Strictly prevent farmers from being harmed by planting with characteristics

2024-04-24 09:13 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Strictly prevent farmers from being harmed by planting with characteristics

09:13, April 24, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

In recent years, the tricks of farmers in rural areas have been constantly renovated, which needs to be highly valued by all parties. The national law does not allow the pit farmers to harm farmers. We must find and investigate one illegal act of pit farmers, further improve the complaint channels, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

In recent years, morchella has been planted on a large scale in some rural areas as an important way for farmers to increase their income and become rich. Some bad businesses smell out "business opportunities" from them, lure farmers to buy inferior strains and technologies at a high price, and even encourage growers to take loans, resulting in heavy losses of farmers' interests and adverse social impact.

Due to the high market price, morchella industry is rapidly growing in many places. In fact, Morchella has certain requirements for light, temperature and humidity. High profits also mean high risks. Farmers everywhere should consider comprehensively and plant rationally in combination with reality. In order to make profits, bad businesses deliberately conceal risks, amplify planting income and mislead many farmers. There are also some bad businesses who sell bacteria at high prices and then run away, which has constituted a crime of fraud.

Not only morchella, but also the scams of farmers in rural areas in recent years have been constantly renovated, which needs to be highly valued by all parties. "Featured planting costs a lot", "Whole process guidance package teaching package meeting", "No risk in product recycling"... The marketing rhetoric of merchants is highly provocative, and most farmers do not know the truth. Under the hype of businessmen, some farmers are involved because of their poor discrimination.

The order farming model is popular in many regions. This model has solved the problem of agricultural product marketing and is widely welcomed by farmers. According to the feedback from many places, there are also outlaws who cheat growers into signing contracts by borrowing the order farming model, requiring farmers to use the high priced seeds, fertilizers and pesticides they provide. By the time the agricultural products were listed, the lawbreakers had already fled. The problems of contract non-standard, false marketing, low performance rate and so on in order farming are common in many regions. In addition, some illegal organizations, under the banner of green transformation of agriculture, distort the rural revitalization policy, raise funds from farmers by various means, and promise to pay principal and interest and high returns, which is actually illegal fund-raising; Some gangs, under the pretext of "rural revitalization with distinctive planting", are suspected of pyramid selling, online fraud and other illegal acts, resulting in economic losses to farmers.

Due to the limited awareness and ability of farmers to protect their rights, they are often helpless in the face of all kinds of tricks from bad businesses, and can only admit bad luck after being cheated. The national law does not allow the pit farmers to harm the farmers. The relevant departments should pay attention to the illegal acts of pit farmers, and must find and investigate one, further improve the complaint channels, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

To revitalize the countryside, science popularization should go first. It should be noted that the current science popularization resources in China are unbalanced, the science popularization resources in rural areas are relatively scarce, and there are still weak links in science popularization work. Relevant regions should build information exchange platforms as soon as possible, establish a feedback mechanism for farmers' needs, understand farmers' needs through regular visits, online Q&A and other forms, and strengthen science popularization so as not to give opportunities to criminals. (Author: Guo Cunju Source: Economic Daily)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)