Effectively promote the overall revitalization of rural areas

2024-04-26 09:45 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
 Focus on the Central Rural Work Conference
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Effectively promote the overall revitalization of rural areas

09:45, April 26, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

To promote Chinese style modernization, we must unswervingly consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. The Central Economic Work Conference made arrangements for learning and applying the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to effectively promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. We should thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, focus on the theme of promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, take the learning and application of the experience of the "10 million project" as the guide, implement the "two guarantees, three improvements, and two enhancements" item by item, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas to constantly make new progress and new results.

Highlight the top priority

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "ensuring the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products is always the top priority in building an agricultural power". If there is no agriculture, there will be instability; if there is no grain, there will be chaos. Food security is "the biggest of the country". We should focus on ensuring grain production and supply, and ensure that grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kg. Further strengthen policies and measures in terms of prices, subsidies, insurance, etc., increase support for major grain producing counties, improve the interest compensation mechanism for major grain producing areas, protect and mobilize the enthusiasm of major grain producing counties and grain farmers, and stabilize the existing cultivated land area. We will implement the project to increase grain yield per unit area, accelerate the seed industry revitalization and tackle key agricultural core technologies, strengthen the collection, protection, development and utilization of germplasm resources, improve the standards and quality of high standard farmland construction, standardize and orderly promote rural land circulation, and improve the standardization and intensification of agricultural production. We should establish the concept of "big agriculture" and "big food", ensure the stable and safe supply of other important agricultural products while ensuring food security, especially the production of soybeans and oilseeds, and the pig and "vegetable basket" project, so that the people throughout the country can have a full, rich and healthy diet. In addition to cultivated land, China has more than 4 billion mu of forest land, nearly 4 billion mu of grassland and a large number of rivers, lakes and seas. On the premise of protecting the ecological environment, expand from cultivated land resources to the whole land resources, from traditional crops and livestock resources to more abundant biological resources, ask for food from forests, grasslands, rivers, lakes and seas, and plant and animal microorganisms for heat and protein, so as to develop food sources in multiple ways. We will develop solar greenhouses, plant factories, and intensive livestock and poultry breeding, promote the construction of land-based and deep-water breeding and fishing grounds, and expand the space for agricultural production.

Grasp the top priority

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization and also the starting point of practical work". Without industrial revitalization, there would be no rural revitalization. An important experience of the "Ten Million Project" is to adhere to the industry as the basis. We should adhere to the principle of promoting agriculture through industry, quality and green development, accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system that integrates food, economy and feed, combines agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, integrates production, processing and marketing, and integrates agriculture, culture and tourism, so as to build agriculture into a modern industry. Adhere to local conditions, highlight local characteristics, focus on "local specialties", create local brands, and accelerate the transformation of characteristic resource advantages into product advantages and industrial advantages. Develop facility agriculture and organic agricultural products, and promote the branding of agricultural products. Extend and expand the agricultural industry chain, and promote the coordinated development of agricultural product production, primary processing and deep processing. We will guide agricultural product processing enterprises to focus on producing areas and parks, and plan and build agricultural product processing industrial parks in major grain and important agricultural product producing areas. Smooth rural logistics, improve the county rural logistics distribution system, optimize the construction of agricultural products cold chain logistics system, and implement the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce. Promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, expand the multiple functions of agriculture, tap the multiple values of rural areas, vigorously develop new industries and new formats such as eco-tourism, forest health care, leisure camping, develop rural catering and shopping, elderly care, information intermediary and other life services, and create a new growth point of rural economy. We will continue to support the creation of strong agricultural towns, modern agricultural industrial parks, and advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters, and support the construction of national demonstration parks for the integrated development of rural industries. We will implement the plan to empower the cultural industry to revitalize the countryside, strengthen the protection and utilization of traditional villages, do a good job in inheriting intangible cultural heritage, and implement the high-quality project of rural leisure tourism.

Focus on the central task

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should take increasing farmers' income as the central task of the work of" agriculture, countryside and farmers ", do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich, let farmers have more and more money and better lives, and draw a new picture of livable, employable and beautiful countryside". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the ratio of per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has continued to decline, and the sense of gain of farmers has continued to increase. However, in absolute terms, the income gap between urban and rural residents is still large. To promote common prosperity, the most arduous and arduous task is still in the countryside, and the gap between urban and rural areas must be gradually narrowed. We should organically combine the promotion of new urbanization with the overall revitalization of the countryside, and accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural areas within the county. We will strengthen policies to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers and enrich farmers, gradually improve the level of rural social security, and steadily increase subsidies to farmers. We will tap the income increasing potential of industrial operation, vigorously develop green and organic agricultural products, and enhance the added value of agricultural products. Support farmers to develop family business projects such as featured planting and breeding, manual workshops, and under forest economy. We will strengthen the policy guidance of industrial development in combination with agriculture and agriculture, improve the linkage mechanism between the support policies for new agricultural operators and agricultural related enterprises and the drive to increase farmers' income, and better drive farmers to participate in industrial development and share value-added gains. We will stabilize farmers' income from migrant work, improve the mechanism for cross regional information sharing and organized labor export, and foster and expand labor brands. Strengthen the vocational skills training of migrant workers, and promote the order, orientation and fixed position training mode. We will do a good job in supporting the employment of older migrant workers, and actively promote work for relief in key projects and agricultural and rural infrastructure construction. We will encourage the use of rural resources and assets through leasing, cooperative development, and shareholding management, and increase farmers' property income through multiple channels.

Safeguarding people's wellbeing

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation is the bottom line task of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization". Preventing large-scale poverty reduction is a major economic task as well as a major political task. We must continue to work hard, and we must not relax in our thinking and work. We should improve the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty return, and press down on the responsibility of preventing poverty return. We will use big data early warning and other means to improve the timeliness of monitoring and the accuracy of assistance, firmly hold the bottom line that there will be no large-scale poverty return, and resolutely prevent the whole village and township from returning to poverty. Accelerate the interconnection of poverty prevention monitoring and low-income population dynamic monitoring information platforms, strengthen cross sectoral information integration and sharing, and avoid duplication of construction and information islands. We will strengthen industrial and employment assistance, more efforts will be made to strengthen the endogenous development momentum of the areas and people out of poverty, take increasing the income of the people out of poverty as the fundamental requirement, think more ways to accelerate the development of the areas out of poverty, and promote various resources and assistance measures to promote industrial development and expand employment focus. Pay attention to stimulating the morale of the people out of poverty who rely on their own strength to develop, so that those who become rich through hard work can be encouraged, and prevent "supporting lazy people". Strengthen the performance management of industrial assistance fund projects, promote the improvement of industrial quality and efficiency, and sustainable development, so as to provide stable industrial support for the poverty alleviation population remaining in the local area. Stabilize the employment scale of poverty alleviation labor force, promote the campaign to prevent poverty alleviation and employment, and provide stable jobs for the labor capable poverty alleviation population. Further optimize the assistance policies, further implement preferential support policies in finance, finance, land, talents, counterpart assistance and other areas such as key counties for rural revitalization and centralized resettlement areas for relocation, focus on improving development conditions, enhance development capacity, and help them achieve more income growth and wealth through their own efforts. Make up for the weakness of rural social welfare, and strengthen the care and care for rural elderly, children, "three left behind" people and other special and difficult groups. Actively promote the convergence and integration of the poverty prevention and assistance policies and the normalization and assistance policies for low-income rural population, include all eligible objects into the normalization and assistance, and study and establish the normalization and assistance mechanism for underdeveloped areas. The poverty-stricken population that should be supported by policies should be gradually separated from the population that is able to stably lift out of poverty through normal assistance, and classified management should be implemented. (Author: Ding Maozhan, Special Researcher of Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era Source: Economic Daily)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)