Firmly establish and practically practice the concept of macro agriculture

2024-04-26 09:45 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Firmly establish and practically practice the concept of macro agriculture

09:45, April 26, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should set up the concept of big agriculture and big food, develop agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery simultaneously, and build a diversified food supply system". The concept of macro agriculture has rich connotation and scientific thinking. It is of great significance to firmly establish and practically practice the concept of macro agriculture for ensuring national food security, promoting the overall revitalization of rural areas, and accelerating the construction of a powerful agricultural country in the new era.

Understanding the rich connotation of the grand agricultural concept

The macro agricultural concept has a "macro concept" and a "macro vision", which aims to break down various barriers in agricultural development and put an overall approach into all aspects of agricultural development.

Make overall plans for many essential resources needed for agricultural development. The grand agricultural view emphasizes optimizing the spatial distribution of agricultural resources and realizing the rational allocation of agricultural elements. Through the development of appropriate scale operation, we will transform the decentralized agricultural management model of one family, and solve the problem of decentralized agricultural resources. Continuously broaden the boundary of agricultural resources, ask for heat and protein from plants, animals and microorganisms, and develop and utilize multiple resources.

Make overall plans for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fisheries. Small agriculture generally focuses on a single field and considers planting, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery separately. The grand agricultural view emphasizes to go beyond a single field and accelerate the construction of a diversified food supply system that integrates food, economy and feed, combines agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and combines plants, animals and microorganisms.

Make overall plans for the development of agriculture and non-agricultural industries. The grand agricultural view emphasizes the mutual integration and common development between agriculture and non-agricultural industries. By promoting the extension and expansion of the agricultural industry chain, we will continue to improve the agricultural added value. Through financial development, we will give better play to agricultural advantages, provide sufficient raw materials and broad markets for other related industries, and achieve coordinated development and mutual empowerment of all industries.

Comprehensively consider the different functions of agriculture. Agriculture is not only an important part of the national economy, but also has unique political, cultural, social, ecological and security functions. The concept of macro agriculture emphasizes that the multiple functions of agriculture should be coordinated to the maximum extent, and different functions should be coordinated and promoted each other.

Make overall plans for long-term development and short-term interests. The grand agricultural view not only attaches importance to the current agricultural production situation, but also emphasizes the enhancement of development potential. It requires building a green circular ecological agriculture from the perspective of being responsible for future generations, taking a good ecological environment as the greatest advantage and valuable wealth of rural areas, strictly preventing and controlling agricultural non-point source pollution, saving agricultural resources, and actively promoting agricultural pollution control.

Make overall plans for agricultural production in different regions. China has a vast territory, with various natural conditions and different agricultural resources. The concept of macro agriculture emphasizes the construction of a scientific, moderate and orderly agricultural spatial distribution system and the standardization of the spatial order of agricultural development. All regions are required to stand on the overall and strategic height to develop agriculture, give full play to their comparative advantages, adapt measures to local conditions, grow when it is appropriate to plant, raise when it is appropriate to raise, and grow when it is appropriate to forest, and develop and strengthen characteristic industries.

Grasping the Scientific Thinking of the Great Agricultural View

In recent years, the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment have increased, the imbalance and inadequacy of domestic development are still prominent, and there are still many problems and challenges facing agricultural and rural development. In terms of the external environment, the world's unprecedented change in a century has accelerated its evolution, local conflicts and turbulence have occurred frequently, and the security and stability of the global food supply chain are facing challenges. In addition, global warming has exacerbated the instability of the climate system, resulting in frequent extreme weather and climate events, while agriculture is sensitive to climate change, which has adversely affected food security and sustainable agricultural development. From the domestic situation, the basic national condition of our country is that there are more people and less land. At present, the per capita cultivated area in China is only 1.36 mu, less than 40% of the world average. At the same time, the family operation dominated by small farmers is still the main form of agricultural operation in China. Small farmers' production scale is small and scattered, and the degree of organization is low. It is difficult to effectively expand the whole industrial chain of processing, storage and transportation, sales, brand, experience, consumption, service, etc., and to form a modern agricultural production system.

In the face of complex international and domestic situations, we have made an important strategic deployment to establish the concept of "big agriculture" and "big food", which has provided guidance and direction for coping with various risks and challenges and accelerating the construction of a powerful agricultural country. The concept of macro agriculture is a new concept of agricultural development, which contains scientific thinking.

The concept of macro agriculture contains dialectical thinking. The relationship between industry and agriculture and the relationship between urban and rural areas are major issues that must be handled well in the process of Chinese style modernization. The concept of macro agriculture emphasizes the interconnection and mutual influence between agriculture and non-agricultural industries. It aims to build a large industrial pattern of integrated development, realize the integration of upstream and downstream agricultural industrial chains, and promote the formation of a new type of industrial agricultural urban-rural relationship featuring mutual promotion of industry and agriculture, urban and rural complementarity, coordinated development, and common prosperity.

The concept of macro agriculture contains systematic thinking. The grand agricultural view requires viewing agriculture from the whole and overall situation, taking agriculture as a system, and comprehensively understanding agriculture from the interaction between system and elements, elements and elements, system and environment. The grand agricultural view emphasizes the coordinated development of the whole agricultural industry chain, including agricultural production departments such as planting, animal husbandry, fishery and forestry, as well as agricultural product processing, circulation, sales and services. It is required to change the agricultural development situation of the former "headache doctor" and "foot pain doctor", and manage a stall respectively, so as to ensure the coordinated development of all categories and links. The grand agricultural view attaches importance to exploring the multiple functions of agriculture, emphasizing that agriculture not only has economic benefits, but also has ecological benefits, cultural benefits and social benefits. It requires to constantly expand the multiple functions of agriculture, promote the solid and stable function of food security, accelerate the transformation of ecological conservation function, expand the high-end function of leisure experience, and extend the function of cultural inheritance.

The grand agricultural view contains strategic thinking. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and a strong agriculture can make a strong country. Without a strong agricultural country, there will be no whole modern power; without agricultural and rural modernization, socialist modernization is not comprehensive." The grand agricultural concept requires that agricultural development be viewed from the perspective of promoting Chinese style modernization. We should expand food sources, enrich food varieties, create a three-dimensional and comprehensive modern agricultural production system, and ensure national food security. We should accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of agriculture, promote the formation of an ecological pattern conducive to sustainable development, match agricultural development with the carrying capacity of environmental resources, coordinate agricultural development with the production and living ecology, and achieve win-win ecological and economic benefits. We should build a modern agricultural management system, constantly increase farmers' income, create a beautiful and livable rural environment, and promote the common prosperity of all people.

Practising the concept of macro agriculture

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing in depth. Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies are developing rapidly. Traditional agriculture is accelerating its transformation to digital and intelligent. We should seize the opportunity, practice the concept of big agriculture, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and help build an agricultural power.

First, continuously expand the agricultural production boundary and establish a modern agricultural mass production system. Compared with the world's agricultural powers, China's agricultural labor productivity level is relatively low, and its agricultural science and technology research and development capacity is relatively weak. We should speed up the in-depth application of advanced equipment and agricultural production technology, improve the level of improved varieties, mechanization, science and technology, informatization, and standardization of agriculture, and change the mode of input of agricultural elements. Actively promote the construction of facility agriculture, broaden the boundaries of agricultural development, and ask for food from facility agriculture. Improve the informatization and intelligence level of agricultural production, and actively promote the construction of smart agriculture. Improve the utilization rate of agricultural resources, land output rate and labor productivity, enhance the comprehensive production capacity and anti risk ability of agriculture, and fundamentally change the situation of "relying on the weather to feed" in agricultural development.

Second, actively extend and expand the agricultural industry chain and establish a modern agricultural big industry system. China's agricultural industry chain and value chain are still at the low end. We need to accelerate the upgrading of the modernization level, build the whole industry chain, and expand the space for agricultural value-added and efficiency. Accelerate the extension of agriculture from planting and breeding to the secondary and tertiary industries such as agricultural product processing and circulation, carry out intensive processing of agricultural products, guide the extension of warehousing and logistics and facilities leasing to the countryside, and realize the integrated development of agricultural production, processing and circulation. Promote the deep integration of 5G, Beidou satellite navigation, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies with agricultural production and operation, improve the digital level of agricultural production, processing, circulation, sales and other links, and focus on cultivating new technologies, new business forms and new models of digital agriculture.

Third, accelerate the training of agricultural scientific and technological innovation talents to provide talent support for the development of large-scale agriculture. Man is the most active and decisive factor in productivity. At present, the construction of the agricultural talent team in China is still relatively weak, and we must pay attention to the cultivation of agricultural talents, especially agricultural science and technology talents and management and service talents that meet the requirements of the macro agricultural concept. On the one hand, we should do a good job in building the talent team of agricultural colleges and universities, cultivating high-quality farmers, and forming a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative workers. On the other hand, we should innovate the system and mechanism of rural talent work, constantly optimize the rural talent environment, effectively improve the attractiveness of rural areas to all kinds of talents, and encourage more talents to do their best in the vast rural world. (The authors are all Li Jun and Xin Xian, researchers of the National Institute of Agricultural and Rural Development, China Agricultural University Source: Economic Daily)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)