Heads of relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs responded to the problem of wheat silage

2024-04-28 09:13 Source: Xinhuanet
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Heads of relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs responded to the problem of wheat silage

09:13, April 28, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet    

Recently, we media on the Internet released posts and short videos, saying that "harvesting immature wheat as silage can earn 1500 yuan per mu of land". The reporter interviewed the heads of relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The person in charge said that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs attached great importance to this, and had organized the verification of relevant information. There was basically no specific time, place and other information in the online posts. Through tracing the source of pictures, videos and other information, and organizing the local people to verify with the posters, some of them were old pictures and new ones, some were other crops, and some were promoting lawn cutting machines, All are false information.

The person in charge said that the main raw material of silage is silage corn, and the purchase price of the land is about 500 yuan/ton, while the harvested immature wheat is used for silage, and the biological output per mu is less than 1.5 tons. Calculated at 1500 yuan/mu, the purchase price is more than 1000 yuan/ton, which is far higher than the silage corn, and the feed value of wheat is only about 70% of the silage corn. From the nutritional value In terms of economic value, harvesting immature wheat for silage is neither cost-effective nor reasonable. According to the situation in recent years, only a few dairy farms rotate some forage wheat on the supporting forage ground for silage. In 2022, affected by the severe autumn flood in the north the previous year, the silage corn reserves of individual farms in the Huang Huai Hai region were insufficient, so a small amount of wheat rations were added for supplement. This year, according to the scheduling of China Dairy Association and local reports, the silage supply of dairy farms is normal, and there is no shortage.

The person in charge said that wheat is an important grain crop, accounting for more than 1/5 of the annual grain area and output, and it is also the first season of the annual grain production. Success in the first battle of summer grain wheat is crucial to win the annual grain harvest. At present, wheat in the main production areas is growing well, and the proportion of Class I and II seedlings is 1 percentage point higher than that of last year. We should cherish the hard won wheat production situation. In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will guide the main wheat production areas to strengthen the field management in the later stage, implement the "one spray and three prevention" measures, focus on the control of major diseases and pests such as scab, stripe rust, and aphids at the ear stage, and develop an emergency plan to deal with "rotten field rain" to ensure the return of particles to the warehouse. Internet users can call the hotline of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs at 010-59191312 if they find clues about wheat cutting.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)