It's just the right time to trade in old agricultural machinery

2024-04-24 09:12 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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It's just the right time to trade in old agricultural machinery

09:12, April 24, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

At the time of orderly development of spring ploughing, the agricultural machinery market ushered in a favorable situation. The Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Swapping for New recently issued by the State Council clearly proposes to support the renewal of old agricultural machinery. The implementation of this policy will promote the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural machinery industry, accelerate the structural adjustment of the agricultural machinery market, promote the recycling of resources, and bring new development opportunities for the agricultural machinery market and industry.

China is the world's largest manufacturer and consumer of agricultural machinery, and has a trillion yuan level of agricultural machinery, including power, tillage, sowing, plant protection, harvesting, straw treatment and drying, which provides abundant supply for large-scale agricultural machinery equipment updates. The market survey report recently released by the China Association of Agricultural Machinery Circulation shows that the value of agricultural machinery updated every year in China is up to about 300 billion yuan. However, from the start of the market in the first quarter of this year, the demand for agricultural machinery is relatively low, and the momentum of the agricultural machinery market is insufficient, which may lead to subsequent weakness. At the same time, it is common for old agricultural machinery to extend its "service with diseases", which is mainly manifested in aging components, outdated technology, large potential safety hazards, high diesel consumption and increased pollutant emissions. In addition, the low degree of industrial standardization, the imperfect financial service system and agricultural machinery after-sales service system, and the relatively lagging agricultural machinery recovery and management system also hinder the healthy development of the agricultural machinery market to a certain extent. In this sense, the introduction of the Action Plan is just in time. Next, we need to take multi-dimensional and accurate measures to address specific problems, activate more agricultural machinery consumption demand, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural machinery industry and the structural adjustment of the agricultural machinery market.

We will strengthen the guidance of standards, make solid progress, and improve in an orderly manner. Improve relevant standards, scientifically and clearly stipulate the deadline for the elimination of old agricultural machinery and environmental protection standards, eliminate potential safety hazards and reduce environmental pressure. On the basis of solidly promoting the trade in of old agricultural machinery for new agricultural machinery, we should take into account the affordability of enterprises and consumer acceptance, orderly promote the promotion and application of high-end, intelligent and green agricultural machinery, and boost the structural adjustment of agricultural machinery and green agricultural development.

We will increase policy support for finance, taxation, finance, and investment, and work hard on policy mix. We will improve policies such as subsidies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, subsidies for the scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, guide the exchange of old agricultural machinery and equipment for new ones, and reduce the funding threshold for the renewal of agricultural machinery and equipment. Improve the relevant financial service system, create a diversified and customized financial service platform, and better meet the diversified needs of various agricultural business entities. Adhere to market orientation and government guidance, and increase investment in agricultural machinery trade in.

Strengthen technical support and improve after-sales service system of agricultural machinery. This is conducive to eliminating consumer concerns, stimulating the enthusiasm of agricultural machinery users to actively eliminate old agricultural machinery and replace new agricultural machinery, as well as removing potential safety hazards, ensuring that agricultural machinery is in good operating condition, and providing technical support for agricultural production modernization.

Strengthen resource recycling, standardize and improve agricultural machinery recycling. Illegal refitting and assembling, tampering with the brand year, concealing hidden quality problems, shoddy products and inadequate after-sales service guarantee in the second-hand agricultural machinery market are strictly prohibited. Clarify and improve the standards of second-hand agricultural machinery trading, remanufacturing, after-sales service, etc., and encourage manufacturers and sellers to take advantage of professional technology to actively participate in the recovery of old agricultural machinery parts or the repair of complete machines and put them back on the market in accordance with laws and regulations. Second hand agricultural machinery can be considered to be included in the subsidy policy, so that the rebuilt agricultural machinery can also enjoy the purchase subsidy policy. The circulation channels of second-hand agricultural machinery should be unblocked. Local government departments should provide certain policy support in terms of site, finance and services for the construction of second-hand agricultural machinery markets, encourage the re circulation of agricultural machinery, and guide the exchange of old for new. (Author: Zhang Lingling, Li Yuting Source: Economic Daily)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)