas for groundbreaking, humane and fashionable wedding events, which young people are more willing to accept. In this way, the multi win effect of reducing the burden of the masses and advocating a civilized local style will be achieved, and the new wedding event and the local style civilization will be reflected in this hot land.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)