Industry university research cooperation to revitalize the countryside

2024-04-29 09:24 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Industry university research cooperation to revitalize the countryside

09:24, April 29, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

The recent symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era stressed that we should thoroughly implement the strategy of rural revitalization, increase support for key counties in the country's rural revitalization, establish a regular assistance mechanism for low-income people and underdeveloped areas, and resolutely prevent large-scale poverty. How to promote the deep integration of industry, university and research and continue to make efforts to constantly enhance the new momentum of rural comprehensive revitalization has become the topic.

By the end of 2023, China has built 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, 200 strong towns of agricultural industry, 100 agricultural modernization demonstration zones, and the modern agricultural industrial system has become increasingly perfect. The support for agricultural science and technology has been steadily enhanced. 86.11 million mu of high standard farmland has been built, renovated and upgraded. The seed industry revitalization action has achieved phased results, and breakthroughs have been made in short board agricultural machinery and equipment. The talent team continues to grow, importing specialized and localized talents for the countryside, and serving the development of rural leading industries. Some universities and institutions let students enter the farmland to "plant" papers, carry out water fertilizer integration experiments, and transfer advanced theories and technologies to the grass-roots level by building an integration platform of production, teaching and research.

The achievements of industry, education and research in supporting the overall revitalization of rural areas cannot be separated from the support of national policies. The Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Revitalization of Rural Industries previously issued by the State Council, aimed at the practical problems existing in rural industry categories, industrial chains, element vitality, quality and efficiency, refined policy guidance and strategic support, and proposed to strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological innovation. Vigorously cultivate rural industrial innovation subjects. Establish a collaborative innovation mechanism for industry, university, research and application, and jointly tackle a number of key technologies in the agricultural field. It can be seen that the collaborative innovation mechanism of industry university research is focused on "collaboration" and "innovation". Highlighting the policy orientation of scientific and technological innovation, assisting the coordinated development and deep integration of industries, technologies, talents and other elements, and helping to realize the organic connection of industrial chain, innovation chain and talent chain.

Next, we should further promote the coordinated development of industry, university and research, and stimulate the endogenous power and innovation vitality of rural revitalization.

On the one hand, improve the system and mechanism construction of rural comprehensive revitalization. A promotion mechanism led by the agricultural sector, supported by social forces and widely participated by farmers should be established, a series of precise policy support for agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship and transformation of innovative achievements should be formulated, and a set of benefit sharing mechanism and incentive compatibility mechanism for in-depth integration of industry, university and research should be established. It is advocated that more enterprises should take the social responsibility of taking the lead in developing cooperation projects with agricultural products, co creating projects with scientific research institutions, and joint training projects with colleges and universities, so as to truly realize the integration of industry, education and research, promote the development of rural industries and scientific and technological innovation, and enhance the endogenous power of rural comprehensive revitalization.

On the other hand, cultivate a talent team for all-round revitalization of the countryside. The overall revitalization of rural areas can not be separated from scientific and technological research and development talents, technical application talents, enterprise management talents, etc. All villages in different regions should recruit talents with special needs for production, learning and research to become "new farmers", constantly promote agricultural science and technology research, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and industrialization level, so that more "new farmers" become "farmers". (Author: Wu You Source: Economic Daily)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)