[First line experience of spring ploughing] Land trusteeship opens the door to income increase

2024-04-23 09:15 Source: Economic Daily
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[First line experience of spring ploughing] Land trusteeship opens the door to income increase

09:15, April 23, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

At present, it is in the jointing stage of wheat. Walking into Lujia Village, Puji Town, Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province, the wheat field is like a green sea. Lu Bingzhanzheng, head of Qingdao Dazhi Dahao Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative, taught villagers how to use irrigation machines.

The agricultural machinery professional cooperative where Lu Bingzhan is located is specialized in agricultural trusteeship services, with 234 large-scale agricultural machines and tools, 132 members, and an annual operating area of 400000 mu. Lu Bingzhan introduced that unlike in the past, the whole process of watering wheat with green water is mechanized, which is both efficient and water saving.

Not far from the working point of the large irrigation machine, a small wheat field looks a little different. Lu Bingzhan introduced that it was the cooperative's field drip irrigation experimental field, which was irrigated regularly, quantitatively and accurately by laying drip irrigation equipment. Irrigation of 200 mu of land can be completed only by one person opening the valve. The staff records the irrigation situation every day, calculates the cost of different irrigation methods, and provides data support for improving production efficiency.

At present, Qingdao Dazhi Dahao Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative has nearly 5000 mu of land under management, including 700 mu of transferred land and 4255 mu of entrusted land. Through the integrated scientific management from farming to harvesting, the wheat yield per mu has increased by 60 jin.

In addition to land transfer and cooperative trusteeship land, Jiaozhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has taken the lead in setting up an expert team composed of scientific research experts, agricultural technology extension personnel and local experts to explain agricultural policies and teach agricultural technology to farmers on a regular basis. Liu Jinshang, a villager in Daheliu Village, Licha Town, said that with the guidance of experts, it would be possible to better achieve the goal of "ensuring income through drought and waterlogging".

Since the work of spring ploughing and spring management was carried out, Jiaozhou has sowed 420000 mu of wheat in total. The wheat field population structure is reasonable, with Class I and II seedlings accounting for 90%. The foundation for summer grain harvest is solid. Li Mingxi, Director of Jiaozhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that Jiaozhou's agricultural and rural departments will continue to strengthen technical support and services for spring plowing, laying a solid foundation for achieving the annual agricultural production goals. (Economic Daily/Liu Cheng)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)