How to Make the Village based Work Team Play a Better Role in Rural Revitalization -- Enlightenment from the investigation and visit of Yunnan village based cadres

2024-04-23 09:26 Source: Farmers Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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How to Make the Village based Work Team Play a Better Role in Rural Revitalization -- Enlightenment from the investigation and visit of Yunnan village based cadres

09:26, April 23, 2024     Source: Farmers Daily     Li Fei, Gao Jinliang, Wang Shuai, reporter of Farmer Daily and China Rural Network

In May 2023, the first secretary and team members of Yunnan Province who have been stationed in the village for two years will undergo centralized rotation as required. A new batch of 8791 teams will go to the forefront of rural revitalization. This is the second batch of village work teams sent by Yunnan in accordance with the requirements of the central government "to continuously select the first village secretary and work team to key villages" after winning the battle against poverty. At about the same time, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces with a heavy task of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation also completed rotation adjustment. Now, these team members have been stationed in the village for nearly a year.

If we can say that the first batch of rural revitalization teams in the village, which will enter the transition period in 2021 after winning the battle against poverty, are mainly responsible for keeping the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale, devoting considerable energy to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic in rural areas, and winning the "first battle in the transition period", then the mission of the second batch of teams is to devote themselves wholeheartedly to rural revitalization, We will fight well to end the transition period.

Historically, this is the continuation of the Party's tradition of rural work and the lifeline of the "mass line" on the new journey -- since Comrade Mao Zedong proposed that the people's army should undertake the task of mass work as a task force in 1927, the Party has been facing different situations and tasks in different periods of revolution, construction, reform, and the new era, The work teams assigned to rural areas with different work contents, especially when promoting major rural reform and solving prominent practical problems, pay more attention to the role of village teams. This tradition continues to this day, reflecting the position of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" as the "top priority" of the whole party's work and the policy of giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas. Focusing on the current and future period, it is also an inevitable move to promote the party building and rural revitalization to make the rural revitalization team play a better role.

A few days ago, the reporter visited village cadres, county and village cadres and farmers in Yunnan, and got some enlightenment that will help to further improve the work in the village.

Enlightenment 1: "Pai" should be precise, and village cadres suggest changing "side dishes" of provinces, cities and counties to "ordering" of key villages

A good team is the basis for winning a battle. When selecting a new batch of work teams in rotation, Yunnan, in addition to continuing to adhere to the principle of "selecting the best among the best and selecting the strong among the best", also proposed the principle of "increasing provinces and cities without decreasing, and reducing counties without increasing" on the basis of full research. For rural revitalization, the county is the main battlefield, and the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers itself is a very important work content for cadres at the county and township levels. The reduction of the county level and the increase of the province and city are actually the dual strengthening of the force stationed in the village on the premise that the number of people selected remains unchanged. "This selection principle not only integrates the work force of all parties at all levels, but also reduces the selection pressure at the county level," said Xu Bo, head of the Second Organization Division of the Organization Department of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee.

Different from the period of poverty alleviation, the goal of rural revitalization work in the village is more macroscopic, the tasks are more diversified, and the time limit is broader. The reporter saw that a special clause was added to the selection scope of this round in Yunnan: "All regions can select and send the first secretary or task force in the village to villages with heavy tasks and key projects according to the actual situation". The underlying logic is very clear, that is, to link and promote rural revitalization on the basis of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation. The work in the village should not only help the weak, but also help the strong. It is reasonable to "send a way" to the villages that are not able at the moment, and "push" the villages that are climbing the slope and crossing the ridge on the road to revitalization.

When the reporter visited Yunnan, the county and village cadres at the third level generally reported that the village cadres were assigned more "precisely" and the scope of assignment was selected more "accurately" in this round of rotation. However, some village cadres talked about some specific problems faced by the development of the village, such as the upgrading of planting and breeding technology, village construction planning, etc., and the village cadres could not be effectively solved due to "mismatch". The reporter believes that in the next round of assignment, the scope of assignment can be further defined, and the "side dishes" of provinces, cities and counties can be changed to the "ordering" of key villages. The village needs can be put forward from the bottom up, and people can be assigned according to needs under the overall planning of provinces and cities to carry out the "precision" to the end.

Revelation 2: "Building" is more scientific. Township leaders build "three bridges" to break the "middle obstruction"

The key to turning elite soldiers into a team capable of winning battles is to "build": scientifically optimize the combination and let "the right people" do "what they are good at". According to the actual situation of each village, Yunnan organizes the village cadres into teams in accordance with the principle of "determining the village first, then determining the person", especially the innovative appointment of "township team leader", which not only carries out work in the village, but also coordinates the assistance of the whole township in the village, and participates in planning and promoting economic and social development.

Previously, there was a problem of "alienation" in many places in the village work. The specific work of the county and township in rural revitalization and the village work team lacked a link, which could not resonate with each other at the same frequency. Although they thought about the same thing, they did not work together. At the time of this round of appointment, Yunnan appointed 1269 township leaders for a term of one year in accordance with the principle of "one leader shall be set up in the township (street) where there are more than three village first secretaries and team members". "I understand that the primary responsibility of the team leader is to build 'three bridges': between the township party committee and the cadres stationed in the village, between the township party committee and the dispatched unit, and between the cadres stationed in the village and the cadres stationed in the village." Chen Gencan, the team leader of Tianpeng Town, Funing County, Wenshan Prefecture, has been serving as the team leader of the township for nearly a year. In addition to doing a good job in the village work of Xiazhai Village, Tianpeng Town, he also needs to "connect the past with the future and look around" ——To some extent, this work is more important.

Another problem that needs to be considered in the rotation team is how to keep the line. The work handover of the new and old team members is not only a matter for the team members in the village, but also a horizontal consideration of the acceptance of the town and village cadres and farmers. When the reporter visited the village, some villagers still "mistakenly" called the current village secretary as the previous secretary, which reflects that there is also a "rotation" problem in the understanding and emotion of the farmers. In order to make the handover more "smooth" in an all-round way, Huize County, Qujing City has implemented the "Five Ones" model for new and old team members, that is, to develop a handover list, to see the village scenery once, to visit the insured households once, to hold a special meeting, and to organize a business training. The reporter learned that the "Five Ones" has really played a role in promoting the "integration" of new and old team members, Let the cadres and the masses play a positive role in making new village cadres feel like old friends at first sight.

Revelation 3: "Use" in practice, and the list of "five responsibilities and tasks" enables village cadres to have a clear target

Clarifying what to do in the village is the first step to make good use of the force in the village. The rural revitalization team selected in this round is facing the five major revitalization tasks in all aspects. It is inevitable that some cadres in the village feel at a loss, or are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and do not know where to use them. They always feel that they are lack of use.

In order to implement the work responsibilities in the village, Yunnan printed and distributed the list of "five responsibilities and tasks" while rotating and appointing this group of cadres in the village, and refined the work tasks in the village from five aspects: strengthening the village party organization, doing well in policy publicity, focusing on monitoring and assistance, helping farmers increase income, and promoting rural construction and governance. The cadres in the village first compared the list of responsibilities and tasks, and then examined the actual situation of the village, You can quickly find out what to do. At the same time, the list of "five responsibilities and tasks" has a certain breadth. "It can not only make us clear the direction of work, but also not be tired of dealing with the tasks on the list, and can put more energy into doing practical things for the masses." Hu Xianhao, the first secretary (team leader) of Tianbao Village, Tianbao Town, Malipo County, Wenshan Prefecture, is accustomed to wearing camouflage clothes, He was called the "camouflage secretary" by the villagers. He told reporters that after being stationed in the village, the team visited and collected 47 suggestions and appeals from the masses, formulated an annual list of key tasks, identified 15 specific things to be done in the year, and then refined and established a list of "one thing to do well every week" to promote implementation that week, So we have a clear idea of what we need to do every day.

After clarifying the general direction of "what to do", Yunnan also set up a rural revitalization lecture hall and organized a challenge arena. The former is committed to improving the weak points of ability. Through provincial departments' policies, experts and scholars' teaching methods, and grassroots representatives' experience, village cadres have ideas, tasks, and tricks in their minds. The latter focuses on stimulating endogenous power, and through peer competition To create a good atmosphere of working in the village to catch up with others and strive for excellence.

Inspiration 4: "management" should be optimized, from requiring village cadres to "be on duty" to "be online"

One of the basic principles of managing cadres stationed in villages is to strictly control and love. In Yunnan, one of the apps for village cadres is "Yunling Pioneer". One of the functions of this app with comprehensive functions is that village cadres "sign in" at the village. "The organization department of the prefecture party committee clearly requires us to strictly implement the requirement of 'must eat and live in the village' and stay in the village for no less than 20 days every month." Chen Min, a cadre in Liancheng Village, Santang Township, Luxi County, Honghe Prefecture, did not simply regard the time limit in the village as a requirement, but as the only way to truly integrate into Liancheng Village. He wrote in his diary about staying in the village that he had been living with the villagers day and night for almost a year, "writing a poem about the life in the village and singing a song about the time in the village".

In addition to attendance management, strict management measures for village cadres also include regular work meetings, daily supervision, disciplinary talks and "recall" system. In terms of kindness, 7 departments including the Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee jointly issued 9 measures, and also formulated 7 measures to further encourage village cadres to take on the role in rural revitalization, to continue to strengthen the care and support for village cadres, including treatment guarantee, health care, pension assistance, safety education, humanistic care, priority evaluation, fault tolerance and error correction mechanism, etc.

In the reporter's interview, most of the village cadres recognized the strict management measures of the organization department, and felt particularly warm towards the generous act. However, a few of the village cadres in key villages reported that there are key industrial projects in the village, and they need to return to the original unit frequently to fight for resources, or go on business trips to find experts and explore the market, so they have greater job flexibility. In this regard, the village cadres suggested to further optimize the management, from requiring the village cadres to be "on the job", to requiring "online status" and "on the job", and to assess the achievements of the village work with the actual achievements of rural revitalization.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)